
Standard Namron88


Wow very nice Combo there with Kalonian and Menance i like it. A bit more removals will help you more i think and Dreg Mangler in my opinion is not so good for its mana cost. try puting Deadbridge Goliath instead . PS I dont judge , i only ask a question you might have not considered or i might fail to see( i am not an mtg pro) . Suggestions needed here Desecrating Golgari

September 29, 2013 3:12 p.m.

Namron88 says... #2

Thank you very much for the suggestions they are very much appreciated the manglers I rarely ever scavenge unless I have Varolz, the Scar-Striped out and works even better with Corpsejack Menace one of my all time favorite cards makes cards like Desecration Demon awesome or Kalonian Hydra more op this deck being aggro based applys pressure as soon as the game starts with manglers being great turn 3 drops swinging for 3 soon as they hit the field sometimes turn 2 depending on if I got a 1drop mana dork im still testing to see if I want more removal I might just side some for certain decks maybe 2 more desecration in the side im getting this ready for my local state tournament next weekend ive only been playing for 5 months but when my local card shop offered for me to play with them there I definitely said yes I took a look at your deck and I like it a lot but yours being more midrange and mine more aggro with ramp into big bombs I think the deathbridge wouldn't quite fit in here Reaper of the Wilds I have been considering a lot as well but its probably meant for a more midrange control type deck which might be my deck after states depending how states go I might do a swap to throw ppl off for the grand prix in November

September 29, 2013 7:42 p.m.

Namron88 says... #3

so far this has done great in all of its play testing on here its been testing on some of the most popular decks out there and been very successful in all of its matchups in person it has done great as well i cant wait till this weekend to use it at states

October 1, 2013 8:35 a.m.

ConoverBombJr says... #4

Playtested this with my red-splash Flashdance Hydras quite a few times, and they seem to be pretty evenly matched whether or not we use our SBs. In fact, it's probably going to make me think more about creature counters in my SB.

+1 from me.

October 4, 2013 2:53 a.m.

Namron88 says... #5

Thanks bro yeah the bug one was pretty close to check out the undead jedi council that deck walks all over this one I just wish I had all the cards for it

October 4, 2013 8:51 a.m.

Cognifroth says... #6

I actually really like this deck, the only great card I'm missing against control is Duress. It's a great cheapass answer against control players. Also, i would cut on one Polukranos because it is legendary and getting two of those in hand is pretty awkward. You mentioned Witch Stalker and I find that to be a great inclusion. Duress is great vs burn and the Golgari Charm 'regen all'' mode is great vs burn and control as well. The -1/-1 is good vs aggro so I'd add one in the SB in addition to the other 2. i also find the Abrupt Decay in the SB a little redundant. I would also lower on Hero's Downfall but go 4 Decay 2 Downfall because of cost-effectiveness. I think Pithing Needle is in for Pwalkers? If so, they are a bit redundant as well due to your already mainboard Hero's Downfall. I'm not really fond of Bow of Nylea, she doesn't have any favourable SB-MB swaps so these might be great candidates to swap out in SB for Witch Stalkers.

Hope you took the time to read this huge wall of text and hope you'll find it even a little useful. Good luck with your great deck!

October 9, 2013 12:17 p.m.

Namron88 says... #7

thank you for taking the time to look at my deck i really appreciate it to explain why the downfall were so high is because the number of planes walkers players at my local meta use as there is tons of esper going around over here and states showed me i needed the deck to be faster so i put mistcutters mainboard changing up the way the original deck played a bit i havent been able to play it since i made these changes as i am missing some of the cards but i was wondering what you think of the look of it now you were totally right on polukranos i didnt realize i put him at 3 normally my limit for legendary is 2 unless i really need to draw it

October 9, 2013 1:36 p.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #8

Looking at your deck I was unsure of what it was trying to do. You have it listed as aggro and control which it is neither of and impossible to be. Counters? It is a midrange/devotion deck. I was wondering why you were splashing green as well. It seems like the deck is trying to be 4 things at once which dilutes it. I went ahead and playtested it against 3 different decks: aggro, mono-black devotion, and control. Your deck went 0-2 vs aggro, 2-0 vs mono-black devotion, and 0-2 vs control. I now have a good feel for how the deck plays and what its strengths are. Here are a few questions I have before I make any suggestions.

  1. What are your wincons and are they reliable?

  2. Is Devotion a mechanic you want to build around?

  3. What is point of splashing green? What are we tapping into that is not available in black?

October 24, 2013 1:42 p.m.

Namron88 says... #9

sorry it took me so long to reply ive been taking care of my baby girl all day as for the tags i havent had a chance to change them yet but i dont think i need to since the previous version was much more consistent but i did manage to build an mono black with a splash of red devotion deck and i think i did much better this abomination ill be changing this back to its previous deck list from before when i get the chance after that i would love some feedback on it

October 24, 2013 9:46 p.m.

Namron88 says... #10

ok so this is the current deck right now im working on it but so far it has done really good in person it took 5th during gameday saturday and 3rd on sunday during my local gpt qualifier i had some very unfortunate luck and didnt do so well went 2-2 and didnt manage to make it into the top 4 since there were only 10 and i saw a couple of options with devotion but i think long as i can up the black devotion a little more with more permanents that can also help speed up a little i am considering aquiring Nykthos, shrine to nix to replace the guildgates and also Experiment One to replace the mana dorks and i am also considering using the Sylvan Caryatid for mana ramp and have also considered using Blood Scrivener to work with any source of draw power such as Erebos, God of the Dead Read the Bones or Underworld Connections just not sure what i would remove for it lotleth troll has been useful in some matches but not completelyi have tried Scavenging Ooze in here before but i just couldnt get it when it would be useful enough dont get me wrong it is an awesome card just hasnt worked in this build so much since the whip tends to remove most of the targets in my grave anyway and most of my opponents play esper or american making it less effective and thank you for taking the time to look at my build i really appreciate it

October 24, 2013 11:27 p.m.

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