Boom! Grapeshot! (Competitive)

Modern Grimgrinner


Grimgrinner says... #1

No they do not count as extra casts. Copy does not equal cast.

July 9, 2014 9:47 p.m.

I personally would run Faithless Looting over Desperate Ravings . Also, why isn't a playset of Lightning Bolt s in the mainboard?

July 13, 2014 4:58 p.m.

Tormenting Voice could be good as it lets you discard what you want to.

December 3, 2014 12:52 p.m.

you might want a Mizzium Skin or two to protect electromancer. needs more burn main.

December 3, 2014 1 p.m.

Grimgrinner says... #5

Goblin Electromancer helps my combo go off by allowing Pyretic Ritual, Manamorphose, ect, to net more mana, but I can easily win without it. It's not worth dedicating 4 protection spells for it Mizzium Skin. Mizzium skin is good in Kiln Fiend decks though.

Tormenting Voice isn't horrible, but the flashback on desperate ravings and the fact that it's instant are both pretty important.

December 3, 2014 6:15 p.m.

Crimsonzed says... #6

Why not Terramorphic Expanse instead of Polluted Delta ??

December 4, 2014 9:48 p.m.

nubdub says... #7

Yes! I love storm, but if there is one thing I can say, it's this: screw Spell Pierce and Spell Snare. Ok, so some advice. Since your land base isn't using any fetchlands, I assume for budget purposes (but seriously, grab some as soon as possible, maybe when they rotate), the faithless looting needs to come in for desperate ravings, especially if you're running 4 of Pyromaster Ascension (though the pyromaster thing is a personal preference). The main reason is, without fetchlands, you have the danger of drawing two lands, then dropping the Past in Flames, which is a pretty bad feeling. The second piece of advice: Needle Drop, not Thought Scour. You need of of the blue you can get for the rest of your cantrips, no need to waste it on a simple card draw.

December 4, 2014 10:11 p.m.

Grimgrinner says... #8

Thought Scour servs more purpose than "draw 1". Milling myself for 2 helps a LOT. it can put things into my graveyard for Pyromancer Ascension counters, or when Past in Flames is active, it's essentially U- instant- draw 3. Needle Drop seems fun and all, but TBH, I'd rather run Lightning Bolt in the main. seriously though, thought scour is just plain good in this deck. only time i'd sideboard it out is when Rest in Peace is being played.

Terramorphic Expanse is good in EDH i'd say, but in modern it's not even comparable. Polluted Delta grabs Steam Vents... untapped. I dont think that needs further explanation.

December 4, 2014 11:59 p.m.

nubdub says... #9

Thanks for the help.

December 5, 2014 7:25 a.m.

I've been playing Storm for a while and I tried swapping Desperate Ravings for Tormenting Voice as an experiment. I have yet to find an instance when I regretted it. The advantage of Tormenting Voice is in its wording. The discard is part of the cost of the spell, not a part of the resolution, so when copied with Ascension, it just draws you the extra cards with no discard.I also tried using Guttersnipe, which I found to be very useful. It is a threat that the opponent absolutely has to deal with immediately, if you untap with one on the field, you're almost guaranteed to be going lethal. This means that the opponent has to either: A. Counter it. Which means they don't have that counterspell to stop you later. or B. Kill it. Which is a removal that isn't hitting an Electromancer, and if they're using Path to Exile, which they often are, it puts you a land drop ahead, accelerating your game plan.Additionally, have you considered Reach Through Mists? I know, it looks like a strict downgrade from thought scour. But because it's Arcane, you can splice Desperate Ritual onto it, which can be a life saver.Also, one thing I keep meaning to test but haven't yet is Ideas Unbound. The downside is, of course, that double blue mana cost, which hurts. But that's to go up two cards until end of turn, and then to discard what you want in your graveyard. It's like the love child of Faithless Looting and Ancestral Recall. (Ancestral Looting? Faithless Recall?) Plus, if you're going off, that "end of turn" is immediately after you win. And it's Arcane too, which is kinda nifty.

Also, @nubdub, I would say a better choice for a red cantrip than Needle Drop would be Crimson Wisps, because you have to have a target. You could use Wisps as long as there is at one (targetable) creature on the field, while to use Drop something has to have taken damage this turn. I don't think I would use either over Thought Scour in this deck, but I find that Wisps is probably the best red cantrip in the format. Unless you're using red deck wins. Then Needle Drop is better. But red deck wins can go to hell.... So there.

Anyway, back to actual suggestions. For sideboard tech, I use one Skullcrack for the occasional turbo fog or life gain deck. One thing I've always sorta wished I could have in storm was viable counterspell support, because there are so many ways to stop you dead in your tracks. Like, countering Past in Flames. That's just the worst. I've tried a couple different ones, and I'm really not certain which is the best. Dispel is helpful as a one drop anti-counterspell, but is no salvation against things like Eidolon of Rhetoric, Spirit of the Labyrinth, or Runed Halo. Swan Song has the added bonus of hitting enchantments and sorceries, but if you aren't already going off that bird can be a threat. Remand is cool because it can be used in a pinch as an extra cantrip, but it costs 2 instead of 1, and it doesn't get rid of the offending card, so if they have extra mana open or if they aren't dead by their next turn, they can use it again. And finally, Delay is similar to Remand in both mana cost and function, but loses the draw to keep the countered spell gone longer. Honestly I'm not really sure why Delay isn't ever used in Modern. In storm it's questionable, but I would think its usable in several others. Anyway, those are the best I've found, and if you want the counter support, I'm pretty sure those are the best choices you have.

That's all I really have to say. Hope it helps. Long Live the Storm!

December 6, 2014 8:09 p.m.

I think you should take a look at Chris Fennell's Storm Modern Deck, winning 8th at Pro Tour Born of the Gods.

December 13, 2014 10:07 p.m.

Saint1129 says... #12

Gitaxian Probe isnt modern legal.

January 31, 2018 11:37 a.m.

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