Thanks for the input, soullessredafro.
I have to oppose your idea on adding plains. The same way having too many Shard Volley's in an opening hand is a mul, so is not being able to cast your red spells. Also, I would not be able to fetch them.
I have had some bad hands with Shard Volley, the idea was to always have one mana, instant speed three damage up, but the cost may be too high. Thinking about adding some Grim Lavamancer's to keep the one drop slot high.
Volcanic Fallout actually solves all the-the issues I had with Anger of the Gods. Most likely in.
January 17, 2016 9:53 a.m.
soullessredafro says... #3
No problem ESTABAUSS.
I didn't realize you weren't running Arid Mesa. Sorry about that. What about adding a couple Clifftop Retreat to the mana base? I know it's technically a slow land, buy you don't need white mana on turn 1. So having Clifftop and a mountain in opening had would let you mana fix without taking any damage.
January 17, 2016 12:54 p.m.
In my experiences, the slow mana is too detrimental when it is bad, and its benefits over paying life is not that relevant. Just my opinion, I would recommend the retreat whenever a deck plays a bit more white.
January 17, 2016 9:40 p.m.
MrCookenstein says... #5
+1 For the Boros Burn! I've got a similar deck that I'm working on making myself: Boros Burn/Tempo and I love that you're using Deflecting Palm too! The more and more I look at your list the more I like it, especially the one Stomping Ground for Destructive Revelry in the sideboard. I'm relatively new to Magic so I can't say much for constructive criticism, but there's nothing wrong with good ol' fashioned encouragement! My only question would be why no Flames of the Blood Hand? Just too much mana for what a Skullcrack or Boros Charm could do?
January 24, 2016 9:43 p.m.
You answered your own question very well. In all honesty, I would rather have Atarka's Command, than Skullcrack, but that would require another color and another $52.
Anyways, thank you so much for the encouragement. I like Boros Burn, but sometimes need another to say it is not terrible. I will check out your deck :)
January 24, 2016 10:03 p.m.
MrCookenstein says... #7
Considering you already have Stomping Ground for your sideboarded Destructive Revelry I don't see how adding in one more Stomp in place of a Sacred Foundry would be terrible, and you could then add in Atarka's Command with relative ease. But in a burn deck, why Atarka over Skullcrack?
January 24, 2016 10:17 p.m.
MrCookenstein says... #8
After thinking quite a bit about my last question, I realized the redundancy of my question. Skullcrack is target player while Atarka's Command is each opponent, plus it has other effects that could be used in a pinch. As far as the manabase I still see swapping a Stomping Ground over one of your Sacred Foundry's would be advantageous for you if having one is not enough. I figure if it's enough for 4 Destructive Revelry then 1-2 should be enough for Atarka's. Thoughts?
January 24, 2016 10:45 p.m.
Most likely true, might end up cutting a mountain to add the Stomping Ground though. If only to ensure I have 2 white for Kor Firewalker out the board. The only real reason I'm not running Atarka's Command rn is monetary. Still need to get a few lands, and all four Goblin Guides, so gonna take awhile to updrage the atarkas.
January 25, 2016 12:05 a.m.
MrCookenstein says... #10
One reason you may want to keep Skullcrack in is for the second line of text; it can help against something like an Etched Champion. Maybe consider a 2/2 split instead of 4 Atarka's Command and with just 2 of the Atarka's you wouldn't really need to change your manabase too much unless you want to account for the slim chance that double casting Atarka's with two Monastery Swiftspear on the board, choosing 1) and 2) and then (or double casting) 2) and 4) for a possible 16 points of damage to close out the game (which would be absolutely disgusting btw). But in all honesty it would be a rare case in which you had that scenario or anything similar. Given that it's possible to do that as early as T4 without using an Atarka's to play a land on your opponent's turn, you shouldn't need that much damage by this time in the game, and if you can pull that off so early you either kept a hand with lots of land or had an EXTREMELY good run. Of course there are the sideboarded Destructive Revelry and possibly the Guttural Response that cost a green, but all are at instant speed so it shouldn't cause too much conflict. Of course I am still a noob, but I just see running 8 fetches and 5 shocks as a little too much damage, especially with Eidolon of the Great Revel sending some extra damage your way if not used solely as a closer, which we both know isn't exactly true however well it may do that job. But I digress; obviously your concern about having 3 Sacred Foundry has some sort of reason behind it, but being as inexperienced as I am I just don't have the card knowledge or sheer number of games played with it to really know what that concern may be. Blood Moon and Spreading Seas along with land removal are the only things I can think of, which the majority of these aren't super common except the Moon, which means you're more than likely playing Mono-Red burn in which case it's probably going to count on you just top decking some straight red burn like a Skullcrack or two which means they can't utilize their Dragon's Claw. Besides, with things like the Grim Lavamancer (said in a Wisconsin accent) and Eidolon of the Great Revel they either draw out their burn, which in turn gives you time to draw into yours, OR they keep throwing stuff at your face and taking a bunch of damage for it. I don't know the statistics of running into a pseudo-mirror of Mono-Red and with a Blood Moon at that and if you do, unless they flood, or you go on an amazing run there's a good chance they may beat you because of half of your cards being dead. Again, any land destruction rather than manipulation is more than likely coming from a burn deck via Molten Rain so the scare of needing a 3rd Foundry seems unnecessary unless you plan on relentlessly casting Shard Volley >:) Personally I'd be content with just two, and adding in a second Stomping Ground once I got Atarka's. I really like this list and am considering running it over my own little makeshift Boros Burn, so I really wanna do my part to make sure the deck is running as smoothly as possible for you, that way I can take it all the way to the top! ;)
January 26, 2016 2:04 a.m.
