Encase in Ice is my least favorite of the sideboard cards. Mostly because green has a few mana dorks which you won't be excited about hitting. Hitting Savage Knuckleblade isn't good. Being able to lock some of their recurring creatures out of the game is nice though.
April 6, 2015 9:54 a.m.
Yep, I've considered Wall of Frost. While it is a great card, and I have no problem with it, I don't see it as a replacement for Artisan of Forms or Sage of Hours, both of which have higher synergy with the decklist. We would have to set up a slightly different list (potentially take out Ordeal of Thassa as well) if we wanted to go the more defensive Wall of Frost route.
April 6, 2015 4:43 p.m.
After looking over the R/G creature list, I can confirm kameenook's comment that a lot of creatures have abilities that can dodge Encase in Ice, mostly because they can be bounced back to hand. I'm taking it off the sideboard and maybeboarding it for now.
April 6, 2015 4:48 p.m.
The Doctor says... #6
I wouldn't.
Goblin Rabblemaster, Stormbreath Dragon, Polukranos, World Eater, Thunderbreak Regent.
These are all things that desperately need to be locked down.
April 6, 2015 5:12 p.m.
The Doctor I'll take a look at each of those creatures individually.
Goblin Rabblemaster- You've stopped the big hit, but you're still letting them make a goblin token every turn, and you'll still need a way to stop that, or win before you drown in their tokenness.
Stormbreath Dragon- Having flash is nice, which means that you can prevent it from swinging in, but beware, because the monstrous ability of this bad boy can still hit you for damage.
Polukranos, World Eater- This guy is a big beating, and I think it's important to lock him down, but that doesn't prevent his monstrous ability from eating your board alive, with him seeing primarily seeing play in devotion decks, I think this will be quite common.
Thunderbreak Regent- You're going to take 3 just to equip it with Encase in Ice, but he's going to stick around to ensure that the next dragon you try to deal with also hurts.
I think that Ashcloud Phoenix, Flamewake Phoenix, and the rare Dragonlord Atarka or Dragonlord Dromoka are better targets for Encase in Ice, so knowing this, and your meta, it might help you determine whether Encase in Ice is good for you.
P.S. I personally would prefer a Nullify in all the situations, except for Dragonlord Dromoka and Flamewake Phoenix, although the ability of Encase in Ice to take out key blockers, or anything that got through a counter package is still relevant.
April 6, 2015 6:38 p.m.
If I may chime in, I don't think this deck is trying to be a control deck. The control spells in the sideboard are included for a little utility, but if your opponent is under low enough pressure to drop stuff like Dragonlord Dromoka, the deck probably isn't doing its job right. We have most of the control we need in the Retraction Helix/Triton Tactics combo and Profaner of the Dead anyway, so I wouldn't worry too much about creature control. I could fit more control into the sideboard of the deck, but I don't think it would accomplish much. Time and playtesting will tell.
April 6, 2015 8:07 p.m.
Nullify is definately worth sideboarding. turn 2 counter is just so strong. As for the amount of reality shift I think you are good with the 3 in the sideboard. Maybe have 4 and +3 nullify and remove incase from sideboard
April 7, 2015 1:48 a.m.
Added some Nullify into the sideboard, although I don't see the point in having so much control in our SB.
Remember the goal of the deck guys: heroic/pump combos. Spells that target your own creatures will pump those creatures and/or draw you cards, which will win you the game. Any time we swap in a counter-spell, it takes away from the deck's ability to do this, and we lose our card advantage over the opponent.
I will test the deck with the sideboard as is next FNM. My hypothesis is that using my sideboard will put me at a bigger disadvantage. If I'm right, I'm reverting the sideboard and taking out Dissolve and Nullify for spells like Crypsis.
April 7, 2015 2:11 a.m.
Hi there, i'm new to magic but got a close version of this deck inspired from your deck :)What would you add/lose or do if you had no budget for this deck?
Thank you for the awesome deck too!
April 26, 2015 2:23 a.m.
BadAtHandles says... #12
Hi there! This deck is awesome, kudos. I played with the list as is tonight with some friends with expensive decks and it played admirably for a casual deck and it was more fun than anything i've played this format. I had really good games against Jeskai burn and Bant Prowess but had a really tough time against a Bant midrange deck that ramps into Dragonlord Ojutai. The final effect on Dromoka's Command gave me a lot of trouble as well but I definitely made some misplays that could have changed those games as a result of this being the first time i've used this deck, for example not using Ordeal of Thassa optimally.
I was thinking about splashing black for Agent of the Fates and Coat with Venom. Maybe even Scourgemark. Initially it looks to me like it would hinder consistency and and might not be worth it in the end but I figured that since I already have the fetches and the black stuff I should give it a try. I'll let you know how it does and thank you for sharing this!
magnetcrocodile says... #1
Hmmm. Honestly I'm not too sure what to replace, since it would change the deck's playstyle too much, from a semi blue-heroic to aggro shell. And this deck is fine as it is unique and fun to play
One of my favorites deck here, In Memory of the Welkin Tern, is a good aggro mono-blue deck(competitive, too!). You may want to take a look at it try which playstyle fits you the best.
April 6, 2015 6:01 a.m.