Copy of Bolas for a Better Tomorrow with a few changes to deal with local meta-game. Added
Witchbane Orb
to the sideboard and it has single-handedly won me games vs.
burn (I know it doesn't affect
himself) and Esper mill/control. I decided to main-deck Cyclonic Rift as it proves useful against early-game aggro, token decks, and has too much situational utility to ignore.
DGM Update
Added Ral Zarek in place of a Devour Flesh (probably my least-favorite kill-spell in the deck) to have some fun with. At my last FNM I was able to -7 him with Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker on the board. Hilarity (read: scooping) ensued. His -2 is a nice Lightning Bolt on a stick as well.
Edit 5/14/13
Took out a Dreadbore and the Devour Fleshes for 3x Tragic Slip. I think the slip combos well with all of the other kill spells in the deck and can give me a turn 3 double-kill with Dreadbore which helps against aggro, this deck's biggest weakness.
Curse of Death's Hold
was not proving to be too terribly useful. I've only boarded it in a couple of times and Assemble the Legion and Lingering Souls were really the only cards I boarded it in for. At 5 CMC I don't think it's really worth it since their mana-dorks have already served their purpose by that point. Might explore Illness in the Ranks.
To fill these two slots I:
Changed my side-board back to containing 3x Essence Scatter. I think it's extremely useful to slow down the zergling rush as well as providing a low-cost way to eliminate Thragtusk/
Restoration Angel
from ever hitting the field and wreaking havoc with my board state.
Also added in 1x Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius as somewhat of an experiment. Most opponents have been boarding out all of their kill-spells when they realize I'm creature-less. Niv Mizzet still gives me a draw alternative to Staff of Nin and is a faster win condition in the event
Nephalia Drownyard
or Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker gets shut down.
Edit 5/18/13
Main Board
Desolate Lighthouse is gone in favor of a third
Nephalia Drownyard
. I found I wasn't using it too much and could use the extra copy of my alternate win condition.Cyclonic Rift is out entirely. I liked its utility to start out with (getting rid of artifacts/enchantments) but I seemed to just hold it in hand when they dropped something because they could just replay it next turn. Instead I replaced them with 2x Dissipate from the sideboard.I also added Lilliana of the Veil to do like a Grixis "Superfriends" theme. A
came out for her.
The Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius experiment turned out to be quite fruitless and so he is out. I replaced him and the 2x Dissipate with 3x Mizzium Mortars. I think this still gives me turn 2 removal and a pseudo board-wipe with 6 mana available.