Boros Battalion

Standard princessswigg


ragos87 says... #1

How about Firemane Avenger instead of Fiendslayer Paladin . Maybe move Fiendslayer Paladin to the sideboard.

October 18, 2013 4:54 p.m.

princessswigg says... #2

ragos87 I'm running 2 Firemane Avenger but I ran out of time to finish editing this on here. Lol.

October 19, 2013 1:27 a.m.

Oddjob9 says... #3

3x Firefist Striker in place of Ash Zealot and Fiendslayers

October 20, 2013 12:46 a.m.

princessswigg says... #4

Oddjob9 Made that suggested change :)

October 20, 2013 11:06 a.m.

flashter says... #5

Looks good I may add Firefist Striker to my brew kinda forgot about that one as well Chained to the Rocks looks good in the build +1 from me.

October 29, 2013 11:39 a.m.

princessswigg says... #6

@flashter I haven't played with my deck since adding Firefist Striker because I've been focusing on getting my selesnya deck up to tournament par, but I really like the idea of being able to stop one of the opponent's biggest blockers. Thanks for the +1 :)

October 29, 2013 11:55 a.m.

Sizzlr694 says... #7

+1 very nice.

Aurelia, the Warleader would go very nicely in here, turn 6, game over

October 29, 2013 5:52 p.m.

princessswigg says... #8

Sizzlr694 I had her in my deck for the longest time, but her cmc is so high. I tried to make the deck as fast as possible for competitive play. Now that the deck is more refined, she's worth a look again. What would you remove for her?

October 29, 2013 6:36 p.m.

flashter says... #9

No problem I have a solid selesnya brew check it out if you would like deck-large:return of the jedi to selesnyaggro (theros).

October 29, 2013 8:21 p.m.

Sizzlr694 says... #10

I would look at removing the Firemane Avenger and Boros Elite simply because two single cards aren't really helping your deck. I like and use both of them and would suggest upping them both to 3. Or drop out the Akroan Hoplite his ability doesn't do anything to help the other creatures. Or maybe lose the Skyknight Legionnaire , slowing you down slightly but putting you in a massively better position a turn later, looking at all your 3 drops, if I had all three in hand and could only play one, the Skyknight Legionnaire would be the last pick every time.

That way 2-3 Aurelia, the Warleader 's can make their way into your deck.

Also with your sideboard, I would look at dropping the Assemble the Legion for another Legion's Initiative I have found that most games with boros don't last much longer than turn 6 or 7, meaning you never really get tokens out. Where as Legion's Initiative has saved my butt so many times, and frustrates the hell out of opponents when they think they are just about to board wipe you,

October 29, 2013 9:59 p.m.

princessswigg says... #11

Sizzlr694 I've been considering removing both Firemane Avenger and Boros Elite . I like Akroan Hoplite because he does get bumped up but you're right. His ability only affects himself. The reason I've kept Skyknight Legionnaire is due to the flying and the haste. I've been thinking that I need one more Legion's Initiative because he can be helpful for board wipes. I think I'll try some of you ideas and see how the deck works. I really miss Aurelia, the Warleader . People are afraid of her. Thanks!

October 30, 2013 8:25 a.m.

fights says... #12

Legion's Initiative is bad unless you run an enchantment based deck just run 4x Boros Charm just as good

October 31, 2013 12:04 a.m.

princessswigg says... #13

fights I'm a bit confused about your comment on Legion's Initiative as it relates to enchantments. I intentionally chose it because it buffed up my creatures, but now I focus on its exile ability. You save all your creatures if the ever popular Supreme Verdict comes out. Also, I already run 4 Boros Charm .

October 31, 2013 7 a.m.

Rogerz says... #14

Nice deck, ever think of sideboarding Anger of the Gods ?

November 6, 2013 9:30 p.m.

princessswigg says... #15

Rogerz yes, but I decided to go for speed...get the army and battalion going quickly.

November 6, 2013 9:38 p.m.

eleet5 says... #16

I would run more than 21 lands if you are going to be running any 4-drops. I see that you're trying to rival RDW in its speed, but that's not possible with 21 land and less than 8 1-drops

I usually use this formula to find my land count, please excuse the math/variables :S

(#lands)/(total cards in deck) = x

x * (total # of cards you are going to draw by turn y including the 7 in your hands) = minimum lands you should run


(21)/(60) = 0.35

0.35*10 = 3.5

you will draw an average of 3.5 lands by turn 3.

So I'd up my land count to 24 at least if you plan to run 4-drops for less mana stumbles. This becomes less relevant if you run nyx shrines though :P

Hope this helps~

November 6, 2013 11:06 p.m.

Saljen says... #17

I'd run 1x more Warleader's Helix and 2x Shock or Magma Jet . Drop Madcap Skills to add them.

November 7, 2013 10:39 a.m.

princessswigg says... #18

Saljen I've been running those for a while but decided to try something a little different. They can always go back if they don't pan out. Thanks though :)

November 8, 2013 9:31 a.m.

cubsnbears43 says... #19

You should consider Soldier of the Pantheon or Judge's Familiar rather than Akroan Crusader because you don't have lot of spells that are targeting akroan anyway. I def like your deck though.

January 24, 2014 11:50 a.m.

fights says... #20

Could Consider Celestial Flare in side as well its very good against a solo desecration demon swinging in or anything big that could fly over your head

March 8, 2014 2:11 a.m.

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