The Age of BluTron

Modern* 907phringe


alachronism says... #1

This is so gross and blue.

I love it.

Love the counterspell choices except maybe Remand. Great card, but a little more tempo-y than I thi nk you're going for. Spell Burst is just beastly in this, though.

Also, the deck should be named Age of BluTron. That is all.

April 4, 2016 10:53 p.m.

907phringe says... #2

Aruun Totally stealing the name for the deck. When it comes down to Remand I guess the only think I could see in place of it would be Mana Leak. I would stick with Remand since I get a card draw from it. I know card draw isn't the best thing in this deck but I think it helps. I see Mana Leak being more valuable in an aggro-heavy meta. I think situaionaly its gonna depend. I mean it would suck putting a Remand on a Path to Exile

April 5, 2016 1:46 a.m.

wolfging says... #3

Have you thought of Ancestral Vision? I know... pricey. But how much more blue can you get? and it pairs so beautifully with Condescend. You cast it for on turn on. Wait around with your counterspell, they try to counter it cause that's what I would do in a U vs U match up. You counter their counter and then get to pick two of the three cards drawn. Profit. I don't think Spatial Contortion is really doing you a ton. Fun card in theory, but I just don't think it's THAT modern relevant.

April 19, 2016 3:34 a.m.

907phringe says... #4

wolfging I have but I really dont want to drop that money at the moment. Amazing playability with Condescend though. Also with Spatial Contortion it kills any bolt-able creature and doesn't cost 4 life like dismember, pretty good against burn. Really I have no idea what the meta is gonna be. I think my older U Tron was set up for a grindy game vs where it is at now.

April 19, 2016 4:30 a.m.

907phringe says... #5

Spell Burst isn't staying

April 19, 2016 6:15 a.m.

907phringe says... #6

Platinum Angel Cool so she's out, if I'm struggling. unless my opponent has immediate removal it might buy me some time.

April 19, 2016 7:12 a.m.

907phringe says... #7

Having platinum out with say an oblivion stone just buys some time. Also she is gonna eat removal over something else I don't want gone most likely.

April 19, 2016 8:14 a.m.

xitram says... #8

When i played Tron, i like to put at least one warping wail, because it counter sorcery, like (scapeshift, crumble to dust, though seize) and above of that it has the versatilty to get rid of a lot of creature (1 or lest of power of toughness) and finally having a little eldrazi for the last option, in instant speed, can help for casting something big of your next turn, if you dont have your Urza Land online.

I would maybe put a Spellskite in main, just for protection against a lot of possible matchup.

The worst thing that could happen , is a blood moon, you won't suffer like the RG ton because you have more basic, but you won't be able to cast Thought-knot Seer and Spatial contorsion, maybe a waste could fix this, or maybe you would just side-out the TKSeer/SC against this type of matchup just to be just to be sure to be able to do something in the late game.

Ugin, is actually an amazing card, i would play 2 of them.

April 19, 2016 10:19 a.m.

Max... says... #9

As a fellow U Tron player, I like what you're up to here a lot. However, I'm a little worried that with no Remands and only 2 Repeals you might have trouble with drawing enough cards. I'd be tempted to keep some Remands main, because whilst Mana Leak is better against fast decks you also have Spatial Contortion to deal with their threats. Maybe even some Anticipates might be good? If you've practiced with it and found it to be OK though, go with it!

April 19, 2016 3:52 p.m.

907phringe says... #10

Max... I agree about the Remand vs Mana Leak. I will be switching back to just the Remand for card draw. I'm not looking forward to path's and then hit it with a Remand. I like anticipate I'm just unsure of what to replace. I'm also thinking of replacing Ghost Quarter with Mirrorpool.

April 19, 2016 4:59 p.m.

wolfging says... #11

way to mention me in a comment then clear it before I could read it. :p

April 19, 2016 6:44 p.m.

907phringe says... #12

wolfging Yeah sorry about that, I did not realize it deleted them, thought it would just archive them. What I had said was that I think Ancestral Vision is an amazing card but its kind of pricey and with States this Sunday I just didn't want to try and get them in.

April 19, 2016 7:18 p.m.

How has the Snapcaster Mage worked for you? I also play U-tron and I can't bring myself to get one. Is it worth the investement?

April 19, 2016 7:37 p.m.

907phringe says... #14

ContourReverend I have really enjoyed it. I think its pure value and I really enjoy the snapcaster in the set up. That is just me though, I say give it a try.

April 19, 2016 7:45 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #15

So I play U tron pretty extensively and I have a few thoughts.

1.) There needs to be a 1x Spell Burst for the soft lock. If you can outlast them and they are Topdecking it's backbreaking.

2.) Too few Fabricate effects, you want 3 at a bare minimum to ensure you can get your Mindslaver or whatever is going to save your ass.

3.) With all of the land hate a second Academy Ruins is warranted. I know most UTron decks only run one but Ghost Quarter is everywhere and if they pop your ruins you're up shit creek without a paddle.

4.) You NEED that 4th remand. -1 Condescend +1 Remand. Drawing cards is paramount.

5.) In the meta game of //X decks Kolaghan's Command makes Batterskull look TERRIFINGLY bad. This would be a great place for that third Fabricate effect since you could grab a wurmcoil if the lifegain was needed.

6.) I've been doing some work with UTron splashing B for Thopter Foundry/Sword of the Meek in the main and Dismember in the side. It requires a total overhaul of the deck but it's been testing VERY strongly. Worth checking out at least.

April 22, 2016 9:09 a.m.

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