I'm on the fence on Boros Guildgate vs Evolving Wilds. Playtesting has shown so far that I rarely need color fixing, and I -seem- to top deck fewer lands as the games drag on. Since the lands are the same speed, the Wilds has felt slightly more beneficial to me at this point.
March 4, 2013 4:15 p.m.
StunForDayz says... #3
Evolving winds only allows you to have 1 basic land unlike guildgates if you the option of 2. Evolving winds would be good if you were running a 3rd color in your deck. If you don't need color fixing then it won't really hurt you but you certainly will benefit more with guildgate for summon spells that need required colors in other words more flexibility. Since you have a sacred foundry I would put that in and take out one evolving winds. Just in case.
I like truefire paladins than guildmage because cuz the abilities are better and cheaper to play plus vigilance. Another great card to add during this time would be elite Inquisition. 2/2 protection for vampires werewolves and zombies with vigilance and first strike for 2 white drops.
March 4, 2013 4:36 p.m.
I did look at your deck and saw the creatures you used. Stongly considering swapping out for Truefire Paladin or Elite Inquisitor. The Sunhome Guildmage seems quite effective for large numbers of creatures at once, though.
March 4, 2013 4:55 p.m.
StunForDayz says... #5
its true that sunhome guildmage can buff your team. I Think for me since I try to go aggro I won't really have time for it. I would rather get Angel of Jubilation if you want a permanent boost saves you from paying the ability per turn. Stronghold slayer would be a card to get too.
March 4, 2013 6:41 p.m.
As an aggro/midrange deck you appear to be seeking, Angel of Glory's Rise seems out of place. As a three-of currently, it would make for dead draws where you would want something that can be placed turn 3-5. In general, unless a deck has major ramping or is like esper control, a seven drop is really too costly for almost any effect short of "You win the Game".
March 10, 2013 1:51 a.m.
phillycheeze93 says... #7
Maybe since the CMC of your Deck is already low, change out the Boros Keyrune for something more offensive like Searing Spear? Since you are working with Fiend Hunter and want to focus on creatures, Lightning Mauler Would be a good addition as well! It would also synergyze well with Angel of Glory's Rise because you could soulbond and get attackers as soon as they are brought back!
March 21, 2013 8:54 p.m.
Ooh, that's a great idea, thanks phillycheeze93! I'm all about the synergy. I don't think I can make space for both right now, but I'll try out the Lightning Mauler at least. After some testing maybe I'll see if some burn might be more helpful.
March 22, 2013 12:45 p.m.
TikiShades says... #9
I should let you know that Evolving Wilds won't thin your deck out by a noticeable amount. There was a statistical analysis that showed fetchlands don't work well enough to prevent you from getting less lands. I'd switch them out for Sacred Foundry as soon as possible. For now, cut out 1 or two of them for different lands.
And I'd definitely suggest Blind Obedience . It's amazing against aggro decks, and with such a low mana curve, you can get away with having two on the field just for the double extort. You want something to sink your mana in, since you're running 23 lands.
April 2, 2013 1:31 a.m.
I'll definitely be adding Blind Obedience ! I was already considering it anyway. I think maybe I can cut out a couple guildmages since it is a replacement mana sink.
Your suggestion about the Evolving Wilds raises another question for me; If my reason for using them is to help prevent getting -more- lands later game, would you still suggest cutting them? I was thinking with a low mana curve I'd be happy to draw less mana after the first 2-3. I'm more worried about not having much in terms of card draw.
April 2, 2013 12:59 p.m.
TikiShades says... #11
What I was saying was that Evolving Wilds doesn't reduce the amount of lands you'll draw in the game because the percentage is too low. If you played a million matches, you'd barely notice a change in the amount of lands you were drawing. I only suggested keeping it because they can be either a Plains or a Mountain when you need one of them. In this deck, they function as a Boros Guildgate would.
If you're worried about drawing too many lands, Faithless Looting could be helpful.. You won't need it until late game, so you can maximize its effectiveness by keeping it a 2-of; the flashback will help make sure you're ditching all the extra lands you wouldn't want.
Oh, and Riders of Gavony should only be a 2-of in the sideboard, since you only need to get one of them out to halt a tribal deck. I'm not sure about your local metagame (whether that's a tournament or your circle of friends), but tribal decks are mostly limited to Naya Humans and Zombies, and the latter is a non-issue because you run 3x Angel of Glory's Rise . A third Blind Obedience to replace one of the Riders would be perfect. It would Naya Humans just the same, if not more, because of how fast it comes out. It also plays double duty against practically every other aggro deck.
April 2, 2013 1:59 p.m.
Ah, thanks for laying that out. I also agree with your reasoning about Riders/Obedience. Thanks again!
StunForDayz says... #1
This is the first time I heard of Angel of Glory's Rise. I don't know how many I should though. http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/boros-agrro-humans-so-close/ I think your better off getting Boros Guildgate than Evolving winds because you have to wait 1 turn anyways
March 2, 2013 11:13 p.m.