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Boros Allied Armaments

Standard* Aggro Allies RW (Boros)




RW Allied Equipment for GP Houston

Based on decks found on Salvation

Rebuild #1, Friday 19th February:

Original list is based on the ideas in this post on Salvation. Now we start tinkering...

-2 Makindi Aeronaut +2 Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh  

Chandra saw Kytheon/Gideon having so much fun that she wanted to join the party too. As it so happens, I don't have the Aeronauts after all, so easy enough choice there. I was debating taking out Pia and Kiran Nalaar because they aren't allies and I don't want to sacrifice my artifact equipment, ever, but then I noticed that the thopters actually are artifacts! Interesting idea. Maybe also a spot for Throwing Knife synergy?

-3 Wild Slash -1 Fiery Impulse / +4 Hedron Blade

Quite simply I didn't think there were enough armaments (equipment) in the deck. With the addition of Chandra and the knowledge about those thopters, I think this'll be safe enough...

Edit 22nd February: More theorycrafting: flip Chandra isn't good in this deck (few cheap burn spells to flip her reliably :( ) and Chitinous Cloak is just too expensive once equip cost is factored in. Also more removal in the sideboard, but still trying to figure out what to do for Kor Sky Climber


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Results: 1 - 3 overall. Pretty disappointing, to be honest, but that's why we playtest :) More importantly, it's a great starting point. Faced a fair amount of meta-ish decks tonight for FNM, with the exception of 4C Company. Would not be surprised to see half my LGS at the GP next week, to be honest...

Round-by-Round breakdown:

Round 1: vs Jund Dragons win 2-0


-2 Firemantle Mage -2 Pia and Kiran Nalaar +4 Deflecting Palm


Deck seems solid, but land balance is a thing to watch out for. Both games I had to mull to 6, and Game 2 I should have gone to 5 - was mountain locked until t4 or 5 which could be bad.

Also forgot the flip Kytheon trigger on G1 /facepalm

Round 2: vs Mono Red loss 1-2

-4 Firemantle Mage +4 Deflecting Palm

Ran out of steam in game 3. Deflecting Palm is not enough against decks that go wide. Game 2 didn't play BFZ Gideon early enough. Even if it seems unwise, getting all the +0 blockers is important. Still could have gone either way though. Good loss.

Round 3: vs (pure colorless?) Eldrazi Ramp loss 1-2

-2 Pia and Kiran Nalaar -1 BoNeSaW +3 Brute Strength

Was too timid game 1. F**k the thopters and just go for it. Game 2 went well, but again, mountains will be the end of me. Game 3, Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger happened despite getting good pressure early. Also there is a card that sacrifices all permanents under X CMC, hard counter to the deck. Should have gone Deflecting Palm with this sideboard.

Round 4: vs Mardu Dragons loss 1-2

-4 Hedron Blade +4 Deflecting Palm

Game 1 he rather effectively controlled me. The X/1 nature of most of my creatures was my downfall here. Dies to cheap removal a la Wild Slash.

Game 2 kept a 1 land hand because f**k it, why not? I also had 2 Expedition Envoys and a BoNeSaW in hand so I felt I could float it. I could. Munda, Ambush Leader I picked up from the dollar rares shelf was the MVP here. Great synergy with the deck, and haste > thopters easily.

Game 3: Good tempo aside from the removal aspect again getting in the way (though not as bad as G1). Got land flooded starting t4, which doomed me.

Any thoughts on how to improve the deck? I've noticed I tend to be timid around the big blocking Eldrazi (in fear of futile attacks, who knows?) so maybe Sparkmage's Gambit? Also if there's one thing that annoyed me about the red decks I played against, it was Thunderbreak Regent. Not sure where to slot in removal, though.

Finally cut down to 60 Still want to see Kor Sky Climber in the deck somewhere, but I can't just keep putting cards in, y'know?


Revision 3 See all

(9 years ago)

-2 Expedite side
+2 Munda, Ambush Leader main
Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

18 - 6 Rares

20 - 4 Uncommons

4 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.95
Tokens Emblem Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, Knight Ally 2/2 W, Kor Ally 1/1 W, Thopter 1/1 C
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