Boros Agrro Humans(back to the drawing board)

Standard* StunForDayz


Jimhawk says... #1

Let's break this down by mana costs.

1-drops: The ones that should stay are Boros Elite, Champion of the Parish, and Legion Loyalist. Stonewright is weak outside of mono-red and Furious Resistance is for blocking, which is not what you want to be doing. That frees up 4 slots.

2-drops: The good stuff here is Truefire Paladin, Searing Spear, and Boros Charm. Gather the Townsfolk is in the middle for me, as it is only good with a Champion of the Parish out. I would consider cutting it. Martial Glory is nice, but inefficient, and Rakdos Shred-Freak is outclassed by a few other cards I'll mention. That frees up 6 slots.

3-drops: Assuming you don't have access to Silverblade Paladin, everything is fine here.

Lands: Waaaaay too many for an aggro deck. You want 23 at most, and I recommend 21-22 if you plan on having no 4-drops. Let's go to 22 by cutting 2 Mountains and 1 Plains.

New cards: We have 13 free slots! Here are my suggestions.

+4 Wojek Halberdiers: These guys offer a lot of bang for your buck and cost you almost nothing. Get 4.
+2 Truefire Paladin: Makes blocking difficult when he attacks and plays good defense too.
+1 Skyknight Legionnaire: A hasty, evasive threat. Definitely worth playing all 4.
+1 Searing Spear: Efficient removal and can burn the face too.
+2 Boros Charm: This card is awesome, I don't like running less than 4.
+3 Oblivion Ring: Catch-all removal, especially good for Boros Reckoner.

If you have the means, I would also try replacing 3 Fiend Hunter with 3 Firemane Avenger. Other options in that slot on a budget are Odric, Master Tactician or Riders of Gavony. If you want, you can also try replacing two lands with Slayers' Stronghold. Cathedral of War is a popular choice as well, though I don't personally advocate using it.

Cards to consider on a higher budget are Silverblade Paladin, Hellrider, Elite Inquisitor, Precinct Captain, Ash Zealot, Thalia, Guardian of Thraben, and the Boros dual lands.

I tried to stick to cards with low monetary value as you appear to be on a budget. Hope this helps. If you need a powerful Boros deck to compare to, The Sunfist Brigade is my successful creation.

Welcome to the Legion.

February 28, 2013 1:43 a.m.

Jimhawk says... #2

Oh, I forgot that you had 61 cards. I would take out one of either Boros Elite or Legion Loyalist to get to 60. I would personally lean more toward Boros Elite getting removed.

February 28, 2013 1:45 a.m.

vinzuki says... #3

try my deck.. it's cheap and has a good agro... BOROS allstar+ for fellow boros legionaire!

February 28, 2013 4:47 a.m.

StunForDayz says... #4

Thanks you guys, I did on planing getting Elite Inquisitors, slayer's stonghold and more boros charms when I go to the store friday.What about Lightning Mauler and instead of oblivion ring would it be good to run nevermore? I was also told that blind Obedience .was good for aggro decks too. I am also thinking of buy 1 boros reckenor as a birthday gift to me :)

February 28, 2013 1:06 p.m.

heuertag says... #5

Lightning Mauler is definitely good, but I think it's best used when you have something to play after it that could really use the haste, like a Firemane Avenger or something. However, it could make a Frontline Medic hasty which could be nice as well.

Blind Obedience could help, because it will delay each creature's ability to block you by a turn, but you probably don't want to bog your deck down with more than 1 or 2.

Nevermore- sideboard it if you have it.

Elite Inquisitor is also a good card but it might be hard to get it out on turn two when you want it without dual lands.

Pillar of Flame could help slow down other aggro decks, and stop any Gravecrawler or Geralf's Messenger shenanigans.

Finally, from what I have heard, Boros Reckoner is an allstar. He's expensive though, so I would say only get him if you plan on playing Boros seriously for a while.

Overall, it's a decent deck, especially on a budget... so +1 :)

February 28, 2013 1:52 p.m.

StunForDayz says... #6

I plan on spending 40-50 dollars to improve this deck. I just want to know how to get more bang for my buck and yet help my deck in winning more games.

February 28, 2013 3:55 p.m.

StunForDayz says... #7

UpDate: I bought 1 blind obedience, 4 Elite inquisitors, 4 Clifftop Retreat 3 Pillar of flames, 2 oblivion ring, 1 nevermore and 1 slayer stronghold. I wanted to buy boros reckonor but i was saving around 20 bucks when I bought the 4 Clifftops from one of my friends' friend. My friend is gonna let me borrow his blind obedience for FNM which makes 2 now, but i might not be able to get 2 more boros charms

February 28, 2013 9:04 p.m.

zandl says... #8

Spark Trooper can be a powerful finisher.

