This is an Ally Equipment deck. With the loss of key Humans I am moving away from Thalia for the time being.
Most of my Allies trigger ETB effects and synergize well with the the aggressive creatures in Kaledesh. Using Menace, and Haste (in the case of a surged Reckless Bushwhacker) to overwhelm my opponent. Even though alone my creatures are weak through Rally triggers, and a plethora of anthems my deck becomes a fast and lean killing machine.
Key Ideas
- Allies buff each other and a number of creatures get better with Artifacts and Equipment on the field.
- Menace makes blocking hard
How to Play
Initial Hand
In general you want to start with at a couple lands, at least one drop and a two drop in your hand. If you don't have a turn one and turn two play available you should most likely just mulligan. There are match ups where a turn one Needle Spires is good enough however it is far from ideal.
Be The Aggressor
The idea with the deck is pretty simple play creatures turn them sideways to attack repeat.
Here is my favorite play with my original deck (back when Oath of the Gatewatch had just come out) and still very doable with my new list:
Turn 1: Battlefield Forge, Kytheon, Hero of Akros
Turn 2: Mountain,
Weapons Trainer
, attack with Kytheon, Hero of Akros
Turn 3:
Ally Encampment
, 2nd
Weapons Trainer
, didn't attack because they dropped a Sylvan AdvocateTurn 4: Plains, Bone Saw, Surge in Reckless Bushwhacker, Surge in 2nd Reckless Bushwhacker, attack for 27
A +1 is appreciated if you like this deck.
Comments are welcome, I love getting feedback it allows me to get new perspective on the deck. I have been brewing a Standard Allies list since Battle was spoiled and hearing other's thoughts on this deck has allowed me to continue to improve and test new ideas.