Bogles my mind (Best $100 you can spend in modern)

Modern Zer0w

SCORE: 81 | 120 COMMENTS | 11010 VIEWS | IN 53 FOLDERS

@Zer0w Hey, I purhchased this deck, and even had some cash to get Mana Confluence and Daybreak Coronets. Im pretty new to magic, so i was wondering if you could outline how to properly use this deck? Ideal first hand? Ideal first couple moves? What I should look for? Any help would be appreciated. This looks fun to piss of my friends with ahah!

July 21, 2015 11:23 p.m.

Zer0w says... #2

Cool, I am very happy to hear that you got this deck. I hope you have many many years of friends-pissing-off-fun.

One great thing about this deck is it is very simple to run. What you want is 1 critter, and a ton of quick aura's to stack on him. so turn 1 Boggle, turn two Armor and Rancor and swing for 5, then turn three you can add more auras and/or control a little bit with bolt or rays, and swing again for something like 8. then defend from anything that can kill your fatty with an umbra and (for you) toss a daybreak down and swing for the kill.

If you can ever get more then one armor out then things get nuts.

If you ever fear that the opponent might have a card that will force you to sacrifice a creature (the bane of this decks existence) make sure you toss out another creature if possible to give you a chump to sac.

with that in mind you usually want only 1 creature that you stack all of your auras on and the other creatures can be used as chump blockers and such.

I'd like to see your list too if you have it here on tappedout, gimme the name.

July 22, 2015 12:02 a.m.

Zer0wThanks man! Appreciate the help. Yeah Im also new to this website, and I just started playing with the Draw Hand function on here, and the deck kinda plays itself in a way. I don't have my cards up here, yet, I am still waiting for them to get here, just shipped today! Literally the only thing I changed from this is the Daybreak's and Mana Confluence's. Oh and I also bought 4x Assault Strobe.

July 22, 2015 6:45 p.m.

Zer0w says... #4

I like Assault Strobe and have had them in and out of the deck over and over. the biggest reason I opted to exclude them is that they often are just an over kill and don't really help to win the game. I guess what I mean is that I would win with out them and with them I just win with my opponent ending up a mass of fleshy goo. so they don't really do a lot... though, sometimes they can end the game 1 turn early. so either way.

July 22, 2015 7 p.m.

Zer0w Yeah I saw someone mention it earlier in the thread, so i thought I'd buy them and use them for this or another deck. Im going to bring this deck the the first FNM I can once i get them all. Any cards i should be on the lookout for that could throw this deck off? It almost seems like such a fast deck that people don't have enough turns to play enough mana to stop it, but I could be wrong as Im still learning what is all out there. Specially in Modern.

July 22, 2015 7:15 p.m.

Zer0w says... #6

you are not wrong. that is one of the things that the deck does. it is fast and hard to stop. as I said up there, any force sac is a kick in the head. Ratchet Bomb and Engineered Explosives also kills the deck. Burn can sometimes out pace the deck.

July 22, 2015 7:39 p.m.

raja479 says... #7

I would rather own one snapcaster mage or liliana than this entire deck.

July 26, 2015 12:16 p.m.

Zer0w says... #8

And apparently you would also rather troll around online and make useless comments then do anything productive with your time, nice!

July 26, 2015 3:34 p.m.

notKingCole says... #9

raja479, you're perfectly welcome to buy one snapcaster or Liliana. No one asked you to play this deck.

July 26, 2015 6:56 p.m.

I like the enchantment theme, but maybe Assault Strobe for a faster kill. I know it's not an enchantment, but it would put a giant buff on your boggle for a way faster kill.

July 30, 2015 9:19 a.m.

Zer0w says... #11

see comments 18-21 and 94-95 for the reasons I do not run Assault Strobe

July 30, 2015 9:29 a.m.

electromancer says... #12

I know people are assaulting you over Assault Strobe so just settle it once and for all I did a couple goldfishes and I think the most aggro build is:
You remove the Madcap Skills, add 4x Assault Strobe and up your Taste for Mayhem to 4, removing Oppressive Rays
Then you can:
1: land, boggle (5 cards in hand)
2: land, Furor of the Bitten, Rancor (3 cards in hand, 15 life)
3: land, Taste for Mayhem, Dust Corona, Assault Strobe (0 cards in hand, 3 life)

Even with this very ideal hand, it's really not a sure thing. You can't really count on drawing Ethereal Armor every game, and my goldfish is technically still alive after only casting [splash] for three turns (maybe he's playing a fish deck).

In conclusion, as tempting as turn 3 wins sound, this is the wrong deck to try to do it with.

August 13, 2015 4:10 a.m.

notKingCole says... #13

@ electromancer I think you might have screwed up your math somewhere. by the time you go to combat on turn 3, your boggle is a 12/x double-striking trampler. how are they at three life? I mean, unless you didn't actually cast Assault Strobe.

August 13, 2015 9:12 a.m.

electromancer says... #14


D'oh I guess I just nearly proved the opposite of the point I was attempting to make. Which is okay because I was going to suggest those changes if it looked like it would work. +1 on the deck by the way

August 13, 2015 7:19 p.m.

Zer0w says... #15

turn 1: land and bogle

turn 2: land and some aura's that put the bogle at 5 power (that is very common). opponent is at 15 life

turn 3: land and 2 other aura's that bring the power to 9, then cast strobe and swing for 18 and the kill!

it really does work and it is a very good card in this deck. I just don't like the inconsistency. If you start with strobe and 3 lands and 2 creatures and 1 aura what good does it do you? you can swing for a whopping 6, then it goes away, I would rather have consistency and staying power then the chance of a turn 3 kill off a great (not perfect) hand.

If someone wants to build this deck and add strobe, "good on 'em," I like it, and it works quite well. I have had this deck for a long time and have honed it to what it is now and like it. but strobe has been in and out of the deck many times, I just prefer to be more of and aura purist with it.


August 13, 2015 7:27 p.m.

ColFrogfoot says... #16

The performance and cost of this deck is great.

September 17, 2015 11:08 a.m.

Zer0w says... #17

Thank you. I really like it... the biggest issue is that it is not the most fun deck to play... it kinda plays itself and there is little interaction with your opponent (kinda the point with the hexproof and evasion). but it is strong and cheap. and I have had good luck with it in tournament play.

September 17, 2015 6:22 p.m.

Galacticglove says... #18

Upvoted because description was good writing by the way

May 19, 2018 11:46 p.m.

dric3285 says... #19

I'll try the deck, but your story gave me an entirely new way to both build and enjoy playing decks.. THANK YOU I wish you lived in Denver as I have no doubt I would enjoy sitting across from you. Keep it up if I decide to try modern I'll let you know how the deck works with me.

June 28, 2018 12:39 p.m.

bicebice says... #20

The deck is $250+, just saying...

October 31, 2018 11:30 p.m.

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