Bouncy Hooters

Modern* ducttapedeckbox


Ragnarocker says... #1

If anyone takes offence to the name, they should be sterilized (especially considering some uber-autistic names I've seen here and there). +1.

November 27, 2014 9:25 p.m.

seakeal says... #2

What about maybe an Isochron Scepter or two to use Silence or Remand every turn?

November 27, 2014 9:36 p.m.

@ Ragnarocker -- Just covering my bases!

@ seakeal -- I've considered it, but what would you remove? I might try to fit Eidolon of Rhetoric in here to slow them down as well.

November 27, 2014 10:09 p.m.

seakeal says... #4

Eidolon of Rhetoric would be great as it fits in snugly into your mana curve. It also survives Lightning Bolt and can be devastating with Remand. As for taking things out, if you want to go for an Isochron Scepter lock with either Silence, or an eidolon or a curse and Remand I would recommend taking out these things:

Repeal: This and Cyclonic Rift are your two go-to spells for bouncing non-creatures that are bugging you. The main advantage Repeal has is that it nets you a card; however, cyclonic will almost always be cheaper unless you are bouncing a 1 or 0 CMC card and can also be put onto the scepter. Also, if a game goes long you may be able to overload it during your turn and set them back.

Render Silent: So Turn 1 you drop a land and maybe Vapor Snag a delver or something and then Turn 2 you either play the scepter or the owl so by turn three if you don't have all your combo pieces you probably should find them before countering. Eidolon fits in the 3 CMC spot perfectly as stated before and also Fabricate can be used to get either the scepter or the owl, whichever you don't have. Render Silent is good but you could be doing something better and you also have to use double blue which could posssibly be an issue if you draw Ghost Quarter or Reliquary Tower.

Pearl Lake Ancient: If it's Turn 7 and you don't have momentum in your favor then something must be terribly wrong. By then you should probably have the owl and the scepter out and and be locking down the game so why bring in the ancient when you need to spend your mana on bounce things? I don't see the use for it personally and if you're forced to attack you still have your eidolons.

November 28, 2014 12:30 a.m.

@ seakeal -- Thank you for the comments and upvote! I agree that Cyclonic Rift can be better than Repeal, but the draw certainly helps for slower games. I'll have to test with and without it to see if the draw is necessary. Render Silent also falls into the same boat - it can help, but I'm not sure by how much. Last night I Render Silent'd two turns in a row, then Silence'd three turns in a row (my opponent almost flipped the virtual table). But the Eidolon would fit nicely. Lastly, Pearl Lake Ancient is there for exactly what you said - long games that just aren't going correctly. I think I'll drop the count to one, but I'd like to have some alternate way of winning.

I'm going to make the following changes to test:

1x Pearl Lake Ancient
2x Render Silent
3x Repeal

3x Eidolon of Rhetoric
3x Isochron Scepter

November 28, 2014 11:18 a.m.

Jakob1224 says... #6

i really enjoy the owl deck, but i always used the Howling Mine variant, for obvious reasons as well as being able to call the deck Owling Mine, anyways, i feel like some sort of Howling mine effect would help you a lot here

November 28, 2014 12:38 p.m.

@ Jakob1224 -- I have seen the mass drawing variant, but I never liked giving my opponent card advantage. I think a build with bounce effects is definitely possible, even if it isn't a top tier deck. I've considered things like Forced Fruition, but it just costs too much to reliably cast.

November 28, 2014 1:26 p.m.

seakeal says... #8

Hey, just came across Rule of Law, don't know if you've considered it or not. It's basically Eidolon of Rhetoric but pure enchantment and might help by being faster than Curse of Exhaustion.

November 29, 2014 9:10 p.m.

@ seakeal -- I'll have to see if the Eidolon takes a lot of hate from removal. However, it is a good blocker, which I end up needing quite frequently.

November 30, 2014 11:36 a.m.

Ball_Dont_Lie says... #10

You Owl people are insane. Deck Name is hilarious. Big +1!

December 1, 2014 10:58 p.m.

vishnarg says... #11

Hilarious name, original idea, and I can't think of much to add that would help here besides maybe a way to find the Owl better, like Fabricate. +1

December 2, 2014 10:49 a.m.

Thanks Ball_Dont_Lie!

@ vishnarg -- Thanks as well! I don't want to be that guy but I don't think your +1 showed up. As for tutoring up the Owl, I was originally running Fabricate but then found Muddle the Mixture. It can tutor most of the deck that I'd need, and also serves as a counterspell when I already have the Owl out.

