Boros Reanimator

Duel Commander TurboFagoot


vishnarg says... #1

Didn't get it at first. Probably should read the deck list next time.

December 3, 2014 11:03 p.m.

TurboFagoot says... #2

I named my deck exactly what it is, and I find it disrespectful to suggest I don't know what I'm doing.

December 3, 2014 11:37 p.m.

vishnarg says... #3

Shut up, fagoot

December 3, 2014 11:38 p.m.

TurboFagoot says... #4

Wow, how rude.

December 3, 2014 11:39 p.m.

VampireArmy says... #5

Names are arbitrary...unless you go to fnm, throw this beauty in the table, and be like "my boros reanimator is ready" in which case do what you want, i ain't in charge of yo life

December 3, 2014 11:42 p.m.

TurboFagoot says... #6

I agree, names don't actually matter. I find it really silly when people go through the effort to come up with a creative name. All that matters is your deck configuration.

I don't care how creative it is, I just want a good deck.

December 4, 2014 12:22 a.m.

VampireArmy says... #7

Do you actually own all of these cards? I'd love to see all that beautiful artwork @.@

December 4, 2014 12:25 a.m.

TurboFagoot says... #8

I do! Everything on there I own. Everything listed as foil I own as foil.

I strive for the oldest printings available in foil. So the arena Mana Leak in the delicious old border, Lorwyn Ponder, Apocalypse Painlands, etc.

Love it.

December 4, 2014 12:34 a.m.

enpc says... #9

Just a question about the deck, something I've been wondering for a while - You run a lot of planeswalkers (well, by regular EDH standards at least). And on top of that you have things like Jace Beleren in the deck (don't get me wrong, Beleren is awesome). 1) why so many planeswalkers and 2) could some of them be replaced by similar non planeswalker effects for just as much value?

December 4, 2014 12:57 a.m.

TurboFagoot says... #10

Planeswalker's inherent ability to accrue advantage over several turns is pretty important. They also work well in numbers, as an opponent can be overwhelmed in trying to effectively deal with them all.

Also, I don't think a card exists to draw 3 at 3 cmc, no drawbacks. So not sure what I'd replace Beleren with.

December 4, 2014 1:01 a.m.

enpc says... #11

Not 3 for 3 no. The closest is Concentrate. But the benefit with that is you get all the cards immediately.

December 4, 2014 1:19 a.m.

vishnarg says... #12

But a foil Concentrate isn't nearly as good as a foil Jace Beleren.

December 4, 2014 9:40 a.m.

TurboFagoot says... #13

Hardly a benefit. The difference between 4 and 3 cmc is huge. Huge. I'd never play concentrate in anything, yet Beleren has performed quite well.

December 4, 2014 2:09 p.m.

xlaleclx says... #14

Jace also gains you virtual life since he needs to be attacked if they want to actually deal with it.

December 4, 2014 2:11 p.m.

vishnarg says... #15

Not to mention, a foil Jace Beleren costs much more and looks much better in this deck.

December 4, 2014 7:47 p.m.

TurboFagoot says... #16

I'd 100% cut a card for a less "attractive" option that's more efficient. Jace being more money is only a detriment.

December 4, 2014 7:50 p.m.

enpc says... #17

@xlaleclx: the closest thing would be to prevent damage, not gain life. But even then, thats kind of pushing the analogy a bit as there are so many ways outside of damage to deal with planeswalkers.

@TurboFagoot: The difference is huge early game yes. However late game, especially when your win con is just "beat your opponent to death", that gap doest close a bit. I appreciate with Damia, Sage of Stone as your general that the idea or trickling cards every tun is better than a lump of them at once, don't get me wrong about that. I guess here's the real question ,do you find you every use his +2 ability? If so, then the level of card advantage generated is high enough to definately warrant a spot. But I'm going to make the assumption that 1) your rarely plus him and 2) you never ult him. Basically that card reads "three mana for three cards, one a turn". But hey, I don't run him in my EDH decks and I haven't really played duel commander. So at this point , you hold more experience when it comes to actual use. I'm also presuming this one boils down to playstyle a bit.

But I digress - Jace Beleren was the example here. The initial reference was more in line with the fact that you run a high planeswalker count.

"Planeswalker's inherent ability to accrue advantage over several turns is pretty important. They also work well in numbers, as an opponent can be overwhelmed in trying to effectively deal with them all."

Do you find the mana cost to be a drawback though? I appreciate for more "linear" (things like Jace Beleren) the cost isn't as steep. But for something like Karn Liberated - His abilities are amazing, but at 7 mana its a steep cost. Not to mention the fact that you'll more than likely be tapping out (or close to it) to cast him early game. Not don't get me wrong, I know how powerful he is - I have seen him work very effectively in a Captain Sisay deck, but that deck also runs 20+ dedicated ramp effects specifically so things like Karn Liberated and Kozilek, Butcher of Truth can be cast in early game.

I appreciate that the game you're playing is more a game of attrition than anything else, and especially with only one opponent the choice in cards is very different. Just an out of curiosity thing.

December 4, 2014 8:01 p.m.

TurboFagoot says... #18

I never plus Jace. He is basically a cheap Aeon Chronicler that doesn't come off suspend.

I think a lot of the issue is to divorce Duel Commander from your concept of EDH. Duel Commander is a cutthroat, competitive format. The mana cost matters at every stage in the game, you always have to be as efficient as possible.

As for Karn, yes he is super expensive. However, I don't just cast him turn 7 when my opponent has a grip of cards. Karn is the late game. He comes down to deal with their one remaining threat, or card in hard, and then dominate the board. It's not about ramping into him, because I don't want to cast him in the early game. Way too vulnerable, and it leaves me with my pants down.

Karn is a wincon. Damia is a wincon. Consecrated Sphinx is a wincon. Like all control decks, I don't cast my wincons until I am well in control of the game, or we are at a parity of no resources due to attrition. I'm fine waiting until I have 15 lands in play to safely deploy Karn to leave up mana to respond with should I need it. As such, 7 mana isn't that big of an issue. Let me tell you how many turns go "Yawg's Will -> Land -> Some cantrips -> Karn" My deck is designed to go long.

December 4, 2014 8:08 p.m.

enpc says... #19

"I think a lot of the issue is to divorce Duel Commander from your concept of EDH"

That's probably the key thing here. I'm imagining duel commander to be what would happen if you threw a modern deck at an EDH deck. Don't get me wrong, I've played attrition decks in 1v1 but even the type of attrition I'm talking about is different from what you're describing.

December 4, 2014 8:41 p.m.

TurboFagoot says... #20

I'm not really sure what other definition of attrition you could have than viciously trading resources one for one (or better) until your deck is able to refuel in whatever way you built into it.

December 4, 2014 8:53 p.m.

ijonu says... #21

i remember commenting on this deck awhile ago, falling into the "name" trap. Still looks cool.

How about Grave Titan as a must-answer card?

December 4, 2014 9:10 p.m.

TurboFagoot says... #22

Eh, I'm not a fan. It's a must answer threat, but it doesn't provide me any advantage if it's dealt with. Cards like Consecrated Sphinx or Batterskull give me a bit more value.

December 4, 2014 9:12 p.m.

enpc says... #23

@TurboFagoot: more the way of obtaining said attrition. Deck played differently.

December 4, 2014 10:30 p.m.

People are still getting comfused about the name.. I would think it's a clever joke; mislead them, as you play. Also, I don't know that I've seen a more expensive deck.o_O

December 5, 2014 5:32 a.m.

grumbledore says... #25

how is this boros? cool deck though

December 8, 2014 1:47 p.m.

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