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Bolas: Riders of the Dragonstorm

Commander / EDH



Storm Combo deck. Use card draw, tutors and wheels to cycle through deck. Generate mana via artifacts and rituals, and cast Dragonstorm.

Dragonstorm Combo:

  1. Scourge of Valkas: Primary damage dealer in the form of pings as dragons enter the battlefield. Use Dragon Tempest instead if he can't be cast.
  2. Dragonlord Kolaghan: Gives our dragons haste in case the combo fails and we need to attack to win.
  3. Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind: Used for extra damage and/or clearing out blockers. Also goes infinite with Mind over Matter.
  4. Bladewing the Risenfoil icon: Combo piece, will bring back Worldgorger, as explained below. Also can be used to bring back a dragon that's in the graveyard. Order of tutoring for this piece may vary depending on the situation.
  5. Knollspine Dragon: Used to refill hand. Warning: Do not use its ability the first time unless absolutely necessary. This may result in you drawing one of the other dragons instead of storming into it. Once his ability is used, will generate a bunch of niv-mizzet triggers that will essentially double the damage output.
  6. Worldgorger Dragon: Infinite combo piece: Warning: Extremely fragile. Make sure you have a counter in hand, your opponents are tapped out or they don't have a kill or bounce spell before tutoring for this guy. If it is removed before its trigger resolves, it will exile all your permanents. Once worldgorger is in play, stack its ETB trigger first. Then put the damage trigger from scourge of valkas or dragon tempest targeting worldgorger. This should resolve first, dealing 5-6 damage to the dragon but not killing it. Then the worldgorger trigger will resolve, exiling all your permanents.
  7. Bogardan Hellkite : Combo enabler and damage dealer. On ETB, deal enough damage to worldgorger to kill it, and the rest as necessary. This will trigger worldgorger's second trigger, returning all your permanents to the battlefield. Scourge of valkas will now trigger for a lot of damage. Put Bladewing's trigger on stack first, targeting worldgorger. Then Knollspine's ability targeting a single player who has received the most damage. Make sure to damage one player just enough to not kill him. Then put all the ETB damage triggers on stack. Once you draw a lot of cards, you should be able to go infinite via Animate Dead or Mind Over Matter.
  8. Shivan Hellkite : Backup dragon in case the combo goes awry or you do not draw a combo piece. Do not resolve Bladewing's trigger on worldgorger unless you have at least 12 mana, 6 of which are red in your mana pool. Once worldgorger is brought back, he will exile your permanents. This time, put the damage trigger targeting worldgorger on stack first, because there are 7 dragons out, which is enough to kill him. After exiling everything, he will do 1 damage to himself, after which shivan hellkite will finish the job by pinging him for 6.Once again, dragons enter the battlefield for damage. If the damage isn't enough to kill your opponents, bring back worldgorger again and ping him with shivan hellkite for 6 again, leaving one damage for him to ping himself once everything is exiled. Rinse and repeat.
  9. Nicol Bolas: Hand Destruction. Cast him in case you are worried about removal or a particular opponent. Once he resolves with a ping effect in play, he will make an opponent discard his or her hand. Both ping effects in play will make two opponents do so.

Other combo pieces:

Animate Dead: Use this with worldgorger in your graveyard for infinite blinks and infinite mana. Remember to have some sort of out because this can result in an infinite loop that can't be stopped.

Mind Over Matter: Used to generate extra mana with high tide or mana artifacts. Also goes infinite with Niv-mizzet.

If all else should fail, be sure kill your opponents off with Dragons.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 0 Mythic Rares

45 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

18 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.69
Tokens Bird 2/2 U
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