This deck was created as a sort of control option to a color combo that doesn't have many control cards. Your burn spells both act as creature removal and as your win condition, making the deck very versatile. The deck can create insane combos that are capable of clearing the board of any threats, and then burn your opponent down to zero health. The deck splashes white to add Boros Charm, Chained to the Rocks, and my personal favorite Warleader's Helix. The rest of the cards in the deck are just burn spells except for Chandra's Phoenix who will keep coming back to your hand as long as you keep burning, and Saytr Firedancer , who can take care of threats by himself, or if paired with another they can clear the board with a single burn spell.
Depending on your opponents deck, this is how a game might go.
Turn 1: Temple of Triumphand scry, (or if playing against aggro) Mountain and wait to deal with their first threat.
Turn 2: Another land and then Saytr Firedancer (Unless they play a deck with burn cards that might get rid of it early on) Then you would wait and respond with another spell.
Turn 3: Chandra's Phoenix and attack, or you could hold back and use Saytr Firedancer to clear thier board as well as damage them.
Turn 4: Put the game out of reach with a big fat Warleader's Helix to the face, and then bounce it and kill one of their creatures.
Turns from then on: Just keep on Burning
The deck has the ability to wipe out aggro decks, and outrace mid range and control decks. I'll be playing this Wednesday at my local Hobby Stores tournament. Ill let you know how it did