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Blue White Aggro (WHAT!?) Yeah it's a thing.

Standard Aggro WU (Azorius)



That's right, after doing very well in limited play placing in top 4 at prerelease and winning my pod in a draft of theros I'm convinced that Blue/White aggro is a thing. It's very fast, it has card draw to refill our hand to continue to throw down and has lots of protection cards to prevent control with dealing with us. It is possible for a 7/7 lifelink to be striking the opponent in the face turn two!!! (Hopeful Eidolon + 2 Ethereal Armors) Blue/White aggro will leave your opponent confused and very very sad. JUST THE WAY WE LIKE IT!!!


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1st time playing the deck ever and it goes 3-1. It protects itself great against spot removal with god's willing and aggro can't keep up with my combat tricks and life gain. Esper control was the only deck that beat me and I had them down to 1 the first game and 5 the second. Needs a little bit more fire power and I can take even Esper down I think. Either way for the first outing I was very pleased. 26 dollars store credit at the local card shop is never bad. :P


Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 6 Rares

14 - 6 Uncommons

16 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.47
Folders UW Tempo/Aggro, Decks, Inspirations
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