December 2, 2014 10:59 a.m.

Also, please note the credit given in the Description, not entirely an original idea :)

December 2, 2014 11 a.m.

Scorprix says... #14

December 2, 2014 4:05 p.m.

Ahaha thanks for that, Scorprix!

In response to a thread that I started about this deck, I've decided to make these changes (despite the fact that they deviate from my rather strict budget):

Remove Pearl Lake Ancient for Wurmcoil Engine and add in two Celestial Colonnades in place of an Island and a Glacial Fortress

What do you think of Ethersworn Canonist in place of Eidolon of Rhetoric? I can tutor for it with Muddle and it costs one less. I'd have to side it out versus affinity and tron, but....

December 2, 2014 7:23 p.m.

I actually first read your name as a pun on "bounty hunters."

Is there a card like Well of Ideas in modern? Something that is preferably permanent, and causes all players to draw cards? Usually drawing your opponent cards is a bad thing, but in this it would just be even more of a benefit.

I'd replace Muddle the Mixture with Render Silent.

December 2, 2014 10:14 p.m.

Oh, and Tempest Owl and Augury Owl need to be in here. In the name of Bouncy Hooters. Bounty hooters... Bouncy hunters.... Bounty hunters.... Whichever fits best.

December 2, 2014 10:51 p.m.

@ AricMcDonald -- Thank you for the suggestions! There are quite a few draw permanents, namely Howling Mine and Font of Mythos. Jace Beleren also gives the same effect. If I start running these draw permanents I start to become a deck that is known as Owling Mine, which I want to avoid. I want to focus on bouncing permanents to my opponent's hand while limiting the number of spells they can cast per turn.

As for Muddle the Mixture, it hardly serves as a counterspell and most of the time is a tutor for any of the numerous 2-drops I run, especially the Owl. If I were to re-add Render Silent, it definitely would not replace Muddle the Mixture.

As for the other Owls, while they fit the name, they are rather useless to the deck itself. I'd definitely add them if I wanted to go bird-tribal or stick with the owl theme, but I want this deck to have a decent shot at winning a few games.

December 3, 2014 2:43 p.m.

JexInfinite says... #19

2 Leyline of Sanctity will make your matchup against Burn much better, and Ethersworn Canonist stops combo decks. Nyx-Fleece Ram doesn't really do much against aggro decks, especially Delver, because they have an army of 1/1s. Dragon's Claw is an alternative to Leyline if you lack the funds, but there really isn't a true replacement.

I find the Glaring Spotlight isn't as good as Celestial Flare, as flare can also kill Emrakul, the Aeons Torn for a turn, as well as screwing Hexproof.

Since this is more of a 'Screw you' deck than a tempo deck, Mana Leak seems better early game than Remand. Dig Through Time is probably insane in this deck to search for win cons, so I'd go with that. Delve is incredibly powerful.

December 3, 2014 5:30 p.m.

JexInfinite says... #20

Sorry, forgot about the Owl synergy with Remand. Still consider Mana Leak, though, as it's a premium counterspell in modern.

December 3, 2014 5:32 p.m.

@ JexInfinite -- Thanks for the comments! I avoided added Leyline of Sanctity strictly due to budget constraints, but you're right. There isn't a replacement. After I post this I'll adjust the sideboard and hopefully get your thoughts :)

As for Remand, the draw helps a lot and bouncing the spell to my opponents hand keeps their hand size big early game. It's fun to slap on a Isochron Scepter too.

December 3, 2014 5:34 p.m.

JexInfinite says... #22

You should probably clean up the comments, it's annoying to scroll all the way to the bottom.

You should test it out online and post results.

December 3, 2014 5:38 p.m.

@ JexInfinite -- Just thought that as I was replying. Plan on testing it out later tonight after I finish this damn lab report, I'll post how it goes.

December 3, 2014 5:41 p.m.

Colma says... #24

Another Hooters deck? Are you familiar with my deck Hooters of Kamigawa?

December 3, 2014 7:06 p.m.

@ Colma -- I was not aware of your build. What do you mean by another? Other than seeing your deck an hour ago, I never saw another deck with "Hooters" in the title. Yours appears to be what I've heard called "Owling Mine," which focuses on forcing your opponent to draw up to keep seven cards in hand. How does the discard/draw combination work? It seems like it could be trying to do too much at once.

December 3, 2014 10:34 p.m.

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