Built this while Avacyn was still standard. I have since added a couple newer things.
The early game threat comes in a mix of generally cheap battalion creatures.
Uses Angel of Glory's Rise and Fiend Hunter to reanimate creatures, revitalizing mid-late games..
With the majority of cards in the deck useable with 2 mana, it's very rare to draw a hand with nothing to do.
I've made a Selesnya Variant of this deck here: Human Resurgence
Cavern of Souls: To prevent the hurt from having your creatures countered. While this deck is filled with Humans, it's almost more important to make the Angels uncounterable.
Boros Charm: to have a versatile combat trick that can also serve to protect from boardwipes. I almost put
Faith's Shield
in this spot.
Aurelia, the Warleader and Aurelia's Fury: are pretty much the end game bombs if the rest of my offense has somehow been stopped.
Tormod's Crypt: for Reanimator or Flashback decks. Couldn't use Rest in Peace as it would destroy my own Angel+Hunter combo. Use vs Reanimator.
Witchbane Orb
: to counter
Curse of Death's Hold
and similar effects. Can also be a backup defense against
Slaughter Games
in case Nevermore gets removed before it hits the table. Use vs Burn, RDW, and some Control decks.
Nevermore: to prevent the dreaded
Slaughter Games
type effects, as this deck would normally be very vulnerable to such things. Also the most reliable defense against Graveyard hate. Use vs Control decks. (Or those with GY Hate)
Wear / Tear helps against voltron/hexproof and equipment decks. Also helps against some graveyard hate, like Rest in Peace.
Riders of Gavony
great in case an opponent relies on just one or two creature types, like Naya Humans. Use vs some Aggo decks.
Maybeboard has cards I wanted but decided that I didn't have space to include in the final cut. These may change/swap as I learn more about my local meta.
Mainboard and Sideboard suggestions welcome. There have been a lot of new cards released since this was made, and the meta is likely different too. Comments are always welcome as well.