Boros Eleet

Standard eleet5


Quadsimotto says... #5

Well I got pummeled by this deck. It was too fast and i had mana problems It beat Mana carve 2/0 Game one ended on T8 with you having 26 life thanks to a eidelon. In that game i made huge mistake of using an elf to block early on instead of taking it on the chin and it cost me the game mana wise. Game two was just pitiful for my deck. Started with a mulligan and it never got any better i dont think it would have mattered any way as it ended on T4 with a Boros Charm to the face after a quick beating of little fellows and a spear on deck. Nice quick deck here good luck with it competitively.

November 24, 2013 9:26 p.m.

jsansoldo says... #6

+1 for the set up. It's very defensive, but I like it.

One thing to note is that your highest curve is 3, so you dont need more than 20 lands.

You could play with just 20 even if your max cost was 4 with no concerns. In this deck, I would risk 18-19 (like on my goblin deck). Extra lands are deadly lategame.

I would recomend another Ajani, Caller of the Pride and another Boros Charm for the slot. If more defense is in place, Legion's Initiative is a mass blink vs table wipe, and can assure an attack with no sorcery removals to steal your babies.

PS: Favored Hoplite seems more in place for this deck than Soldier of the Pantheon . Soldier cant be target by Boros Charm, and his effectiveness drop through the game, when Hoplite only get stronger, and can work as wonderfull blocker along with the combat tricks. The best decks right now are devotion based monocolors, so the Protection is not that relevant. Not dying to Abrupt Decay (the only great multicolor target removal) is very much irrelevant when you have 9 counter-removals available.

November 25, 2013 4:33 p.m.

HellDraftPony says... #7

I really liked your deck, R/W aggro is so much win this days. But I really don't see the point in playing Hopeful Eidolon , I would rather to play Boros Elite or Dryad Militant to counter Scavenging Ooze , you know, the ooze can really tear down some boros if don't stop it.If you are looking for the buff to your heroics Gift of Orzhova gives you alot more for some less...

November 25, 2013 8:08 p.m.

eleet5 says... #8

jsansoldo I was running 23 lands before but dropped down 1 and it feels like a good spot though I would probably run 21 at the least. Ajani, Caller of the Pride feels just right at 2 anymore increases the 2nd/3rd dead card in your hand, which was what I had with Spear of Heliod hence I dropped it to 2 each. I find legion initiative less relevant when I have boros charm, while I have better things I need to drop during turns 2-4 to put pressure out and its an easy read for the opponent while with charm you can play mind games with them by just leaving mana open. I would never take out Soldier of the Pantheon , he's NEVER a disappointment when I can get him on t1 and I feel like you mistaken my deck for leading down the heroic trigger path which is not what I was planning but rather card quality that makes the opponent have to deal with such as being 2 for 1 by Boros Reckoner or let Precinct Captain run loose generating tokens everywhere and then Fabled Hero coming in for the win con when the opponent runs out of removals. While its true you can't target Soldier with boros charm for the D strike, that's not what you'll be using boros charm for anyways as indestructible bypasses the protection. Also thanks for the +1!

HellDraftPony Thanks I do love my boros! Eidolon is a heavily underrated card. It has lots of potential, I mean I've alpha striked through enemy defensives for 10+ damage equipped on fabled hero with LIFELINK and watch the opponent cringe as I doubled my life and halved theirs. A 1/1 life link for 1cmc is very good as well imo as every life you gain makes it that much more difficult for the aggro decks especially rdw. I was playing Boros Elite and Dryad Militant before and I felt them being lackluster pass turn 4 which most games do last that so I dropped them. Its not a creature swarm deck but rather a resilient big damage to the face with protection aggro deck. Also dryad doesn't counter Scavenging Ooze as she exiles instants and sorceries and not creatures which it feeds off of, however she does counter Spellheart Chimera but she's not played for her ability but rather her 2 power for 1 cmc. I've thought about Gift of Orzhova but I'm not a heroic based deck although it may look like it, and I've already have 13 trigger spells for Fabled Hero including bestow from Hopeful Eidolon by the way I say is amazing and I would rather side in Fiendslayer Paladin so I have a less chance of getting 2 for 1 by removal spells which is vastly abundant at my local meta. Your thought process is what I had originally before I reworked this deck but that doesn't mean its bad, I just felt more comfortable with this setup although its not perfect. Great minds think alike :)

November 25, 2013 9:11 p.m.

NerdPounder says... #9

You've got a pretty seriously clogged 3 CMC manna spot, if I was you I would get some Phalanx Leader , Akroan Hoplite , Firefist Striker , or Wojek Halberdiers in there to increase speed and make the deck less awkward.

November 26, 2013 12:03 a.m.

jsansoldo says... #10

I do understand your points, and how you like your deck to be played, but I must insist on my first point: Why use 22 lands?

You dont need that many lands to run a curve 3 deck. With 20, the odds call 1 land draw every 3 cards, and a major chance to start with 2 in hand. You have no obvious reason to want more than 4 lands in play at any time (Reckoner with First Strike). And in a 5 turn game (a minimum vs almost anyone), you will have those 4 lands every time.

Why waste the slot? Please explain it, so I can understand. Maybe there is some metagame concept I'm missing.

