Boros Midrange

Standard SaltForYourWounds


xK1 says... #1

Very nice deck! Definitely gave me a run for my money last FNM. I think I would run 1 less skullcrack, and maybe drop a Glare of Heresy or two in place of Mizzium Mortars though.

I'm also curious about the 4x Anger of the Gods, since unless you Boros Charm beforehand, you're also exiling your own Ash Zelots, Reckoners, and Phoenixes... has that been a problem for you?

October 15, 2013 12:07 a.m.

I'm definitely going to try that. I'd end up with more of those than I needed at any one time and Mortars seems like it would be a better choice as it's less situational.

I've been able to pull off a few tricks with Anger and Reckoner/Phoenix. Magma Jet EOT, return Phoenix to my hand- opponent's expecting Phoenix and gets Anger instead. Also, I don't think they expect me to do it when I have a Reckoner out, so it's a nice little surprise if their board's getting out of hand. May drop those to 2 and replace with guildgates. Going to try this list at GP Louisville this weekend.

Thanks for the advice- hope to play you again soon!

October 18, 2013 3 a.m.

Took this to SCG Indy and ended up going 5-4 for the day. All in all happy with it, am looking to make some sideboard changes as I'm having trouble with mono black devotion.

All-stars against Mono-Black Devotion were definitely Assemble the Legion (sure, I'll sacrifice a creature!) and Skullcrack . Tried Pithing Needle to name the Whip of Erebos and Pack Rat , but it didn't do anything to stop Gray Merchant of Asphodel from taking out HUGE chunks of my life thanks to Whip and Underworld Connections . Thinking of running Wear&Tear in the board for this. Thoughts?

2 losses were to that (one a complete clusterfuck of misplays and poor life choices- silly Erebos, you can't die to burn spells!), another to mono-blue devotion due to misplays, and one to Gruul as I hadn't prepared for this matchup at all.

Definitely a fun day where I met some great people, played some of the best Magic I have in a long time (and learned a lot from it), and gained some large tournament experience.

October 26, 2013 10:43 p.m.

xK1 says... #4

Yeah, Wear/Tear definitely sounds good against Mono-Black, since they usually need Underworld Connections for draw (especially if they're pitching cards to Pack Rat).

I also like Anger of the Gods a lot better without the Ash Zealots in the deck. Yeah it still hits Reckoner but at least he'll get to do some damage on the way out.

I was going to ask if you've experimented with Shock in place of Magma Jet, since I've found sometimes the 1cc can be better than Scry, but after thinking about it, for a mid-range deck like this I do think the Magma Jet is probably the better call. Might be something to playtest with if you haven't already though.

Glad you had a good time at SCG!

October 27, 2013 8:27 a.m.

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