Thank you for the feedback. I agree that removal is key but I don't want to add more situational cards to the deck. Where it is strong in one match up but weak in the other. Running to many of Valorous Stance can hurt while Anticipate allows me to dig deeper and get cards that will help me in certain situations or just to draw and help fuel Dig Through Time. I am thinking about adding a couple of Valorous Stance in the sideboard. I completely agree that Narset Transcendent should be in the main board. Only thing I don't like about Narset Transcendent is that it often takes 2-3 turns before it does anything that effects the board. Thats a major problem in a control deck where you should be looking for most of your 4-, 5-, and 6-mana plays to stabilize the board.
June 11, 2015 11:45 a.m.
Just pulled an Ugin, the Spirit Dragon in a random pack from Wal-Mart this morning. Needed dog food ha, anyway wanted to see what kind of deck I could start from with him, and I found this. It looks great! Definitely got most of the stuff here to start off with so I'll have a go at my next FNM and let you know how it goes.
I'll probably run more Valorous Stance because I have more removal at the moment in my collection.
June 11, 2015 4:22 p.m.
Nice pull! Thanks BoCaliv. Let me know how it goes for you. I will be playing with it tomorrow and will let you know how FNM went for me.
June 11, 2015 10:45 p.m.
Right-o Man! I just got back into magic after that South Park episode, and have tried many things since. I prefer mono-white, but Ojutai just speaks to me lol!
June 11, 2015 11:34 p.m.
RochanDragonmaster says... #6
This deck is awesome. Add one more secure the wastes for more pressure on the board since you are countering all their spells. Also have at least 2 Jace's Ingenuity for card draw. Would you mind checking out and scoring my control decks? It would be huge for upgrading my decks from your advice.
June 12, 2015 2:47 p.m.
I completely agree with you BoCaliv!! Ojutai is just an amazing card!!
Thanks RochanDragonmaster. I think adding another Secure the Wastes would actually be helpful here. The only downside is that bile blight is still a thing. I use to run Jace's Ingenuity but I have so many 5-, 6-, 8-mana drops that it was very slow. This is where Anticipate shines, doing the same thing as Jace's Ingenuity. Looking three cards deep and 8/10 I am ony looking for one card and it is much cheaper. Also, I would gladly look at your decks bro.
June 13, 2015 6:58 p.m.
RochanDragonmaster says... #8
For dragons just put 3 Ojutais and 3 Icefall Regents for Silumgar's scorn to work better.
June 14, 2015 5:47 a.m.
Actually I like that idea a lot. Having Icefall as a type of removal spell and being able to hit for 4 in the air is nice.Thanks man.
June 14, 2015 9:36 a.m.
shockwave99 says... #10
Hey great list. I've been running A very similar deck over the last few weeks. I really like it a lot. In the main I am: - 1 Elspeth, - 2 anticipate, - 1 secure the wastes; + 2 narset, + 1 end hostilities, and + 1 negate. I run 3 Arashin Cleric instead of the Ram in the board, along with 2 Ojutai Commands to bring them back and gain 7 life. In the board, I also have one extra valorous stance, as well as a pearl lake ancient and one more Vault. I have done well against all types of Abzan and G/R. Toughest matchup has been stormbreath Mardu, and mantis rider jeskai. The deck is tons of fun to play with an excellent mana base. Keep up the good work.
June 14, 2015 9:39 a.m.
RochanDragonmaster says... #11
Add one more valorous stance mainboard. Although it sucks against Jeskai, it is a very cheap removal for courser. If you let courser live it is a monster. Also it protects Ojutai from rending volley.
June 14, 2015 9:55 a.m.
RochanDragonmaster says... #12
The reason last breath is so good is because pro tour players say that if you last breath your own token you gain 4 life which is great against aggro.
June 14, 2015 9:57 a.m.
RochanDragonmaster says... #13
Also take out perilous vault. I know, I know it is good but end hostilities is better. Add one more main board because it is your only wrath spell and it will also serve as a white crux of fate.
June 14, 2015 9:58 a.m.
RochanDragonmaster says... #14
I feel like Dig Through Time (DTT) is overrated. Yah it digs for the cards you need but I stay away from it as a control player. 4 is too much and it takes a while to fuel delve so having 2 or 3 in hand is useless. I say you should put 3 suspension field or banishing light to make this whole deck to say no to your opponent's threat faster.
