Born to Run

Modern* rckclimber777


Balthasar says... #1

This is neat love the idea. +1.

March 1, 2012 12:06 p.m.

rckclimber777 says... #2

Thanks. It's just an idea I'm running with right now, but I mean everyone is tweaking the wolf run it seems in some unique way. I put together a wolf run deck with the geists, birds, predator ooze, dungrove, acidic slime and the titan and was like... I have the makings of a pod deck here so threw in solemns and wurmcoil with the pod and seeing where it goes.

There are certainly some iffy cards that I haven't gotten to playtest fully yet like T-gambit, but we'll see how it works out.

March 1, 2012 12:21 p.m.

metalmagic says... #3

Just an idea, but I feel a 1-of Trinket MageMTG Card: Trinket Mage and a 1-of Elixir of ImmortalityMTG Card: Elixir of Immortality could benefit the deck. Firstly, you can combine the chains if needed. Secondly, the elixir lets you do everything all over again and can be done as long as it isn't put in the grave somehow. Lastly, podding off the mage for a Solemn and using the elixir at some point, only to Pod for the mage again later resulting in another fetch of the Elixir, is cruel.

Phyrexian MetamorphMTG Card: Phyrexian Metamorph also can allow you to skip sequences in each chain, and hey, podding a 3 cmc to get a second wurmcoil/titan is silly and pretty much game-ending.

I've thought about combining the two archetypes for awhile but never actual did, and I love how you've done it. +1.

March 1, 2012 9:32 p.m.

rckclimber777 says... #4

lol metalmagic you're diabolical sometimes. I like it. I'm gonna see how I can fit all three into the deck. I forgot I splashed blue to be honest.

Also thanks for the +1

March 1, 2012 9:59 p.m.

metalmagic says... #5

Do et. I wish I ran blue in my pod deck so I could do that, but my list is currently 4-colored without blue, haha. I still run a 1-of Elixir, and I know it is my favorite card to see at ANY point in the game. I do try to be as diabolical as possible, muahahaha. It is just part of who I am.

March 1, 2012 10:09 p.m.

Interesting. Similar to some of my Pod decks. Do look:

I also have a Modern Beastmaster Ascension/Wolf Ramp deck:

I like the Predator Ooze and Tezzeret's Gambit. Nice.


March 1, 2012 10:15 p.m.

MagnaLynx21 says... #7

I like it, a lot. I like how well you've managed to merge the two different designs together while managing to keep a fairly strong looking flow without having to rely on the Pod.

It's a shame there aren't any more mana fixes to help grab your Mountains before chaining into Prime Time. That being said, once you start chaining off they high, pretty sure you'll have more than enough control of the game.

Since the sideboard is pretty empty, I would still consider a space for a Llanowar Elf or two, in the match up's where the earlier you can chain off the better.

You could also consider room for Hellrider at the four slot, simply to apply a lot of pressure from left over Strangleroot Geists, etc.

All the same, loving the range of possibilities here.


March 2, 2012 5:03 a.m.

zandl says... #8

Dungrove ElderMTG Card: Dungrove Elder with only 12 Forests? Gross. I'd just main-board two Thrun, the Last Troll MTG Card: Thrun, the Last Troll over those. So their CMC is different; so what? A turn-4 Dungrove ElderMTG Card: Dungrove Elder that's a 1/1 or even a 2/2 just isn't threatening and won't be doing anything.

I also think 3x Kessig Wolf RunMTG Card: Kessig Wolf Run is a bit of a stretch. 2x is plenty, as I've found by playing Wolf Run for the last 15 FNMs. 4x Inkmoth NexusMTG Card: Inkmoth Nexus is also a lot. I think you could do with 3x and still have it work quite well. Also, you might as well only have 2 Mountains and the rest of your Red sources be dual-lands.

Have you considered Viridian EmissaryMTG Card: Viridian Emissary? While he's fallen out of the limelight a bit over the past few months, he's still fantastic in Pod and any other deck that can sac him at will. And he's still a 2/1 beat-stick that won't get hit by removal.

March 2, 2012 2:02 p.m.

Good point about Dungrove Elder. He was made for mono green.

If in the meta there's tons of Wolf Run hate, maybe boarding the extra Inkmoth and Run isn't a bad idea. I've seen Wolf Ramp decks run 4x Inkmoth Nexus, but they also run 4x Primeval Titan to counterbalance. I believe a build like that took 1st a few months back, before DKA released.

I concur with Viridian Emissary. I use him. Alot. Swing for two and the opponent doesn't want to block to give you a land. Or, have him sit and your opponent doesn't want to swing to give you a land. Good control.

March 2, 2012 2:08 p.m.

rckclimber777 says... #10

I actually don't like the emissary, sure he's a decent two drop in a fully fledged pod deck, but wolf run has almost completely eliminated it from the list of playable cards so I really don't want to use him in this deck.

As for inkmoth and kessig, maybe I'll trim them down by 1 each, but ghost quarter is far more prevalent in my meta then yours apparently.

Dungrove stays. If I trim the inkmoth and kessig down by 1 each and I've already removed 1 mountain that'll put me at 15 forests which is plenty for an impressive dungrove.

I'll put a thrun in the SB, but I don't want him in the main board simply because I'm not going to pod into him with my three drops that would just be silly and so the only time I would put him on the field is from hand and then I wouldn't want to pod him. Sure he'll be good against control, but I don't think he's gonna make the MB in this one.

Also I'm not worried about mana fixing as I have 4x birds, solemns and of course primeval.

