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Blue Lock Down (Pauper)

Pauper Control Mono-Blue



Okay one of my favorite formats is Pauper why i do not know but I think it has to do with finally being able to play with all those awesome cards that cost way to much. Anyway along the way i have built a few decks but none that work as well as this. even though there is a little bit of a combo its awesome fun. Just let me know what you think give some input and even some ideas to take this to next level. Just want to see what yall thought.

The way it normally plays out. Turn 1 possible Cloudfin Raptor

turn 2 Frostburn Weird or Omenspeaker which gives some dig to set up for turn three and both have a big rear end to defend.

turn 3 either lock down a creature with Paralyzing Grasp or Claustrophobia if needed or drop your draw creature Scroll Thief and Stealer of Secrets to set up for turn 4.

turn 4 start boosting your draw creature and locking down opponent creatures just depending on what you have in hand.

normally by turn 5 and 6 i have at least 2 creatures locked and one creature with Aqueous Form

Mizzium Skin is to protect your creatures with Aqueous Form

I know it is a little heavy running the 64 cards but as it sits it plays out nicely and have never ran into a mana issue due to the low cost of every thing.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 64
Avg. CMC 2.09
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