![Grixis Master Race](http://i.imgur.com/Bkq8Fby.jpg)
Help always welcome.
This deck was designed to be as competitive as possible within U/B/R as possible. Though obviously not as conpetitive as Esper or Azorius due to the lack of lifegain an a dedicated boardwipe, Grixis control comes pretty darn close. With access to some of the best removal in the format and the incredible Rakdos's Return and
Slaughter Games
, Grixis specializes in neutering your opponents options an forcing them into lose/lose situations. A patient and intelligent player using this deck will find they can win even against the infamous Gruul Monsters deck that has taken competitive play by storm. I hope you enjoy this deck as much as I have!
AEtherling: The classic blue control win con. Aetherling is just short of impossible to get rid of. Only the most counter/kill heavy decks can finish one off.
Master of Cruelties / Rogue's Passage: First strike/death touch is nothing to laugh at. A triggered ability that essentially says "you win the game" is pretty good too. Master is a bit easier to kill than Aetherling, but with the right support he can obliterate an opponent. Passage makes sure he isn't blocked.
Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver: Exiles your library, steals your threats, ruins your scry, and in the control match up he/she/it can exile an opponent's entire hand. Card advantage that, Esper.
Ral Zarek: Not directly a win con in his own right, but getting several extra turns in control can be game breaking. Using his -2 ability after a clean hit with Master of Cruelties will generally end the game.
Rakdos's Return: The direct inversion of
Sphinx's Revelation
. Forces my opponent to dump all of his answers/plays and take damage.
Jace, Architect of Thought
: Grinds aggro to a halt and creates additional card advantage for me. His ult can be a win-con as well.
: The closet thing I can get to Sphinx's Rev in these colors. 4 cards at instant speed ain't bad.
Pilfered Plans
: Ruins your scry, draws me cards. This is a better Divination.
Dreadbore / Hero's Downfall: Killers of creatures and planeswalkers alike, without conditions.
Anger of the Gods: Wipes out all early game threats and eliminates Voice of Resurgence and Xathrid Necromancer without fuss.
Magma Jet
: Eliminates early threats like Solider of the Pantheon and Experiment One without hassle, AND fixes my draw.
Thoughtseize: Lets me see your hand and dump that win-con. Sweet.
Dissolve: Cancel plus scry. Simple and clean.
: Tempo! And you thougt you were swinging for game...
Counterflux: For the control matchup. Hard to beat a counter spell that can't be countered.
Dark Betrayal
: Because I am not a fan of Devotion to Black.
Essence Scatter: Quick and unexpected shut down for aggro and midrange decks.
Jace, Memory Adept: Maze's End and control decks HATE this guy. Jace an be a secondary win-con against the aforementioned match ups.
Mizzium Mortars: Because screw Bloodbaron of vizkopa.
slaugher games: Amazing card. Devotion to Black? Name Gray Merchant. Gruul Monsters? Name Xenagos. Azorius? Name Sphinx's Rev. Slaughter games is a fantastic way to neuter any threatening deck and turn the match up in your favor.