Blugro, competitive mono blue post bfz
SCORE: 152 | 220 COMMENTS | 31691 VIEWS | IN 119 FOLDERS
pacman97edition says... #2
my midrange blue is up I'm still in testing phases can be found here competitive mono blue midrange
October 28, 2015 10:12 a.m.
Great deck and really cheaper than most competitive decks because its mono blue. I will propably add 2 Dispel on the Sideboard because it fits the meta in my region. Can you recommend some ideal hands that start the game good for you or mulligan tips. Thanks a lot for this +1
October 29, 2015 6:51 a.m.
Sizzling_Simic says... #4
First off, I love the deck. Blew people's minds at my LGS the first time I brought it out. My comment on the deck would be to consider swapping out 2 or 3 sideboard cards for Neutralizing Blast. My local meta is abzan heavy, and this shuts down just about every major threat for 2 mana. Also works well against Esper dragons if you are concerned with Dragonlord Ojutai.
My only other tweak that i've changed is to swap 2 Scatter to the Winds for 2 Clash of Wills, but that is just personal preference. Great deck and I look forward to seeing what else your creative genius is capable of!
October 31, 2015 6:06 p.m.
mrterriffic says... #5
Love the list, picked up the cards, can't wait to try it!!!
October 31, 2015 6:50 p.m.
pacman97edition says... #6
nice and thanks, nice to hear it's doing well the abzan at my store use a lot of mono and colorless beside rhino, commands and charms, meta gearing is very important, I got second at the last fnm, 4-1, currently tweaking one new deck and acquiring cards, plan to keep fun ideas coming
November 1, 2015 7:09 a.m.
Loreshadow says... #7
Thanks for the advice pac. Think this one is a keeper. Removed most Rebound and added renewed Awaken strategy from my other decks. Even readded Dance of the Skywise. Though I had to take Prism Ring and Scroll of the Masters out. Not a lot of creatures. But I'm more of a spell guy. Still, I woukd consider it Mono Blue Aggro-Control.
November 1, 2015 9:19 a.m.
I played this deck again for FNM and I must admit it is growing on me. I'm wondering, pacman97edition, how you deal with Jace if it resolves? I'm guessing that is what Reality Shift is for? Same for, say, Siege Rhino? I realize the best is when you just counter it, but sometimes these things resolve anyway.
For dealing with big creatures I was thinking of side-boarding Turn to Frog as a combat trick. That wouldn't work on Jace of course because the opponent wouldn't put him into combat. Another removal option for something ugly that resolved might be Singing Bell Strike. It wouldn't be great for anything with Vigilance though because the opponent would only need to pay the untap cost once, but it might be fine in most scenarios.
For Jace, and for a little acceleration, I was thinking about Throwing Knife. You can sac it and use it as removal, or you can equip it and do more damage with the evasive creatures. Because this deck typically plays only a couple creatures at a time (unless you get lucky -- but I wouldn't count on it since opponents tend to play Radiant Flames or Languish if the board gets wide -- I like the idea of equipment that stays on the battlefield for the next creature. I was thinking Stormrider Rig might work well in this deck. Only one guy gets it at a time but the next guy down can get it without paying an Equip cost. On that note even Sigil of Valor might work for when you have a board where only Lurker can get through but the other creatures would each give it a +1/+1.
What do you think of these ideas?
November 3, 2015 1:06 a.m.
OminousRex says... #9
So I've been testing this deck and I absolutely love it. I do run into some problems with control decks. The games go ridiculously long and it's hard to establish a win condition. I think I've got the perfect answer though... Lumbering Falls. It's a nightmare for control decks and you wouldn't even have to break the Mono Blue aspect of the deck (I'm just so giddy that Mono Blue Aggro can actually be a thing) which makes this addition perfect. It would help in all match-ups, not just control. Whadya think?
November 3, 2015 4:04 a.m.
OminousRex says... #10
Imagine awakening that beast with Scatter to the Winds :)
November 3, 2015 4:12 a.m.
Lonejirclecerk says... #11
So just to have some clarification on shorecrasher elemental. You can block a bigger creature with him then before damage is calculated flicker him and he doesn't die and you don't take damage?
November 3, 2015 5:57 a.m.
Gfdbobthe3 says... #12
Lonejirclecerk, yes, you are correct. The only exception with this is trample. If you do the above, but blocking a creature with trample, all of the damage would trample through.
November 3, 2015 8:18 a.m.
pacman97edition says... #13
currently experimenting with the sideboard lex3001, my current sideboard is using Singing Bell Strike because of cards like jace, hangarback and mantis rider, sorry haven't updated, but I haven't decided the 'ideal' sideboard just yet, against rhino mirror mockery holds it off as well, board wipes are the reason I pack the counter magic the way I do, OminousRex, running lumbering falls might work I'll try get some to throw off opponents only issue is all the sac stuff in standard
November 3, 2015 11:09 a.m.
