Boom goes the goblin!

Modern Ohthenoises

SCORE: 139 | 342 COMMENTS | 39082 VIEWS | IN 75 FOLDERS

SplodyCopter says... #1

i'd stick with 21 mountains and go for playsets of IncinerateMTG Card: Incinerate, Traitorous BloodMTG Card: Traitorous Blood, and Brimstone VolleyMTG Card: Brimstone Volley

February 28, 2012 1:54 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #2

Actually traitorous isn't in the deck at the molment this is from memory and I cant remember what I had subbed in lol

February 28, 2012 1:55 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #3

Think it was the pikers. Ill think about dropping the land count thanks man!

February 28, 2012 1:59 p.m.

SHUDOP says... #4

There isn't a reason not to play Shrine of Burning RageMTG Card: Shrine of Burning Rage, It wins many many games.

February 28, 2012 2:08 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #5

Only reason is I don't have any ... traded them to a friend for his rdw lol oddly enough this kicks his tail without it.. I would LOVE to throw them in though

February 28, 2012 2:26 p.m.

Velox says... #6

I've always been a fan of goblin decks. Looks good.

February 29, 2012 9:27 a.m.

crunchbite_1 says... #7

I Like it. Maybe cut to 21 mountains and go with 1 more of both IncinerateMTG Card: Incinerate and Increasing VengeanceMTG Card: Increasing Vengeance respectively. But still like the idea a lot. Noone would see it coming right now

February 29, 2012 9:44 a.m.

I would advice against cutting land here. I have a very similar deck to this and I run 20 land in it. I've been playing it for a while now and It's a very strong deck but Its very inconsistent with 20 land.

I really like this deck. I've dismantled my goblin deck and pulled pieces form it to build a more standard RDW deck. I think I'm going to put together a second red deck with the goblins just like this one. Thanks! +1

March 1, 2012 5:17 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #13

do you think this might have an advantage over an actual RDW?

March 1, 2012 8:24 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #14

also on the subject of competition, how would this run v.s. g/r huntmaster/inferno

March 1, 2012 8:25 p.m.

caveatlector says... #15

I agree with probably 21 mountains, maybe 22. Not too sure about HellriderMTG Card: Hellrider but I can see him being good in the deck and if he works for you then by all means stick with him. If not I'd probably do more burn. He seems a little big (4cmc) and relies on there being many creatures, while your opponents will be trying to kill your dudes in most cases.

Stormblood BerserkerMTG Card: Stormblood Berserker is a good 2 drop, he's a tank despite not being a goblin. Shrine of Burning RageMTG Card: Shrine of Burning Rage is a must in any mono red deck, against decks that run heavy removal to keep you from doing combat damage it'll save your life (if nothing else its at least belongs in the sideboard against slower matchups). Traitorous BloodMTG Card: Traitorous Blood should be in the sideboard for match-ups against control or wolf run variants, or even rites decks. Arc TrailMTG Card: Arc Trail is another option for at least some sideboard spots because it can hose token decks pretty well.

March 2, 2012 1:58 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #17

The curve here is beautiful so I suppose I could go with 22 lands. If I did drop that land what should I drop in instead?

HellriderMTG Card: Hellrider is just dirty and I like that hes a 4 cmc because he's for later game and I don't want to choose between him and a Goblin ChieftainMTG Card: Goblin Chieftain.

Stormblood BerserkerMTG Card: Stormblood Berserker is a great creature what with his evasion and a 3/3 body but I'm not sure what, if anything, I would be willing to take out for him.

As i mentioned before shrines are great but it really does slow me down because I have to choose on turn 2 to either play a Goblin WardriverMTG Card: Goblin Wardriver or 2 1cmc goblins and to me that is worth so much more.

All of the burn I have in here is really designed to be player burn, the IncinerateMTG Card: Incinerates are just to help against creatures like Mirran CrusaderMTG Card: Mirran Crusader or other hard hitting creatures. Also I have Spikeshot ElderMTG Card: Spikeshot Elders to help out on the anti creature scale. (swinging with Goblin WardriverMTG Card: Goblin Wardriver and Spikeshot ElderMTG Card: Spikeshot Elder with a Goblin ChieftainMTG Card: Goblin Chieftain out then pinging whatever blocks.)

