Bogles my mind (Best $100 you can spend in modern)
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@Pure_Insanity 1 lightning bolt on your infect creature and your hosed. it's game over, your sitting on a bunch of artful dodges you have no targets for. you can't (just about) stop the bogle.
@NateJH maybe you are right that killing Kiki is not enough to stop a twin deck. but after I side in Nature's Claim it will be much easier for me to win.
@xlaleclx Burn is fast and maybe I should play a few spirit links to off set the clock. I feel like it depends on the burn build and who goes first.
and I feel like affinity is to easily shut down by lightning bolt and after siding in Spirit Mantle and Nature's Claim.
I don't have a lot of opportunity to play (in reality) against most of these decks but in practice it does rather well.
May 28, 2015 2:29 p.m.
Pure_Insanity says... #3
But, but. I run Apostle's Blessing and Vines of Vastwood damn. What about pumping on the stack to make Lightning Bolt dud. What about my Spell Pierce?! I thought I had an unbeatable deck... Well back to the drawing board throws infect deck in bin. Also what's Artful Dodge if not the worst of the unblockable spells. Distortion Strike and Aqueous Form are way better than Artful Dodge
But what happens to your bogles when a turn 2 Pyroclasm or any other spell that indirectly targets your hex proof? Are you done as well. Cause you'll be sitting on enchants with no creatures.
TL:DR - Every deck has its weakness.
May 28, 2015 2:39 p.m.
Pure_Insanity says... #4
Also you're gonna be all like. Enchant creature, rinse and repeat, and swing for 16. Oh hello there Back to Nature I have no response. Bogle swings for 1 damage...
May 28, 2015 2:42 p.m. Edited.
Twin hasn't played Kiki Jiki in like a year...
Infect is extremely resilient and definitely doesn't fold to lightning bolt...
Lightning bolt isn't even good against affinity, they have a ton of redundancy and ravager...
May 28, 2015 9:42 p.m.
Pure_Insanity says... #6
Maybe Spikeshot Elder would work well with your enchantments?
May 29, 2015 4:16 a.m.
cool idea, with the direct hit... but the mana curve is too high and the lack of hexproof makes him a perfect target for removal.
May 29, 2015 7:47 p.m.
@xlaleclx I threw a few umbras back in, and now I am wondering why? you say that they are needed to build a good Bogle deck and just about all Bogle decks run a ton of them... but how come? what do they protect against? not force sac, not exile, it does protect against Pyroclasm but how many people play that? enough to warrant NEEDING to play totem armors? I am not being sarcastic I really want to know why people play them. +1/+1 and first strike/reach is good... but not great. if I was playing Kor then yeah, it totally makes sense. it allows me to plow over blockers but I'd rather just evade them or overpower then and trample over them.
@Pure_Insanity all of those cards are great protections in an infect deck but if you drop T1 creature you are tapped out you can't cast any of them, I kill your guy and at very best you are down 1 turn, at worst you are stymied. (also, I have a special hatred for infect nothing personal. it's not you, it's me)
May 30, 2015 4:44 p.m.
Supreme Verdict Wrath of God Anger of the Gods Pyroclasm Engineered Explosives
Have you ever played this deck against actual tier 1 modern decks?
May 30, 2015 5:20 p.m.
Yeah... I know, all of you have mentioned that, as you can see above.
@xlaleclx: Engineered Explosives makes sense, but wrath and verdict are cast on turn 4 so I hope to have won by then. But I suppose if they go first and I cannot kill on turn 3 then they can cast it and shut me down before I can land the final blow. Anger and Pyroclasm are only a threat if people play them... and only if people play them while my bogle is small. but maybe it makes sense to but them back into the side board, most people play those cards in their sideboard so I can answer their side-in with mine.
And, no, I do not have much opportunity to play this deck vs other people. I do test it vs other decks on tapped out. and it does well... though, that is not a true test, it's all I've got.
June 1, 2015 10:17 a.m.
You won't be winning before turn 4 against those decks though. They have counterspells in remand and mana leak to slow you down.
