Boros Burn (Naya in the Back)

Modern XVicarious


MidgeRub says... #1

Nice build! As a burn player myself, was just curious as to the decision to sideboard Dragon's Claw over Kor Firewalker for the mirror?

July 28, 2016 3:30 p.m.

XVicarious says... #2

Firewalker in my opinion is too hard to cast with 3 (really more if you count fetches) sources of white. Blood Moon also just takes playing Firewalker out of the equation. If you see an opponent with a Moon, they're playing red, so you want that sweet sweet free life.

July 29, 2016 11:30 a.m.

MidgeRub says... #3

Ah okay, I guess it is all meta dependent, I see a lot of SB lifegain and combo archtypes in my meta, so Firewalker/Claw affects usually only come in for the mirror, and usually g2, I pull the Atarka's to put me on 2 color in that matchup. Never thought about Firewalker/Claw against Blue Moon, since they are a control deck burn can usually outrace them (Jeskai Moon maybe not as they would probably run Helix), but have had a moon drop with nothing but Boros Charms and Atarka's Commands in hand so I understand the concern. There is just nothing better than Kor Firewalker in the mirror match, which can sometimes be a real bitch, especially if they are on less colors than you.

August 7, 2016 4:58 p.m.

XVicarious says... #4

This is a whole month late MidgeRub, whoops. I play surprisingly few mirror matches. We used to have a lot of Burn. One swapped it for Infect (or isn't there at all), another went off to school, and a third who is trading it in for Merfolk (of all things...). I suppose in the mirror they are both as hard to get rid of depending on what answers are brought in. Also, people really never think to bring in artifact hate against burn. It is one less creature target. They have to choose between or evenly distribute their creature answers and artifact answers. It doesn't swing, but then again I don't focus on my creatures when I play to win. I generally win through the burn spells and creatures are an added bonus. I find Swiftspears and Guides are "good enough" in the mirror.

In any case, I was looking at the recent Star City Games article with the burn decks. I don't play any Grim Lavamancers or Deflecting Palm. I'm looking into seeing what I can do with adding those. I also am quite a fan of the new Chandra, Torch of Defiance. I'm going to play her as a 2 of in the sideboard when she comes out just as a test. She may just end up being a big target and get removed right away at a waste of 4 mana, but you never know.

September 10, 2016 2:57 a.m.

MidgeRub says... #5

XVicarious Hey you never know it could be fun, was recently testing a 1 of Bedlam Reveler myself, it lol I have to say Deflecting Palm is my favorite card in my SB, it has saved me multiple times in infect, affinity, bogles, has even saved me from Emrakul once. In those matchups you can find yourself doing 10-15dmg for 2 mana, I imagine it is how legacy players feel dropping Price of Progress lolMost burn SBs I've seen run Path, but 99% of them run 2-4 Destructive Revelry so post board they will almost more than likely have more Claw answers available than Firewalker. If Eidolon doesn't get sided out that's another potential target for D Rev as well. If you don't see the mirror much then it is really irrelevant I guess, every mirror match I've ever had has been decided by who goes first g1 and who sees more Firewalkers g2/3, not only are you gaining the life, but unless they have Firewalker out or NaCatl (gross but it happens), Firewalke can't be blocked and represents damage as well as life. Can also block just have to watch out for Skullcrack but yeah if no mirror in your meta than I can see where you are coming from, ever considered taking it out completely?

September 19, 2016 8:18 p.m.

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