This is my attempt at a Blue Devotion deck in the new Standard, except I have added a few cards which allows the deck to combo off and just win on the spot if I can get the pieces together.
For the combo to work, we need to have Elusive Spellfist
Zephyr Scribe
on the table, and then play Retraction Helix targetting the Scribe, along with any 0 mana artifact that we can bounce. I'm running Spidersilk Net, but Bribers Purse and Astral Cornucopia work as well. Once we have this set up, the Scribe will untap every time we play the artifact, so it's ready to bounce again, and the Elusive Spellfist will get pumped. It works very similarly to the Jeskai Ascendancy combo, but only uses 1 colour so I imagine I will be a little more consistent.
The rest of the deck is playing on a Blue Devotion theme, and post sideboard, the combo can be completely boarded out in order to allow the deck to put on more pressure with creatures.
Thassa, Anticipate and Dig Through Time help dig for either combo pieces or large creatures to close out the game.
The big thing I'm unsure about with this deck is whether the combo is too fragile, and if so, what would be some good ways to protect it? I feel the deck could use some more counterspells but I'm unsure what I would cut to make the change. I'm also on the fence about Icefall Regent vs. Torrent Elemental as my curve topper post board. I feel Regent is a super solid creature that is hard to deal with, but the Elemental would help me push through a lot more damage.