Wow, much text ;)
But honestly, thank you so much for the input. I have not tested enough yet myself to know the ins and out of the deck, especially the Naya version. However, I am confident in the mana base. I want one more than I need source for each of my splash, to compensate for land removal. And versus a blood moon, I'm screwed until I know about it, then I have to play around it, fetching mountains and sideboarding accordingly.
What I'm trying to get at though, is that I am building this Boros deck right now, and will be posting how it works once I can play it in paper.
Thank you so much for the encouragment, and I want it to be as good as possible as well ;)
January 26, 2016 11:03 p.m.
HoodedCreeper says... #12
i think there should be some blood moons in the sidebourd
January 31, 2016 12:38 a.m.
Thank you for the suggestion, I am always trying to perfect my sideboard. I just don't think Blood Moon is a great card when I'm trying to use three colors with no basics for my splashes.
January 31, 2016 12:55 a.m.
Nice list man, your main board is almost identical to mine :).
Personally I chose to keep mine strictly Boros so I could keep my mana base down to 18 and still feel pretty comfortable, and I just run Smash to Smithereens instead of Destructive Revelry which has worked really well for me in both of the tournaments that I've taken it to. That's definitely a meta call though.
Our sideboards have quite a few differences though. One thing I can say is that I like Kor Firewalker more than Dragon's Claw. I have had to use him several time both in tournaments, and in casual play and the 2 hasn't been a problem, so far at least.
If you wouldn't mind could you check out my Boros list and give me your thoughts? WestBoros Baptist Church!
January 31, 2016 1:08 a.m. Edited.
Have you thought of adding Vexing Devil? It's a very nasty thing to go against.
January 31, 2016 6:38 p.m.
RamblinMan says... #16
Would definitely run Reality Hemorrhage over Spatial Contortion in the SB because it can still do damage to players in a major pinch.
January 31, 2016 6:39 p.m.
I actually have. It is what I run inside my mono red version of burn, but as I upgrade the deck to the most competitive option, I want the best cards in the deck. And Goblin Guide is the better card. It requires an answer, and will basically, every single time, do two damage. While Vexing Devil will do no damage a lot of the time, and 4 at the best.
Recently realized that I can not even cast Spatial Contortion. For that and the reason you brought up, Reality Hemorrhage is immediately in.
February 1, 2016 11:10 p.m.
ComradeJim270 says... #18
Looks good! Very similar to the list I've just built (I Like my Opponents Medium-Well). My concern with it is that with this number of fetches, Searing Blaze might be tricky to get online sometimes. Have you found this to be the case in testing?
February 4, 2016 12:33 a.m. Edited.
ComradeJim270 says... #19
Also, going to point out that Reality Hemorrhage could potentially kill Master of Waves. Merfolk is now at or very close to tier 1, so that's worth considering.
February 4, 2016 12:47 a.m.
Wow, this card is great. My consideration of running two is a lot more likely the more I find out about this card. However, I think I'll check out my meta before I finalize my sideboard on here.
February 4, 2016 1:23 a.m.
ComradeJim270 says... #21
It's kind of a corner case there, given that any Merfolk in the deck can potentially get out of burn range by that stage of the game. Still worth keeping in mind though.
February 4, 2016 1:28 a.m. Edited.
Tristanraid says... #22
Hey, I've never played modern b4 but I have most of these cards and they were just collecting dust while I play EDH. Think I'll put it together and try it out at FNM. I'll get back to ya on my wins.Btw I gave ya a +1. I love burn.
soullessredafro says... #1
+1 for Burn! I am also a burn player. Here's a link to my burn deck if you'd like to take a look Grim Monastery's Guide to Bolts, Bumps & Spikes.
I used to play Boros burn. I really like the fact that you are splashing green for Destructive Revelry.
Since you're only playing two colours in the main, I would suggest running 2-3 Plains just in case your Sacred Foundry gets destroyed.
4 Shard Volley seems a little overboard. What happens when you have 2-3 in your opening hand? Insta-mull. For that reason I would cut it back to 1-2. Replace them with either Searing Blaze or Searing Blood.
Grim Lavamancer is always great in burn. 2 maximum.
I don't know what your meta is like, but I would run a couple Path to Exile in the sideboard for creatures that can't be bolted.
I don't particularly like Anger of the Gods. Volcanic Fallout is a good alternate because it hits your opponent as well.
I think you can drop down to 19 lands as well.
January 17, 2016 2:48 a.m.