Played another local event. Won against one Affinity deck thanks to sweepers and exile effects, so that prediction was spot-on. Still worth testing to stay sharp.
Lost to Birthing Pod due to a poor mulligan decision in game 3 (flooded), and lost to Merfolk due to missing land drops in both games.
Played a few practice games after the tournament, and here are the changes I made:
1. Increased overall land count from 23 to 24.
Added 1x Faithless Looting to help search for early land drops and improve late-game card selection. Temple of Triumph is great in your opening hand. Scry lands aren't usually considered Modern-worthy, but I think they really fit in this deck. Wall of Omens and Magma Jet might be worth trying, as well.
2. Added 2x basic mountains.
I wasn't hurting for white mana with 14 sources, so I reduced that to 13. Will continue to adjust as needed.
3. Cut several four-drops from main deck.
Moved 1x Koth of the Hammer
to the sideboard. (I like that Ajani Vengeant
is good on offense and defense, so I can bring in the extra Koth if I need to be more aggressive.) Also moved Ashcloud Phoenix to sideboard -- this card replaces 2x Koth in matchups where I'm on defense. Although I may also try Restoration Angel in this 4-drop blocker spot.
4. Moved Blood Moon to the sideboard.
In theory, moon is one of the chief reasons for playing this deck. In matchups where I need it, Magus of the Moon does a good impression of the real deal, and it can still block against heavy aggro.
Aven Mindcensor is another card I want to try -- it seems strong against Birthing Pod and provides a little extra disruption, but with a flying body. :-)
5. Cut 1x Simian Spirit Guide and added 1x Anger of the Gods to the main.
The mana monkey is great when I'm on offense, but seems miserable against aggro. Ramping into my four-drops doesn't help too much in those matchups. It's really about gaining card advantage off sweepers, and then using natural land drops to stabilize.
Also, this way I now have 3x copies of all three wraths spread out between main and side: Pyroclasm, Volcanic Fallout, and Anger.
That's all for this month! Will be back in November with more updates, most likely. :-)