Bogles my mind (Best $100 you can spend in modern)

Modern Zer0w

SCORE: 81 | 120 COMMENTS | 11013 VIEWS | IN 53 FOLDERS

Zer0w says... #1

twospires out of the auras in the deck which do you think are the least useful? and which (other then the obvious ones) do you think are the best? I'd like the deck to have more sets of 4 so it is consistent but I just don't know which to take out and which to increase.

let me know what you think all around.

October 4, 2014 11:52 p.m.

tomtom9112 says... #2

Daybreak Coronet wins you games

October 5, 2014 9:31 p.m.

Zer0w says... #3

I know that. it also empties my wallet :)

October 6, 2014 9:52 a.m.

tomtom9112 says... #4

lol true that! i was happy when i got mine when they first came out. $3 a piece was a hell of a steal

October 6, 2014 12:18 p.m.

hbomb33 says... #5

I've always liked Taste for Mayhem... also Assault Strobe is a nice choice.

October 6, 2014 11:56 p.m.

twospires says... #6

I'd spell aggro correctly. More people view your deck when you don't write like a cretin.

All jokes aside, can I have co-author credit for this deck?

October 12, 2014 10:31 p.m.

twospires says... #7

Also putting 3 or 4 Abundant Growth s back in wouldn't hurt too much. You can always drop them t2 along with a one-drop Aura.

October 12, 2014 10:33 p.m.

Zer0w says... #8

as a crouton, I don't know what a co author is... so you can't have credit for being one.........YOUR a cretin.............P.S. as a cretin, I also don't know how to delete comments. so could you let me in on the secret... I've looked everywhere.

October 13, 2014 10:16 a.m.

twospires says... #9

There's a "update" bar above the comments. Just hit "Add", write whatever you want (maybe some card changes) and then click the checkbox at the bottom that says "reset discussion" or something.

October 13, 2014 10:25 a.m.

RabidCatigi says... #10

Where's the Unflinching Courage ?

October 15, 2014 11:08 p.m.

Zer0w says... #11

Thanks for looking and suggesting that card, I really like it and toyed around with the idea, but 3 CMC is kinda high for such and aggro deck, for 3 CMC I can drop 3 fast +2 power auras and swing for a lot, also I want to empty my hand as fast as possible so as to boost the Taste for Mayhem and/or the Ethereal Armor .

October 15, 2014 11:20 p.m.

You the real MVP.

A completely budget deck that very consistently wins on turn 4, cannot be disrupted, doesn't require much skill, doesn't require a specific meta, and is fun. This is beautiful. I hope more newer players see this and realize that a good modern deck doesn't have to be $500, or even $200. Bogles is soooooo good. The only thing I'd do to make it more competitive is add a few Daybreak Coronets and a better mana base, but it is still very consistent. With Jund out of the meta, this deck is unstoppable. I love it. I wish I could +1 it multiple times. Best deck I've seen in a while and certainly the best $100 deck I've ever seen.

November 5, 2014 10:02 p.m.

Zer0w says... #13

I am glad you like the deck. I really want to add Daybreak Coronet but at $25 a pop I really can't justify it. Also with WW as the cost they would be a little cumbersome to cast out... but +3/+3 First Strike, Vigilance, Lifelink. is KILLER (no wonder why it $25)

Also do you have any suggestions on the mana base with out going crazy on the budget?

thanks again.

November 5, 2014 11:30 p.m.

yeah, the lifelink is soooo good... but its darn expensive too.

can't think of any good land in here that isnt more than 10 bucks...

November 6, 2014 9:39 p.m.

twospires says... #15

I'd cut one Furor of the Bitten for one Madcap Skills. It costs more mana but it does absolutely everything you could ask for from an Aura. Except lifelink...

November 7, 2014 12:27 a.m.

Zer0w says... #16

I really like the +2 toughness, it keeps my bogle safe from Pyroclasm and Infest and such. it also makes the trample make more sense so I don't loose him to a blocker. other then Ethereal Armor it is the only thing to add toughness. I think you might be right about the Madcap Skills it does preform well in games, but I'd rather loose a Taste for Mayhem or a Dust Corona for it.

November 7, 2014 8:50 a.m.

MadCheddah says... #17

i wonder if you could play with Sleight of Hand or Commune with Nature instead of Silhana Ledgewalker and then digg for Slippery Bogle or Gladecover Scout in case you end up with a hand with no creatures...

it might be a bit more inconsistent but speeds up the clock since you can search turn one... drop a creature turn two and still have a mana open for buffing up your dork...

Commune with Nature is the most consistent way... but Sleight of Hand can help you even if you have a creature on the board...

November 10, 2014 9:19 a.m.

MadCheddah says... #18

there was a reason why i picked Slight of Hand over Serum Visions... i just cant remember it ;p

November 10, 2014 9:22 a.m.

Zer0w says... #19

MadCheddah thanks for looking and the +1.

You can't count Commune with Nature. If it is in your opening hand and you keep it and cast it to no avail you are screwed. but if Silhana Ledgewalker is in your opening hand you count on it.

Silhana Ledgewalker is a little slower but I like her (his?) evasion. and by using Commune with Nature on turn one and casting a bogle on turn two it only allows one extra mana...

But one mana is big in this deck... I'll toy with it. thanks.

Another cool thing about the deck is that is can survive a few mulligans, esp. with Taste for Mayhem so maybe I can get away with -3 Silhana Ledgewalker and +2 Commune with Nature and +1 Taste for Mayhem. I dunno... we'll see.

November 10, 2014 1:31 p.m.

Zer0w says... #20

I tested it out and I think I will stick with the ledgewalkers but drop down to 2 of 'em. and go with 4 taste for mayhems. that way if I do mulligan a few times to get a good hand taste for mayhem goes off faster.

November 10, 2014 1:55 p.m.

Queima says... #21

hey, if you put an Alpha Authority and a Madcap Skills on the same creature, you got yourself a +3/+0, hexproof, unblokeable dude ;)

November 11, 2014 10:31 a.m.

Queima says... #22

oh, didnt see you already had hexproof on your creatures... so, you might consider Fists of the Anvil, Colossal Might or Ghor-Clan Rampager could help you get to 20 faster

November 11, 2014 10:37 a.m.

twospires says... #23

Queima, that's more of infect's way of doing things. We want to get Auras going here for two reasons: First, they stick around, which means that even though their numbers are smaller, they add up to deal more damage over two or three swings. Second, they are counted by Ethereal Armor, which is extremely strong. They're overall a better use of mana and cards.

November 11, 2014 12:08 p.m.

Zer0w says... #24

twospires I just found Oppressive Rays. What do you think?

Since I can kill by turn 4 or 5 it makes paying 3 to let your creature do anything kinda a deal breaker so it acts like a Journey to Nowhere for W which also procs the Ethereal Armor, I took out the Spirit Mantles because I figure if my guys is big and has first strike and/or trample and/or can't be blocked by only 1 creature and/or can only be blocked by flyers and/or can't be blocked by flyers he will effectively be unblockable and you can still block him I'll kill your blocker with Lightning Bolt or neutralize it with Oppressive Rays. I also dropped down to 19 lands because there are only 6 total cards with CMC of 2 everything else has CMC of 1, how crazy is that.

What say you of the new build?

November 11, 2014 3:03 p.m.

RabidCatigi says... #25

Hmm, maybe for sideboard put in Guildscorn Ward and maybe mainboard Messenger's Speed for haste and trample c:

November 11, 2014 3:13 p.m.

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