Blue devotion splashing green for collective company.
More description, card breakdown to come.
The main idea with this deck is to quickly generate a large enough board presence that your opponent can no longer attack profitably. Once you "gain control" of the situation you can typically put the opponent on a 2 or 3 turn clock through making creatures unblockable with thassa and assorted creatures with evasion. This being against creature based strategies. Against control decks you pretty much have to beat them down before they start casting bigger spells and board wipes. Not the most reassuring strategy but it works more often than not.
Creatures:Hypnotic siren- since we are a blue devotion deck might as well star with some blue symbols on the board. 1/1 flier for 1 and its bestow is very relevant late game as well.
Gudul Lurker- More often than not I find myself casting this one face down essentially bluffing that its a stratus dancer. It really messes with them, especially when you don't counter spells they are expecting you to in order to get the dancer out of the way for bigger spells.
Frost Walker- A 4/1 for 2 is a good rate despite having to sack it when its targeted. It almost always trades up when blocking. Its best on the play against control type decks that want to play another scry land on their second turn.
Stratus Dancer- This 2/1 flyer can be good early game if you want to get started chipping away your opponents life total. The real value is once you have 5 mana up you can cast it face down and as long as you keep 2 mana up from then on you can counter any instant or sorcery they try to throw at you.
Kiora's follower- This guy allows you to cast company on turn 3 but hes more than just a dork! He can untap your bigger creatures for blocking if they are foolish enough to attack while he is untapped or if you force them to attack with bident.. He can also tap nykthos for more mana than you would ever need with this deck.