June 14, 2015 10:02 a.m.
RochanDragonmaster says... #15
Do not put Narset Transcendant in this deck! Unlike Ugin or Elspeth, she doesn't make an impact on the board. Yah, she helps you dig cards but she isn't great. I suggest you to put a Pearl lake ancient in the sideboard because it has flash and it is pretty big and menacing. It is so good against abzan and Mardu.
June 14, 2015 10:05 a.m.
shockwave99 says... #16
Banishing light plus Ugin or vault is a recipe for disaster and Dromokas command becomes a live card against it. Narset has won me many games on her own. Rebounding a Dig or end hostilities is basically game over. Do not cut Dig, simply because it's the most powerful card in the deck. It is the card for control and a mandatory 4 of. And the Vault is one of only two answers to resolved planeswalkers or mastery of the unseen, cards you will lose to otherwise.
June 14, 2015 10:21 a.m.
Thanks for the feedback shockwave99. I do like the Ojutai commands combo but what I like about Nyx-Fleece Ram over the Arashin Cleric is that it has a 5 butt. Allowing me to also block stuff in abzan aggro like Fleecemane lion or in temur aggro is can block a Savage Knuckleblade. While being able to gain life in the process. I see the benefit of Arashin Cleric gaining that three life on the spot helps tremendously. Maybe it is just personal preferences.
June 14, 2015 11:06 a.m.
Hey RochanDragonmaster dont forget that last breath can also deal with courser of kruphix. Perilous vault is very nice at exiling planeswalkers and nasty enchantments that have resolved. Also it deals with creature that regenerate, and/or indestructible like Gods. I never thought of Pearl Lake but I will look into it. Narset and I have a love/hate relationship. She is very powerful card but it just takes a couple turn to effect the board. If she is able to live that long. She is going to put in work. I actually like having multiple digs in my hand because I know that I am going to get tons of value.
June 14, 2015 11:18 a.m.
RochanDragonmaster says... #19
Put 3 negates for cheap Planeswalkers. In magic origins there is a 2 mana flip Jace planeswalkers.
June 14, 2015 3:12 p.m.
Wow man, look at how far your page has come so quickly. Ha just a few days ago it was just like two comments, now look at it. Its a great deck man and I played something similar like I said I would, and with more valorous stances. And it worked out! Went 2-2 which ain't bad. If you could give a look at my two decks that would be great man. Still new coming back to magic so, take that into account.
June 15, 2015 1:09 a.m.
I love this list if was good at control I would run it if I could get your feed back on my r/b minotaur I think it is really powerful an can win and fnm if I could get your feedback. I love you and please help
June 18, 2015 1:15 a.m.
Thank you to all you guys for your support and feedback!!!
June 18, 2015 12:10 p.m.
I think 4 Ojutais are way too much honestly
You have your draw spells to get him, Id go 2-3
Another card that Ive seen being played in UW control is Myth Realized as a wincon, since it evades creature removal until you have enough to protect it.
June 24, 2015 10:01 a.m.
For removal, you also have access to the enchantment removals
Banishing Light, Silkwrap, Suspension Field, etc.
June 24, 2015 10:03 a.m.
Hey Saberxbro! I have to have 4 Ojutais to help the consistency of activating the Silumgar's Scorn. During the game being able to hard counter is crucial. I haven't really looked into Myth Realized but it takes so long to build up until it becomes a threat. Banishing light, Silkwrap, and Suspension Field all conflict with my Perilous Vault and Ugin, the Spirit Dragon. Also with Dromoka's Command seeing a lot of play I rather not spend three mana to temporarily remove for a couple of turns. That is just my opinion.
ilikepie9182 says... #1
I would just switch the numbers of Anticipate and Valorous Stance. Removal is king in this standard season, and Valorous Stance protects Dragonlord Ojutai and kills off most of the powerful Abzan Control creatures. My only other thing to say is -1 Elspeth, Sun's Champion mainboard for another Narset Transcendent. Can completely wipe out the Rally the Ancestors and Jeskai Ascendancy combo decks. Rally decks are starting to pop up more then usual since it went to a GP (I forget which one to be exact) and are becoming a nuisance. I would rather stop their combo mainboard and grab only a couple more pieces in the sideboard to shut them down and send them home crying, but that is just me.
June 11, 2015 10:50 a.m.