strateupjee says... #2
Honestly, Odric and Chandra are too slow for Standard, and Pillar is more of a sideboard card than a main deck, I would say pull all of those in favor of 4x Lightning Mauler for soulbonding haste, essentially speeding your deck up by a turn or so, adding in 2 more lands (probably just basics), and adding in something like Firemane Avenger as a 2 of to replace Odric at the 4 drop, curve out spot, since her battalion as better than his ability in my opinion, and you have no flying at this point
March 25, 2013 9:44 p.m.
I second the suggestion of Firemane Avenger in place of odric
I like Chandra, the Firebrand in this deck though
I was informed yesterday that there is an infinite life combo in standard that is not very hard to achieve.....
maybe a combination of Malignus and Inquisitor's Flail for a one hit kill?
just some suggestions
March 25, 2013 9:48 p.m.
instead of legion loyalist i would run Kessig Malcontents , it doesnt have the advantage of haste but its a human and the ability is pretty cool, plus if you pair it with lightning mauler you can then attack immediately
March 25, 2013 9:55 p.m.
fightingfish18 says... #5
The only problem with Kessig Malcontents is that it ruins my mana curve. I like it htough, I'd just have to think about it a bit.
Malignus + Inquisitors flail is a fair bit too slow for this deck, I love the possibilities in EDH though...
I already have 4 Lightning Maulers in, so no need to drop anything for those, but I do like Firemane Avenger. I'm going to look at that here.
Thanks for the advice so far!
Also, I received a suggestion of Burning Tree Emissary.. What do you guys think of that?
March 25, 2013 10:21 p.m.
strateupjee says... #6
I have no idea how I missed that haha, well in that case, add in something like Aurelia's Fury or some such
March 25, 2013 10:39 p.m.
TheLameSauce says... #7
Too much Chandra, not enough Boros Reckoner . (Just kidding about the reckoner, unless you really feel it'd help) The only thing I see here worth -2 ing Chandra for is potentially the Boros Charm , and at 4 mana, you really need your planeswalker slot to be more versatile. I'd consider a couple Cloudshift to help your creatures with evasion, even if it's just a sideboard option. Those paired with at least as many Thalia's as you have, you'd stand a good chance of holding off any board control your opponent plays while you turn sideways for the win.
March 25, 2013 10:45 p.m.
One thing you might consider is Stromkirk Noble ... perhaps a sideboard option when facing a human-heavy deck
March 25, 2013 10:51 p.m.
strateupjee says... #9
Hell, Faith's Shield is incredible and I don't know how I missed it
March 25, 2013 10:53 p.m.
fightingfish18 says... #10
I like Boros Reckoner , but not in this deck. Stromkirk Noble will probably get sideboarded in, Makes sense to me. I already have 4 Boros Charm in there. I like Cloudshift over Faith's Shield , not a fan of Aurelia's Fury . How about Burning-Tree Emissary ?
March 25, 2013 10:59 p.m.
fightingfish18 says... #11
Oh, and Geoxis, my Orzhov deck runs an infinite life gain/damage combo with Vizkopa Guildmage and Exquisite Blood . You can also do infinite lifegain with Boros Reckoner soulbonded to Nearheath Pilgrim . You play Boros Charm to make him indestructible, then have him repeatedly damage himself.
March 25, 2013 11:23 p.m.
Firemane Avenger should be removed and replaced with Hellrider . You should be winning on that turn and Hellrider makes it so. He should also be a 4 - of, as your only he end finisher.
Burning-Tree Emissary seems a little lacking, specifically because you can only cast a Searing Spear or Lightning Mauler with it. If you want to run that card, I would suggest playing the R/G Aggro deck.
You appear to be missing the staple of Boros right now, Boros Reckoner . He really is insane. I'd consider adding him in.
Other than these few things, you've definitely got a fast deck that can take down a tournament pretty easily, barring bad luck and nut draws from your opponents.
March 26, 2013 1:11 a.m.
fightingfish18 says... #13
BuLLZ3Y3, Thanks for the feedback. I put Firemane Avenger in with the idea that I should drop Chandra, the Firebrand who was in an earlier build. She and Odric, Master Tactician were my original finishers. I would drop Odric onto Lightning Mauler and swing such that no one would block, or I would drop Chandra, use her -2, and copy Searing Spear or Boros Charm for 6-8 damage direct. I do like Hellrider a lot though. If I can get 4 of them, I'd definitely consider adding.
As far as Boros Reckoner , I'm really on the fence about him. He's got a great ability, and blocking with him, or having him blocked, is usually trading 2 for 1. However, to put him in, I either have to hurt my mana curve, or I have to remove either Silverblade Paladin or Frontline Medic . Silverblade has won me quite a few games, and Frontline is great to drop turn 3 on Lightning Mauler to turn sideways with indestructible creatures. Again, it's something I'd playtest on Cockatrice before committing to.
Geoxis says... #1
looks about right
divine reflection could be fun
not sure of the real name, it's from avacyn
March 25, 2013 9:36 p.m.