November 26, 2013 12:37 a.m.

eleet5 says... #12

corythackston Yep you got it, was hoping someone would notice my 3cmc clog. That's bout the one thing I'm attempting to fix. Wojek Halberdiers are nice its one of the two 2 drops with Daring Skyjek that I wanted to put back in but was unsure on what to take out. Possibly the Banisher Priest s and a Fabled Hero , but I really like the priest as she has saved me countless times against monoblue/black (yes I'm look at you Master of Waves and Desecration Demon )

jsansoldo To answer your question, its because I'm short 2 shocklands, I run 2 mutavaults, and to increase consistency of casting precinct on t2 and reckoner on t3 as they aren't colorless cmc. While statistically you are right, sometimes playtest says otherwise and you want that few lands to increase consistency of not getting color screwed. I prefer to mana flood than to get stuck on land. If you look at some of the tourny level boros decks that run a lower cmc curve, they run 23 lands with mutavault and i myself am not sure why. Also I havn't playtested this deck enough to get the right feel of it.

November 26, 2013 1:18 a.m.

NerdPounder says... #13

Yeah I think if you replace one of the non creature spells that you have 3 ofs with Chained to the Rocks you should be good on removal, and it's much harder to kill an enchantment or a land than a 2/2 creature, so I would do that and take out the Banisher Priests and maybe Gods Willing for Chained to the Rocks, then replace the Priests and 1 hero with a 2 drop. You could almost make this a mono white deck really.

November 26, 2013 3:37 a.m.

eleet5 says... #14

That's almost where I was headed along the path of Chained to the Rocks , but with that I would have to fix my mana ratio as Temple of Triumph can't be chained to and with only 6 sources to chain to its not very reliable. But doing that will very well fix my mana clog a good bit. You can say it pretty much is a mono white splash red for Boros Charm cuz its just too charming to resist :)

November 26, 2013 11:23 a.m.

polenykes says... #15

+1 for having the Boros Reckoner ,Hopeful Eidolon ,Boros Charm life combo :)

Just thinking you might want 4 Sacred Foundry and 2 Temple of Triumph (reverse of your current) if you have any trouble getting Chained to the Rocks off on mountains since temple isn't a mountain. it's something I've been wary of lately so have you had any trouble or are you generally ok with the amount of mountains you have?

I'd be tempted to run Coordinated Assault and Phalanx Leader 's over Gods Willing and Precinct Captain if you're going for speed. you already have a decent amount of heroic triggers that it could be investigated.

Either way I like it.

December 1, 2013 7:02 p.m.

eleet5 says... #16

polenykes Hey thanks, finally someone notices the loop ;) To answer your curiosity on my land ratio, its because that's what I have atm and i would definitely run a playset of the shocklands if I had them. I haven't had a chance to playtest the deck since I last reworked it and put Chained to the Rocks in due to work.

I love my Precinct Captain too much to give him up, he's such a threat just by himself and I'm not too fond of Phalanx Leader in this deck. Although I have a good amount of heroic triggers, my objective isn't to lean towards the heroic theme. I just wanted to swing in for big unblockable damage like a hero via Fabled Hero hence the Gods Willing and Titan's Strength .

From what I noticed is that with heroic decks, they're fast but they tend to run out of steam/cards fast and without any card draw they end up top decking very early which I don't like especially as boros.

I'm tempted to drop 2 lands and the spears and mainboard a playset of Ethereal Armor as that's a T3 wincon I get to add in, but I haven't had time to playtest to see how it goes.

Either way love the feedback!

December 1, 2013 7:27 p.m.

Apoptosis says... #17

Your Brave the Elements card looks off...

December 3, 2013 11:45 a.m.

Apoptosis says... #18

I feel as an aggro deck you're too light on creatures. The guideline that I've frequently heard is to run between 24-28 creatures. I did a few quick goldfish draws and think you could stand to bump up your creature count. You have 9 instants that protect creatures, but no heroic mechanic to exploit so I'm not sure that's the best course of action. Maybe remove Brave the Elements and Gods Willing for 4x Ash Zealot , +1 Boros Charm and one additional mountain? I would also -2 Plains for +2 Sacred Foundry . That will help your curve and allow you to apply more consistent pressure. Also I don't like Titan's Strength If you're going for Ethereal Armor , then max it out. How about Madcap Skills for better synergy and allow you to push that damage through easier?

December 3, 2013 11:55 a.m.

Apoptosis says... #19

Also I would 4x Boros Reckoner , he's a beast.

December 3, 2013 11:57 a.m.

martinbr says... #20

Fabled Hero is the most perfect reason to keep all of the cards you just named. 3rd turn you drop him, 4th turn you put Ethereal Armor on him and pump him with Titan's Strength and he's suddenly a 8 double strike. Then if they attempt to kill him you just give protection and get another counter, if it's Gods Willing .

December 3, 2013 12:33 p.m.

eleet5 says... #21

Its exactly as martinbr says, the target cards are centered around Fabled Hero doing massive untouchable damage in a single turn. Hitting for 18 on t4 isnt unheard of with the hero but he isn't my only wincon.

T1 - Hopeful Eidolon

T2 - 2x Ethereal Armor on eidolon and swing for 7/7 LIFELINK

T3 - Ajani, Caller of the Pride , give eidolon double strike/flying and swing for 14/14 LIFELINK and game.

Theres alot of combat tricks in this deck, its not the typical creature swarm boros you're seeing but resilient hard hitters that need to be dealt with quickly. Also the trigger cards I use have scry which is tremendously useful in scrying off excess land. I would run 4x shocklands if I could but 2 is what I have atm.

Hope this explains a little bit on how the deck works~

December 3, 2013 12:56 p.m.

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