Working on a deck! Built it out of the cards I own so there's plenty of changes to be made to improve on it. I guess it can safely be called Blue-Green Aggro with some Combo elements in it.
This deck focuses on the synergy between various cards which deal with giving and receiving +1/+1 counters, cards that deal with triggering card drawing and being triggered by card drawing, mostly through the 'when creatures deal combat damage to the opponent' trigger, and plenty of flying+unblockable abilities ensure this will happen.
The general idea is that every time a card is played, you get extra juice out of it. For example, with Heroic creatures, any affects targeting them give extra perks, and whenever a creature gets through to deal combat damage, ideally with a whole bunch of +1/+1 counters on them to make it hurt, card draw and life gain will be also be triggered via Bident of Thassa and Horizon Chimera, among other cards. A few one-drop Evolve creatures are in there to make up for most creatures being 3+ to cast, but generally the mana cost for most of the cards hovers around a very manageable 2-4 (maxing out at 5) and plenty of card draw and Scrying allows me to both get a steady flow of lands and get the best use out of them.
Thassa is in there to provide steady Scrying and granting unblockability early on in the game, and to become a threat as soon as the board fills with enough blue devotion.
Mistcuter Hydra, Biomass Mutation, Curse of the Swine, and Nimbus Swimmer have potential for late-game nastiness with their flexible X-costs, although Kalonian Hydra would be much more useful, since it would double +1/+1 counters every turn which, ideally, all creatures will be up to their nipples in already.
Simic Charm, Fog, Triton Tactics, and Dissolve are in there for a little protection, and Mystic Genesis could turn a nasty situation into an advantageous one, although the card is fairly situational and could be better replaced by any good rare, or a handy Planeswalker (or that Kalonian Hydra!) I am also considering taking out some of my protection to replace it with Annul and Naturlize, since that's a wise thing to do in such an enchantment-heavy format. If anything, I will definitely have them in my sideboard.
The rest of the deck is comprised of various enchantments and other spells to both buff up the creatures and take advantage of their high numbers of +1/+1 counters, including gaining life to offset any damage taken through a slow setup from poor draws. I wanted to put in a bunch of Cipher spells at first, but decided that their high casting costs were not worth it since I had plenty of other ways to achieve their affects already.