I threw your suggestions of Traitorous BloodMTG Card: Traitorous Blood and Arc TrailMTG Card: Arc Trail in the sideboard as those are both GREAT suggestions and can easily be swapped out for Incinerates or creatures as the need arises. What would you say if I said i was thinking about Blasphemous Act MTG Card: Blasphemous Act to counter token decks? use my grenades to do max damage then pop it? thanks so much for your help!

March 2, 2012 2:22 p.m.

caveatlector says... #18

Blasphemous Act is too high on the mana curve, the tokens will go towards blocking your attackers first anyways (which can be a massive pain on this deck if they're able to trade with your attackers) so removing them as they come is probably the way to go.

Shrine is definitely a sideboard card for use against decks that are slower, especially because those decks tend to run a large amount of creature hate as well (goblin grenade is a dead card if they've killed all of your goblins). It gets to around 7 or 8 counters by turn 6ish, which should be fast enough against those decks. Most control decks have a hard time stopping it too: UB Control only has and maybe DismemberMTG Card: Dismember to clean up Hero of BladeholdMTG Card: Hero of Bladehold or other medium sized threats.

March 2, 2012 3:55 p.m.

caveatlector says... #19

I've played both with and against mono-red and goblins, though many of my suggestions might not be as valid depending on the meta in your area lol

March 2, 2012 3:57 p.m.

markkster says... #20

spikeshot elder + swords is cool

March 2, 2012 5:40 p.m.

makiba says... #21

instead of urabrask, I'd go with a hero. also gutshot sideboarded for things like delver? Maybe throw in a shrine in sideboard at least (since you have the spaces open,)

also the deck is solid but a good deck needs a good sideboard, ratchetbomb hate for that aggro tokens that tries to race you, just one card to eat 3-4 of theirs and gives you a few turns to burn.

hellrider seems good, since he's almost garanteed to hit for 3 or 4 the turn he comes out, but I still think I'd prefer a hero over him. J/S

Finally take maybe a look at chandra's phoeniz for sideboard? side it in against removal control?

March 2, 2012 7:24 p.m.

bren06 says... #22

i like the deck a lot. Though you could just go 4 Increasing VengeanceMTG Card: Increasing Vengeance if the point is to copy your own spells anyways its ReverberateMTG Card: Reverberate with the added bonus of the flashback. though like you said ReverberateMTG Card: Reverberate allows you to copy their spell but you could always side that for a control matchup.

March 2, 2012 7:46 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #23

So I went to FNM with this and went 2-2 and only lost to bad draws and a bounce deck. (kept bouncing my chieftains) after the match I made the following changes: -3x IncinerateMTG Card: Incinerate for +3x Arc TrailMTG Card: Arc Trail and -1x MountainMTG Card: Mountain for +1x HellriderMTG Card: Hellrider.

The matches I won the deck curved beautifully, in one game even got my turn 4 kill off. Almost every game was:

turn 1 Spikeshot ElderMTG Card: Spikeshot Elder

turn 2 Goblin WardriverMTG Card: Goblin Wardriver swing 1

turn 3 Goblin ChieftainMTG Card: Goblin Chieftain swing 9

turn 4 HellriderMTG Card: Hellrider swing 16 (including the direct damage)

Just thought y'all would enjoy seeing how this deck performs. Thanks everyone who has made great suggestions to this point. Keep the suggestions coming!

March 3, 2012 1:20 a.m.

Virlym says... #24

So what do you do when your opponent has 1-4 Norn's AnnexMTG Card: Norn's Annexes out and Dissipation FieldMTG Card: Dissipation Field out? that pretty much says your attacks aren't worth it anymore...

March 3, 2012 1:46 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #25

thats when I start to switch over to burn ... keep in mind aside from Norn's AnnexMTG Card: Norn's Annex that's turn 4 so by then I'm usually switching over to burn anyway. However, in my meta NO one runs either of those cards. The cards that messed up my deck the worst was Curse of Death's HoldMTG Card: Curse of Death's Hold x2, that was the ONLY thing that gave me significant trouble.

March 3, 2012 1:57 a.m.

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