I'll do some playtesting this weekend and see where it stands afterwards.

March 2, 2012 3:16 p.m.

metalmagic says... #11

I also agree that the colorless land count should come down. 2 of each should be plenty since you can fetch them up with the titans, and you can fit in some R/G duals if you want to more consistently have SlagstormMTG Card: Slagstorm mana. Or you could add in more forests in their place to help out the Dungrove ElderMTG Card: Dungrove Elders and swap the SlagstormMTG Card: Slagstorms for Arc TrailMTG Card: Arc Trails, as you can more easily cast them consistently and still have them be effective.

Just a couple more suggestions.

March 2, 2012 3:18 p.m.

Minousmancer says... #12

I loath Kessig Wolf RunMTG Card: Kessig Wolf Run I like this, I'd sideboard two more just in case someone is running with 3 to 4 Ghost QuarterMTG Card: Ghost Quarters in their main deck.

March 2, 2012 4:22 p.m.

zandl says... #13

Nobody runs 4 Ghost QuarterMTG Card: Ghost Quarters. And even if they did, the odds of drawing out all four is slim to none.

Two Kessigs is fine. Run three if you're concerned about Ghost QuarterMTG Card: Ghost Quarter, but running 4 is really just over the top.

March 2, 2012 4:29 p.m.

Minousmancer says... #14

That's why I said sideboard them.

March 2, 2012 4:53 p.m.

zandl says... #15

@rckclimber777: So what you're telling me about Viridian EmissaryMTG Card: Viridian Emissary is that, even though it would be really good in your deck, you're not going to use it because it was ruled out in a deck that you aren't even playing?

I think it would be awesome.

March 2, 2012 4:57 p.m.

rckclimber777 says... #16

I just can't see a time that I'd prefer the emissary to the geist. Geist is one of the strongest cards out there for pod and kessig and so if I'm podding into something I'm gonna pod into him not the emissary and I really can't see a situation where I'd want to top deck an emissary over any other card in my deck.

My point about it no longer seeing play in kessig wolf run is first an acknowledgement that this is still a wolf run deck and that people who are far better than I am have decided that it just isn't as good as it was originally thought.

I'll put it in the maybe, but I really don't think it'll make the cut.

March 2, 2012 6:13 p.m.

Huntmaster says... #17

I like your deck Idea +1!

March 4, 2012 8:46 p.m.

rckclimber777 says... #18

Thanks, though I'm not sure it actually +1'ed.

March 4, 2012 9:29 p.m.

Huntmaster says... #19

I got it that time lol

March 4, 2012 9:32 p.m.

mtuchler says... #20

Elesh Norn is a possible 7 drop, plus with all the ramp you could throw in a few Plains and cast it normally. Go Birthing Pod!

March 5, 2012 4:47 p.m.

Tyokan says... #21

I actually tried a pod wrr deck. It didn't work out so well. Especially when someone blew up the pod and that happens relatively often if any of you remember Bant Pod. I'm not saying it wasn't a good deck, I'm just saying that it wasn't as consistent as many other players would have liked it to be. It's chances of losing after sideboarding went significantly up.

***Birthing PodMTG Card: Birthing Pod should never be, in my opinion, a central theme. It should be at most a utility card, because the meta right now is pretty much Tempered Steel, Spirits, FKING Heavy ass aggro. That's what I'm trying to tell you. Or ask you in this case. How are you going to deal with fast threats that hit hit the board on t3 or t4? Your pod comes out t2 at best, t3 on average, and t4 at the latest. And that's IF you draw it. Does Birthing PodMTG Card: Birthing Pod answer the meta very well right now? It typically doesn't do that great of a job. Does Birthing PodMTG Card: Birthing Pod dodge a lot of the artifact hate out there right now? BW Tokens is pretty big with those Intangible VirtueMTG Card: Intangible Virtues, so I'm pretty sure the NaturalizeMTG Card: Naturalizes are going to come in against you if not the Ancient GrudgeMTG Card: Ancient Grudges.

***Not trying to be mean, and I am prepared for the crapload of flame I'm probably going to get just from this comment alone, but I believe you should try for a faster game and KEEP pod in. I actually want to see a pod deck compete with decks like Solar Flare, WRR, Tempered Steel, BW Tokens, GW Tokens, and the like. I honestly would. Pod has crap tons of potential but just like any other deck it can be hated out with ease, just in this case a lot easier than most.

March 5, 2012 9:47 p.m.

theonyc says... #22

i personally run a pod deck and it almost never dies, and when it does, the ever so important buried ruin helps a lot. i would add that in or sideboard it for the next game. truthfully though, for my deck pod never comes up even with 4 of them, so my deck doesn't rely on them, it is also a r/g ramp.

March 5, 2012 9:51 p.m.

He's got some tight ramp with Rampant Growth, Birds of Paradise, Solemn Simulacrum, etc. Most, if not all, of my Pod decks run similar ramp cards. You almost have to.

A good Pod deck shouldn't have to rely on the Pod. You're right that it's a utility card. A good Pod deck also runs hate of it's own and ways to bounce it back, ala Glissa, The Traitor, Buried Ruin, etc.

I've faced Humans, Control, Vampires, etc. and have swept most games. What makes a Pod deck awesome is that it has an answer for almost everything...

March 5, 2012 9:57 p.m.

Here's my Naya Podblade of Tool:

March 5, 2012 10:01 p.m.

Minousmancer says... #25

naya-podblade-of-tool [naya-podblade-of-tool] two of each on the ends Naya Podblade of Tool.

March 5, 2012 10:03 p.m.

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