June 1, 2015 12:35 p.m.
proly the 1st-strike is very useful alongside rancor and all of the other auras that only add to power. so I think I will put 3 Hyena Umbras back in and 1 in SB I'll try taking out the... I think the assault strobes and 1 of the Oppressive Rays. they are good but I gotta take something out.
June 1, 2015 1:53 p.m.
Bruh... what about Blood Moon? I would run at least one basic.
June 2, 2015 3:03 p.m.
Thanks for the comment.
Yeah, there are cards that can shut down any deck. Back to Nature is one of those. If I played a basic land I'd also need a way to fetch it. besides, by turn 2 or 3, since about 1/2 of my auras are red I think I can handle a bunch of mountains. It would hurt but not totally destroy me.
Sometimes Magic seems a bit like rock paper scissors. This deck is a solid "scissors" deck and you are saying What about when you run across a "rock" deck, you should be a little more paperish just in case. I can chase that all day long. but never have a perfect deck that kills everything. and a Scissockaper deck just sucks. do something and do it well, win some and loose some.
June 2, 2015 5:02 p.m.
MadCheddah says... #16
just an insane thought,..
as a talked about earlier it speeds up the clock IF you hit a creature,.. but now you have a body that you can slap a bunch of auras on top,..
he dont have hexproof -he IS the back up plan,.. but it forces them to keep removal mainboard and make their decks less consistent after sideboarding where they would normaly side it out,..
and then he swings for 1,.. damage is damage,..
June 4, 2015 5:42 p.m.
Umm... that card is blue... my deck is not blue... I don't think that would work too great. Thanks though.
June 5, 2015 7:36 p.m.
KillDatBUG says... #18
You might as well pick up the set of Daybreak Coronets- At $13 each, I doubt that they'll be cheaper than they are now.
June 6, 2015 1:26 p.m.
I saw that... The price just dropped like half... I wonder what happened. I saw they reprinted them... but just in some special set. even if I could I am not sure I'd go with 4 of them, they are very strong... but I think 3 would be good. thanks.
June 6, 2015 2:25 p.m.
Are there any 1 or 2 drop enchantments that give death touch? Would be a great addition especially to a low power creature or a green mana-ramp deck that can get big creatures out quickly.
June 11, 2015 9:24 a.m.
Interesting idea. but unfortunately nope... this is the best one Sultai Runemark, and in all reality if the deck plays well my guy will be have a high power and first strike and trample and thus be able to kill any blocker, so death touch would be more or less redundant.
June 11, 2015 9:57 a.m.
I was just wondering because my brother has a mono green ramp deck that by turn 4 can basically have his whole deck out. I know with this I can get a creature out that is bigger than his but with him able and having to block with multiple to stop the damage, I thought having death touch would ensure that he has significant loss to even block a 4/1 because of Mad Cap Skills. Was just a thought but with that being a 3 drop it doesn't work as well in the deck either.
June 11, 2015 2:53 p.m.
Oh, that makes sense. I think that against a deck like that I'd just side in Spirit Mantle to ensure that I land hits and Spirit Link to keep myself alive long enough to win.
June 11, 2015 3:41 p.m.
I honestly liked this deck enough to buy the cards. I immediately took out 1 of each [Furor of the Bitten], [Dust Corona], [Rancor], and added 3x Spirit Mantle just because I think its that important.
June 11, 2015 8:03 p.m.
That is very cool. please let me know how it plays for you. I would really be interested to hear your results.
Do you have your deck on tapped out?
I totally understand the changes. I really don't have a lot of opportunity to play vs. lots of other decks. and Spirit mantle is a very strong card. at first I thought "What? you took out a Rancor?" then I realized trample is useless when you are unblockable.
NateJH says... #1
Delusional? You're right, you are.
Twin isn't going to be stopped by a single piece of removal, much less sorcery speed Oppressive Rays.
Burn depends on only if you can get a lifelink aura out or faster clock.
Infect doesn't care about your creatures or its life as it simply moves right on past.
Bloom Titan is like Twin, your lack of interaction makes it an easy win.
GBx depends on the amount of disruption and creatures they have.
Affinity can just win faster.
May 28, 2015 9:57 a.m.