Boros Returns

Standard AFatMan


havokreaper says... #1

could use some twerking im thinking. take out 2xMurder Investigation for say a 2xBlasphemous Act. 3 Aurelia, the Warleader is a bit much. shes good as a 2 of. consider replacing Mizzium Mortars with Aurelia's Fury if you can get your hands on it. throw another Frontline Medic in or take them out all together. A 1 of is kinda iffy. Just my 2 cents.

March 9, 2013 6:02 p.m.

AFatMan says... #2

Hey thanks man yay it still needs some updating was going to drop most of those Murder Investigation is probly getting dropped I found myself never pulling Aurelia, the Warleader when I need her with 2 that why I have 3 and I had 2 Frontline Medicin net didn't really need him that much but was fun to have in the deck if I needed it. Will update a bit more when I get to my computer currently at work on my cell lol. Btw played this at FNM at my local shop and got 2nd not to shabby for its first game

March 9, 2013 8:47 p.m.

Typhon01 says... #3

I love the idea of X being your life total. I like Mugging as a card, and especially in your deck. I had considered adding it to my Patriot Flash n' Smash, but it just didn't feel right. I also see the Medic, Pilgrim, Reckoner combo here as well.

Definite +1.

Mind checking out my deck in the link?

March 26, 2013 8:31 a.m.

ieatfood7 says... #4

I would cut Ash Zealot. She is awesome, but I don't like her nearly as much in multi color decks. Speed is her thing, and if you don't have two red in opening hand, its tough. I know you have a lot of red, but that makes your wite shakier. I would cut her and one mountain, add a plains, and add four card to the piles that are currently 3 of's (lightening mauler, neahearth, mizzium..etc)

really fun combo, I lov eit already, but I'm glad you didn't go overboard on it and just have combo as a splash in a sloid aggro deck

March 28, 2013 6:54 p.m.

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