Mirror Mockery does keep siege rhino from attacking, but not from blocking and so Harbinger and Shorecaster become lame ducks in that scenario.
November 3, 2015 1:50 p.m.
OminousRex says... #15
Well, I tested it and you can scratch the Lumbering Falls thought. Looked good on paper but it slowed the game down way too much for me. :(
November 4, 2015 1:51 a.m.
pacman97edition says... #16
that was another issue, I've always liked mono because of the faster playing and cheaper land base, lex3001, you can still make Shorecrasher can't be blocked with whirler rogue, especially if you're tapping war horn as one of the artifacts
November 4, 2015 7:12 a.m.
agree, it wasn't lost on me that war horn can be used for that ability; but it's pretty combo-y in that I haven't had all of those cards on the board at the same time very often.
Forgot to mention one thing I like about the equipment idea is that if I am holding mana for a counterspell and then for whatever reason I don't cast one, I could pay an equip cost at the end step of the other person's turn. That said I'm not sure what I would replace in the deck with the equipment. I do like the flexibility of Harbinger (flash) and the fact that it does two things (it's a body and it's also temporary removal)
November 4, 2015 10:59 a.m.
Loreshadow says... #18
November 4, 2015 1:58 p.m.
OminousRex says... #19
Torrent Elemental has been very useful for me in deck testing. Whirler Rogue doesn't have to tap artifacts to prevent blockers so she can trigger mirror mockery without worry and he clears the path for attacks from Shorecrasher Elemental and Harbinger of the Tides. It even gets around Mantis Riders annoying vigilance.
November 4, 2015 2:41 p.m. Edited.
pacman97edition says... #20
I love using torrent elemental, the only issue is his mana cost, I've been testing Singing Bell Strike and it's great against the jeskai match up
November 5, 2015 6:32 p.m.
OminousRex says... #21
So here is the version of your deck that I've gone almost completely undefeated with over the last week and a half in my meta:
4 Faerie Miscreant
3 Gudul Lurker
3 Harbinger of the Tides
4 Shorecrasher Elemental
4 Stratus Dancer
1 Torrent Elemental
1 Clever Impersonator
4 Whirler Rogue
4 Negate
3 Scatter to the Winds
4 Mirror Mockery
3 War Horn
22 Island
3 Disdainful Stroke
4 Singing Bell Strike
4 Horribly Awry
4 Reality Shift
Thank you so much for coming up with this deck. It is the most successfully fun deck that I've ever played! :)
November 6, 2015 12:44 a.m.
pacman97edition says... #22
well done man, thanks for the deck advice and thanks for helping me prove blue is strong without Jace and other mainstream cards, it is honestly my favourite deck creation and I love how blue it is, I love the feeling of always placing top 4, I very rarely lose more than one a night (mana problems happen every now and then)
November 6, 2015 5:53 a.m.
OminousRex says... #23
Yeah, this deck works better with 23 lands. 22 is too little (being mama-screwed is how I lose when I do) and I'm going to eliminate 1 Whirler Rogue tonight at FNM to see how that runs.
November 6, 2015 12:29 p.m.
pacman97edition says... #24
I know the lands are tight but I can't get myself to go higher, I got second at fnm for the third fnm in a row, 4-1, gotta admit I can't stop playing the deck and thanks man for testing, let me know your results
November 6, 2015 6:55 p.m.
OminousRex says... #25
23 is the magic number:). I killed it tonight winning 1st place.
My first match was against a home-brew mono white deck that wasn't put together very well. Game 1 was a blur and she was beat in 5 turns. But game 2 was quite a surprise. I had total board control but on turn 4 she plays Archangel of Tithes. Wow, that play sure did put the breaks on my deck! I hoped and prayed for a Harbinger of the Tides but it never came and I just didn't have a way to play around that card so she took game 2. The 3rd game was like the first so I was able to take the match win. Matches 2 and 3 were both 2-0 against B/W lifegain and G/W Ramp.
Great FNM for Super Mono Blue Aggro. The take away from tonight was that 23 is definitely the optimal number of lands for this deck and Archangel of Tithes is my kryptonite. ;)
Loreshadow says... #1
I transferred over a deck from DeckStats I've been working on. It's a Mono-Blue offensive creature deck as well. Though I back up the creatures with enchantments and spells that trigger attack benefits. The title of the deck speaks for itself.
The Prowess of Rebound
I admit that I kinda suck at creature decks though. I'm a big spell guy and enjoy the more immediate effect they have. So any help fine tuning it would be appreciated since you guys obviously have better luck at winning than I do.
October 27, 2015 7:32 p.m.