Blue the Breach Aka Blue the Moon Aka Blue Moon Breach
This is a deck with many names and many test versions
I've spent the last year working almost exclusively with variations of this decklist along with my team of testers (3 other people) 3 of us own this deck in paper
Originally we started with some all in combo build based on a pascal maynard deck designed to attempt to hate out the eldrazi decks featuring eye of ugin I think there's a YouTube video series where he plays it through a league
Edit: Here
Since then the deck has evolved a lot we've cut sleight of hand to play spreading seas
We cut the seas to play shadow of doubt
We cut roast for harvest pyre
Added electrolyze
Added a 3rd cryptic command
Cut our 2nd desolate lighthouse for an 8th island
And tons of other changes I'm sure I've neglected to mention
So what do we have here. Well basically what we have here is the closest thing to splinter twin we could viably pull off in modern.
We also get to do all the funnest things in modern.
We get to blow people out with main deck blood moons
Slam our opponents with 15/15 annihilator fat flying monstrositys
We've got a u/r control deck with a potentially game ending "combo" that can just snag wins on t5 if your opponent taps out or has no interaction
Also maindeck blood moon is our built in way to force our opponents to lack interaction by shutting off their answers preemptively.
The mana base in this deck is so reliable turn 3 blood moon and still having cryptic command mana on turn 4 is not only ideal it's very common. It's super helpful for punishing moderns greedy multicolor/tron/eldrazi manabases
We also get to play this really fun sideboarded games because in our main board game 1 we have exactly 4 threats that die to conventional creature removal(And terminating a snapcaster isn't exactly living the dream) a lot of game 2's your opponent will side out additional removal
Imagine the face of your jund opponent when you slam a wurmcoil engine or inferno titan after the sided out all their terminates maelstrom pulses or the jeskai player who sided out all their paths and wraths.
I can tell you from experience that it's a great feeling.
We've had some decent finishes with the deck (keep in mind we as a deck design team prioritize winnings over event invites / byes and as of so far have always agreed to renegotiate prizing and take second place with more winnings) this "value over glory" mindset has helped fund the development of this deck and our teams alt decks
We're not constantly scrubbing out in the finals we're renegotiating prizing and scooping
including 13 pptq top 8's3 of which were prize splits in the finals
3 gpt finals concessions
And a 9-1 overall record in the finals of a face to face open
*and a first place win at a face to face open deck featured in an article here.
-4 serum visions +4 opt Sideboard -2 flame slash +1 imprisoned in the moon +1 roast
I'm off serum and married to opt! Playing 0 sorcery in the main is relevant when trying to keep your opponents goyfs slightly smaller, it's also way better with snapcaster. Playing end step snap opt after holding up remand and bolt on turn 3 is very good for applying early pressure and smoothing out your land drops for turns 4 and 5
Keep in mind this change is one you have to be aware of when deciding if a hand is a keep. Opt over serum means you have less top deck manipulation. Were still playing a 23 land deck that's primary wincon is a 5 mana spellThis means you've "gotta know when to fold em" you should be mulliganing all 1 land hands except on the draw with a scry and an opt (because you've already mulliganed once)
The sideboard changes are due to a downtick in eldrazi popularity. Or rather an up tick in deaths shadow and less bant eldrazi.
Bant eldrazi running several cavern of souls was/is a nightmare. But most eldrazi tron lists are playing 1-0 cavern and also are less likely to have a turn 2 thoughtknot meaning you can rely more on bloodmoon whereas bant will take bloodmoons away with uncounterable tks
Roast is a more akward version of flame slash, but killing gurmag angler or tasigar is worth the extra mana and sorcery speed
The imprisoned in the moon is primarily as an answer to a resolved lillana of the veil while also answering fatties of the death shadow and eldrazi variety,
(Not to mention eating the few basics your opponent may have scrounged together during a bloodmoons eclipse. (The colourless land becomes a mountain too in the eldrazi matchup)
If you dont care for the imprisoned in the meme I reccommend that sideboard slot be a 3rd spell snare because it's very good against fish and burn (our worst matchups) and also relevant against scapeshift variants bgx decks and control decks.
Obviously I'm always ready to discuss card choices. And listen to any feedback or constructive criticism
Thanks for your time and I hope you enjoy the deck half as much as I've enjoyed brewing, crafting, testing, and goldfishing it with the boys.