Boros of Destiny

Modern fayrpeach

SCORE: 133 | 101 COMMENTS | 34071 VIEWS | IN 51 FOLDERS

In all honesty this deck feels like it has some nice components and play but that it also has a pool of dead cards that end up being to slow. cards such as Akroma, Angel of Fury are a bit to slow for modern with morph cost of 6 it might get a chance mana wise but it has to survive as a morph first which is easy fodder for burn or removal (paying 3 mana for a 2/2 morph is not the best way to be spending a turn in modern). Boros Signet is to slow and not viable it will just waste a turn and mana that could be used on something more efficient like a valuable creature or an answer to an opponents card. If your playing boros then I would suggest adding more burn such as Lightning Helix, and Lightning Bolt, possibly even Warleader's Helix also I would suggest running a full play set of Path to Exile it is a staple and tied for best removal in the modern format with Abrupt Decay. In all honesty if you really want to make a modern blink deck I would suggest making a gwx midrange deck with your third color giving the deck the necessary control it needs in red that would be burn, blue you have counters as well as their is a white blink spell with a blue flashback cost can't remember its name at the moment, and black you have access to great removal/pseudo removal as well as the great green black removals of the format. The main reason I would suggest running green in a blink modern deck are the great creature targets to blink such as Thragtusk and Acidic Slime (this brings back memories of inistrad-return to ravnica block standard with Restoration Angel) and if your running black the great target of Siege Rhino. In closing if you really want to play blink I would suggest playing a gwx midrange deck your choice of third color or if you want to play boros with blink elements it still needs more control and interaction to survive in the current modern meta.

March 23, 2015 11:56 a.m.

1 more note I forgot to mention Ajani Vengeant feels out of place and very unprotected in this build and I can't see him being able to do more than be an over cost Lightning Helix if you don't have a means to protect him as he will quickly be targeted and destroyed by your opponent upon entering.

March 23, 2015 12:01 p.m.

Note also if you do want to use the Akroma blink combo that can be done in any color of blink deck as morphing Akroma is colorless and then all you need is your blink spell.

March 23, 2015 12:18 p.m.

If you want to remain boros I would suggest cutting 4xInquisitor Exarch, 2xKitchen Finks, 4xBoros Signet, 2xAjani Vengeant, 2xRugged Prairie, and possibly cut the 2xWall of Omens along with the Battlefield Forge and 1 Plains. In the place of the definite cuts I would recommend 1 more Restoration Angel, 1 more Path to Exile, 4xLightning Helix, 4xLightning Bolt, 1 more Flickerwisp and 3xKeldon Marauders. If you decide to take out wall of omens and drop you land base down to 18 lands I would recommend 2-4xKnight of the White Orchid and 2xWarleader's Helix. 1 more card you could try experimenting with is Shivan Wumpus if it is viable to blink it after your opponent sacrifices a land but before it is returned to the top of your deck.

March 23, 2015 12:57 p.m.

fayrpeach says... #5

Thank you for the tips buddy, I have all Cards quoted here at home (lightning's, Wumpus, Orchid ...) I will change them and I will test as recommended,. Thanks again

March 23, 2015 5:12 p.m.

cmskinny says... #6

What about Glitterfang or Norin the Wary?

April 5, 2015 9:30 p.m.

EridanWwins says... #7

Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker for surprise combo with Restoration Angel, as well as having synergy with the other cards?

April 6, 2015 10:15 p.m.

fayrpeach says... #8

hahha good, liked the idea of kiki

April 7, 2015 4:58 p.m.

Penga says... #9

April 11, 2015 8:17 p.m.

Check out my deck Razia's Legion. It is a boros based deck and there are some cards in their that you might be interested in.

April 27, 2015 9:58 p.m.

timebender says... #11

Mox Opal if you can afford it, it's insane with glint hawk. +1

May 16, 2015 9:05 p.m.

Nef says... #12

I'm gonna make a budget version of this real quick. It's too awesome not to.

May 17, 2015 9 p.m.

MattStar says... #13

So after a bit of play testing, it seems like your deck revolves almost entirely around getting Quest for the Holy Relic out as fast as possible, then emptying out your handful of creatures and dropping Argentum Armor to ruin your opponent's board. I realize your sideboard is geared towards dealing with whatever your opponent is doing after scouting him/her out in the first game, but the main problem I see is trying to ensure that you get Quest for the Holy Relic in your starting hand or drawing into it as early as possible.