March 1, 2013 2:18 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #9

I agree. If you can't use Hellrider then Spark Trooper is certainly very powerful. The fact that it has trample means you'll always get at least 3 or 4 damage through and gain that back in health. You play 2 in succession turns 4 and 5 and that'll secure a game - if you have a solid start.

I would say in an aggro deck like this perhaps consider

-2 Blind Obedience,

-2 Oblivion Ring

+2 Boros Charm

+2 Searing Spear.

The searing spears will help get damage through to players or kill annoying blockers. Boros charm can give your creatures indestructibility or double strike.

March 1, 2013 2:32 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #10

This is looking pretty solid

March 1, 2013 2:32 p.m.

StunForDayz says... #11

The reason I added blind obedience is to give me more time to attack my opponent and the Oblivion ring is for those who run Boros reckoners and hellriders. I still need to get more Boros charm. I switch to pillar of flame because its easy to play and takes out low creatures. I stop using searing spear because of boros reckenors. I have mix feelings for Spark trooper because he will die in the end of the turn but will do alot of damage. I see if I can get him before FNM today.

March 1, 2013 3:34 p.m.

capriom85 says... #12

Silverblade Paladin, Aurelia's Fury, and Mizzium Mortars. just my thouhts...i played 2 similar builds lastw eek with my Jund. They both had the Boros Reckoner and I steamrolled them. I'm simply saying this as a heads up to include some burn removal higher than 3 damage. Also, the Aurelia's Fury would be a nice touch to stall for a big, unanswered swing. The Silverblade Paladin will help there. I suggest it as a 2-3 of...nothing excited about a turn 3 unbonded paladin. Right now doublestrike works so well with BATALLION

March 1, 2013 4:27 p.m.

StunForDayz says... #13

What would I replace for Silverblade Paladins if i were to get 3 of them?

March 1, 2013 5:08 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #14

Fiend Hunter - it's your least aggro creature.

March 1, 2013 5:29 p.m.

Tiranus42 says... #15

personally i would put in Silverblade Paladin this ability forces people to deal with him and if they don't deal with him he can be a finisher. i would also pull out Pillar of Flame and put in something like Searing Spear or Brimstone Volley and if you are going for Batallion. then yes Firemane Avenger i think would be great!! he is a cheap card that will help you alot! But yes. he isn't human. :( i would also put in at least another Slayers' Stronghold it comes in handy if you have extra mana and the ability to give creatures haste is very good! Wojek Halberdiers and Boros Elite i would Consider pulling out. because there battalion ability's only effect them. and with pulling those six cards out you can easily put in Firemane Avenger and Silverblade Paladin if you want to kepp in Fiend Hunter

March 2, 2013 6:26 p.m.

StunForDayz says... #16

What's you opinion on Angel of Glory's Rise?

March 2, 2013 11:19 p.m.

Tiranus42 says... #17

if you can't afford Aurelia, the Warleader then i think that Angel of Glory's Rise is a worthy substitute for a late game possible ender

March 3, 2013 11:41 p.m.

Tiranus42 says... #18

also i would look into getting Arrest instead of Oblivion Ring personally i think its better

March 3, 2013 11:42 p.m.

zandl says... #19

Wait. What?

When would Arrest ever be better than Oblivion Ring?


That's when.

O-Ring can get rid of any non-land permanent (Planeswalkers, Artifacts, Enchantments, and Creatures). Arrest only stops Creatures, for the exact same cost.

You might be able to pitch an argument in favor of Pacifism, but only for the difference in mana-cost. And even then, Oblivion Ring is still the better choice.

March 4, 2013 12:11 a.m.

Tiranus42 says... #20

hmm true. never thought of exiling planeswalkers. listen to this guy

March 4, 2013 12:16 a.m.

Rayenous says... #21

To answer zandl.

Arrest would be better than Oblivion Ring if you are playing it in combination with other negative enchantments, such as StabWound, or have another reason you want your opponents to keep their creatures.... but that's about it.

March 8, 2013 4:05 p.m.

Rayenous says... #22

lol.... Apparently I responded to another post, just as you were cleaning them up.

March 8, 2013 4:06 p.m.

thou should start by first moving Act of Treason to the sideboard. I feel that Wojek Halberdiers are unnecessary since thy Legion Loyalist provides first strike across the board

March 8, 2013 4:47 p.m.

StunForDayz says... #24

What would I replace Halberdiers?

March 9, 2013 1:11 a.m.

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