
Sorcery (2)

Unknown (2)

  • 2x Drown in Sorrows


Creature (1)

Planeswalker (1)

Instant (2)

Sorcery (1)

This is an early version of what I want to play after BNG is released. The deck needs to be able to have a favorable match up against mono-black. I think between Bile Blight and Gaze of Granite this deck can handle an out of control t2 Pack Rat (post-board). Beyond that all it has to do is use removal on the desecration demons. Since mono-black will have access to just as much removal I will be relying on cards like Stormbreath Dragon to push damage through. This is why I am looking at putting in one or two Xenagos, God of Revels instead of Mogis, God of Slaughter because he will be able to push damage through.

I think that this deck might struggle somewhat in control match ups, but will probably be able to stabilize through Thoughtseize, Rakdos's Return , and Mistcutter Hydra (post-board).

I need to figure out the land in this deck after some play testing because it will probably be the biggest issue. I do think it will be doable now that it has access to 2 scry lands now. I am wondering if the mutavaults are going to be a problem though.

Sylvan Caryatid - Hexproof mana acceleration that lets me block Rakdos Cackler , Ash Zealot, earl Pack Rat, etc.

Scavenging Ooze - Can feed off of my removal and gives me a little bit of lifegain to mitigate the damage from the 12 shocks and 4 Thoughtseize.

Polukranos, World Eater - Huge body for a 4-drop and has built in removal for small things like Master of Waves .

Reaper of the Wilds - Almost has the same body to cmc of Polukranos, World Eater, provides a great blocker and attacker because of the deathtouch, and generates card advantage from the removal this deck is running.

Desecration Demon - Yet again a 4cmc with a rockin bod. Provides good devotion for Mogis.

Mogis, God of Slaughter - I am iffy about this card atm. He combos extremely well with Desecration Demon, but I doubt I will will be able to turn him on very often. I would need to have 2-3 other 4cmc+ creatures on the board and or underworld connections to ever activate him.

Stormbreath Dragon - Great for pushing damage through even if it is removed quickly. Has an ability that makes it even more of threat if not removed. On top of all of that it is pro white so it will be extra annoying against certain decks. Also good devotion for Mogis or Xenagos.

Underworld Cerberus - Big creature that's hard to block and generates card advantage if it dies. This will be great against control decks with sweepers and will probably be sided out against other creature based decks.

Thoughtseize - Neutering good hands and knowing what is to come is an incredible ability to have in any decks arsenal.

Hero's Downfall - Removal.

Rakdos's Return - This card will be incredible against control and good to keep your mono-black from making rats and killin your dudes.

Underworld Connections - Card advantage and devotion for Mogis.

Drown in Sorrows - For aggro.

Bile Blight - For Pack Rat

Dark Betrayal - For mono-black primarily.

Gaze of Granite - For Pack Rat and mono-blue (Gaze for 0. bye bye tokens).

Mistcutter Hydra - Mono-blue and control.

Golgari Charm - Mono-blue and control.

Ultimate Price - Mono-decks


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 2 Mythic Rares

36 - 3 Rares

4 - 8 Uncommons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.00
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