To make it more likely to land on Quest for the Holy Relic, I would recommend putting a white/enchantment tutor card into the deck but I don't think there are any in Modern. So instead hows about tutoring out all your other 'worthless' cards to make it more likely to draw into your Quest? you're already running equal fetch-lands to your basic, but you could run a 4th Squadron Hawk to fetch out the other 3. Also you could run 4 Path to Exile to hit your own creatures to fetch out your lands faster (plus the added utility of being a decent kill card).

And this last one is a stretch (but hey, ideas inspire more ideas right), you could throw in Steelshaper's Gift and some cheapo equipment that you can tutor out of your library like Adventuring Gear (since you shouldn't have trouble dropping lands), Explorer's Scope, or Infiltration Lens.

May 21, 2015 12:10 a.m.

TreeCat says... #14

May 21, 2015 10:45 p.m.

DarkShinobi93 says... #15

After play testing your deck a few times against mine, I decided that you rely FAR too heavily on your Quest for the Holy Relic. I highly suggest adding some other equipment cards so you are not just sitting on your hands until you get it, and even then, you need it to gather its charge counters ASAP or else you still lose. I would imagine naturalizes are a serious pain in the ass for you.

Granted, when you DO get your quest, your deck is SCARY FAST and effective, its just getting the quest that is the issue.

If you can find a way to make it so your weenies can still give your opponent hell as you look for your quest, I guarantee your effectiveness will skyrocket.

May 25, 2015 10:35 p.m.

CheeseBro says... #16

Dispatch for some removal?

June 14, 2015 9 p.m.

potplantman says... #17

Hey, I like the deck, specifically Judge's Familiar. I have a Quest deck too that performs pretty good at modern tournaments. Why have Kor Outfitter when Puresteel Paladin exists? Also you could pop in 4 Kor Duelist to be able to kill them in a turn leaving you not susceptible to removal. How have Squadron Hawks been treating you, I found them to be really slow. I would honestly play 4 paths mainboard as someone comboing off before you do just sucks, looking at you infect. I can see how jinxed idol could be good, but post board I think your opponent will side in enchantment and artifact hate.

August 26, 2015 7:26 p.m.

will6853 says... #18

Maybe try a few more equipments...

September 2, 2015 9:05 p.m.

big_kahuna333 says... #19

i would remove the kor outfitter for another squad hawk or vault skirge, since you wont even afford to hardcast argentum armor with 18 lands and no ramp, so it won't be on the battlefield unless it is already equipped to someone with quest for the holy relic.

October 15, 2015 9:44 p.m.

elpokitolama says... #20

What do you think of Erayo, Soratami Ascendant? ;)

November 14, 2015 6:55 p.m.

kamarupa says... #22

oh, and Celestial Flare against hexproof and indestructibles.

August 14, 2016 6:15 p.m.

zapyourtumor says... #23

Deck definitely seems a bit outdated with some of the card choices (like Path) which aren't really modern playable anymore. And there are a lot of creatures in boros colors like Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer and Esper Sentinel that you could probably run here too.

But that stuff aside I think the new Nahiri, the Unforgiving could be pretty interesting here as a top end threat (instead of Thundermaw Hellkite). The +1 abilities can get rid of blockers, loot away bad cards, or generate card advantage when hellbent, while the 0 ability is especially strong with Keldon Marauders.

February 19, 2023 11:33 a.m.

wallisface says... #24

I’m not sure how a game is ever going long enough for you to cast Thundermaw Hellkite… with 19 lands you’re unlikely to find your 5th land until turn 9, and no game realistically goes that long.

May 22, 2023 8:56 p.m.

heckproof says... #25

Hey! I did some play testing of this deck (love me some aggro) and one thing I noticed is that your deck is really, really weak to Chalice of the Void. I ran this deck up against some of the top decks in Modern, and any deck with Chalice almost completely shut this down. If you've never considered it, I'd suggest adding either Wear / Tear or Smash to Smithereens in the sideboard. And while I actually really like Patrician's Scornfor how spicy it is, I don't know if you have enough white sources to consistently cast it.

Those are just some quick observations, but do what you want!

September 25, 2023 9:01 p.m.

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