Boros Heroic (Standard)

Standard CSerra


16smith says... #1

Pull 4x Rakdos Cackler and add 4x Titan's Strength . You really need some draw control and more heroic triggers. Pull 4x Armed and add 4x Hero of Iroas . You have a lot of enchandments and this will get them out quicker. Replace Gift of Orzhova with Brave the Elements . All of those enchantments don't keep your creatures on the board. This will (against most things) and between this and Boros Charm you should be covered. Also, Brave the Elements can make your creatures unblockable for a turn and let you swing for lethal. Replace Hopeful Eidolon with Eidolon of Countless Battles . The latter is a better creature and if have to play it that way but you'll want to bestow it. They both have the same bestow cost but the latter's way way better. I would also sideboard Fortify to stop Drown in Sorrow .

February 26, 2014 5:33 p.m.

CSerra says... #2

It kind of sounds like your suggestion is that I turn this into an Aura deck, which isn't what I was trying to build. Removing the Rakdos Cackler might be a good idea, especially since I will rarely be able to play him on turn one (cause of red mana), but I need to replace him with another creature or I will end up with only 12. The Hero of Iroas seems like a good fit as I do have a bunch of auras, no 2-mana creatures and his Heroic isn't half-bad.

This is actually supposed to be a pretty fast deck, by means of getting small creatures in quick and enhancing them for big damage. The Hopeful Eidolon is meant to be used more as a creature than an enchantment, so I don't want to take him out. The Eidolon of Countless Battles seems like it would work better if I had a lot more Auras or plenty of creatures, which I don't. I think the Eidolon would suit me better. But now I have the Titan's Strength and the Brave the Elements to add and I don't know what to take out!

Oh, and Fortify is definetely going in the sideboard. Thanks a bunch for all the tips!

February 28, 2014 5:50 p.m.

juicytoot says... #3

Try running 2x Anax and Cymede . You can find them for like a dollar or something.

March 7, 2014 3:50 p.m.

CSerra says... #4

I have some of those, but what could I replace them with? I have 20 lands as it is!

March 7, 2014 5 p.m.

Abysinian says... #5

I like the idea of this deck and I have a few suggestions for you/it:

Firstly, I'd suggest getting rid of Flames of the Firebrand for Lightning Strike which is cheaper, instant speed instead of sorcery and does the same damage. Magma Jet or possibly even Warleader's Helix are both great options for this kind of deck too.

I personally don't think Fall of the Hammer is worth it in this deck unless it definitely does trigger 2 Heroics, and even then I'd still probably cut it. I'm not sure if your creatures could reliably be big enough to use it as a form of removal should you need to, but I can't say for certain. I know Heroic creatures can get huge pretty quickly but if things go badly then it could be a dead draw. It'll probably just require some testing and practice to see if it's worth it or not.

I'm also not sure whether Young Pyromancer fits this deck properly. I run a Boros Burn deck with them, Guttersnipe and Satyr Firedancer which works well because they're all together and it's the purpose of the deck, but just the 2 Pyromancers in this deck probably won't do you much good. Akroan Skyguard is a solid choice if you were looking for another Heroic 2-drop. If not there are a lot of other choices, mainly in white though.

March 9, 2014 7:46 p.m.

CSerra says... #6

Hey, thanks for the all the great feedback Abysinian!!! It seems you share my love of the Heroic mechanic!

About the Flames of the Firebrand vs. Lightning Strike - I get that Lightning Strike would probably be better removal, but the Flames aren't just for that. They can remove (up to three weenies) and in case I only need the 1 or 2 damage, I don't have to waste the rest as I can do direct damage or buff up a Heroic. I still haven't gotten the cards so I haven't tested them but I feel they're gonna kill it!

Fall of the Hammer - This is another reason I don't feel bad about not running more burn, because this can do it while triggering a heroic. In case there's nothing to remove I can just pump two heroics if the attack from one isn't enough to kill the other (or if I have Favored Hoplite).

About Young Pyromancer , on this I have to say I agree. This was meant as a blitz deck and playtesting this against my mates I felt like it and Akroan Crusader were meant for a Swarm deck, which I may try to build soon. But I am definetely going to switch them out for something else, probably a combination of Anax and Cymede , Phalanx Leader and Fencing Ace . Which do you think would work better?

It turns out I'm enjoying Heroic so much (and it's such a cheap deck) that I'm gonna make 3 decks and see which one fares better: a Boros, an Azorius and a Selesnya. This works pretty well for me as the tree main football teams in Portugal are red, blue and green (Benfica, Porto and Sporting respectively). I'll be posting them here as I finish them and I wish I could get your feedback and your favourite!

March 12, 2014 9:43 a.m.

Abysinian says... #7

I'd probably go with Phalanx Leader , even though it's double White, it's far too good not have in a deck that can run it, +1/+1 counters on every creature you have is awesome, and because of things like Temple of Triumph , Sacred Foundry and Boros Guildgate you don't have to worry too much about not having the right mana combination.

Anax and Cymede is a card I'm not really sold on, it's Heroic is very circumstantial/situational, whereas the ones where you get a 1/1 token or +1/+1 counter are great almost any time.

I run a Selesnya Heroic Deck and I think it's the best colour combination for Heroic.

March 12, 2014 2:50 p.m.

Alfa_dog says... #8

I love your deck! i would use Launch the Fleet because it gives you more creatures and heroic triggers. I think Akroan Crusader is a good choice, and maybe Akroan Skyguard for presence in the air :) All in all, a really good deck. I forgot Iroas, God of Victory :P

May 6, 2014 8:46 p.m.

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