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'bouta Get Jurass-kicked!

Standard RGW (Naya)




Planeswalker (2)

Sorcery (4)

Instant (3)

'bouta Get Jurass-kicked 3.0 has arrived! This time leaning into ramp, haste, and efficient card draw!

This deck features a tribal build around green and red dinosaurs while splashing white for the catch all removal effect of Ixalan's Binding . There are a handful of noteworthy payoffs for a Standard dino tribal build:

Regisaur Alpha : 7 power across 2 bodies, one of which gives all other dinos haste

Otepec Huntmaster : Dino cost reduction, enables a hasty Carnage Tyrant or Ghalta, Primal Hunger

Drover of the Mighty : 3 power mana dork for 2 cmc

Thunderherd Migration : Rampant Growth in Standard, this is a powerful effect for 2 mana and information disclosure

Commune with Dinosaurs : Ancient Stirrings for dinos, this can be a land in the early game or a threat in the mid-late game

Forerunner of the Empire : a tutor to find the right dino for different matchups - synergizes with Regisaur Alpha to wipe X/2's and with Ripjaw Raptor to draw more cards


This is a midrange stompy deck that uses mana ramp and haste to get in under control strategies and to power out big creatures faster than other midrange and aggro opponents.

Turn 1: The goal is to play Commune with Dinosaurs to start fixing our mana or loading our hand. Alternatively, I'll play Shapers' Sanctuary to ensure that I get value off dorks and later threats.

Turn 2: Ramp with Thunderherd Migration , Otepec Huntmaster , or Drover of the Mighty to enable 4 mana by Turn 3.

Turn 3: Profit from the ramp by casting Ripjaw Raptor for board presence, Forerunner of the Empire to tutor for Regi or Carny T, or Ixalan's Binding to gain tempo.

Past this point this deck is looking to slam down big, hasty threats and just race the opponent. Banefire is an awesome finisher against control. 4 toughness is super prevalent in this meta, so Reckless Rage feels really good right now. The 1 mana instant speed removal spell synergizes well enough with Ripjaw Raptor that I chose to include it instead of Lava Coil . Huatli, Warrior Poet is super flexible. Her +2 is relevant against aggro. Her 0 ability is relevant against control. And her -X can break a standoff against an opposing midrange deck.


The extra copies of Banefire are here for the control matchup whose sweepers are oppressive against this.

Deathgorge Scavenger mitigates the advantages of Arclight Phoenix , Find / Finality , and spells with Jump-start. Its self-pump effect can make it become a 5/4 if given haste, and its lifegain effect is relevant against aggro/burn strategies as well.

Ixalan's Binding , Reckless Rage , Savage Stomp , and Territorial Allosaurus allow me to tune or expand my removal package in post-board games.

Thrashing Brontodon gives the deck interaction with artifacts and enchantments which would otherwise only be provided by Ixalan's Binding . The creature is also an effective early blocker in aggro matchups.


Charging Monstrosaur may very well have a place in the mainboard. I need to test the card.

Lava Coil is not conditional removal like Reckless Rage , but I feel it's significant advantage is in exiling Rekindling Phoenix and Arclight Phoenix .

Sheltering Light has the potential to protect a large or crucial creature from a boardwipe or removal spell much like Blossoming Defense from the last Standard. I can't decide if this effect is worth an include.

Vivien Reid would likely be a great include if my budget allowed her.

Tocatli Honor Guard for the Golgari Explore matchup and Adanto Vanguard for the control matchups. These two cards may better utilize the deck's white color splash.


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I went 2-2 in my 3rd FNM this past weekend. Match 1 was against UW control running Teferi, Hero of Dominaria and Gideon of the Trials. I won only Round 2 after creating infinite dino tokens (oppo wasn't able to top-deck Fumigate). Match 2 was against a GB Constrictor deck. I got mana-screwed in Round 1, but won in Rounds 2 & 3 with no problems. Match 3 was against UW control again, this one relying on Torrential Gearhulk and Approach of the Second Sun. Our first round lasted 50 minutes... I decided to concede once my last major threat, drawn from the last 20 cards in my library, was countered. In the remaining 10 minutes, I nearly won Round 2 but then ran out of turns. Match 4 was against the Mardu Vehicles Challenger Deck. I lost Round 1, but won the next two pretty quickly.

The UW control match-up is exhausting. I still haven't figured out the best way to play against it, but my main and sideboards are tuned to it much better now. I decided to main Shapers' Sanctuary and 1-of Carnage Tyrant, since they're effective in any match-up and especially good against control.


Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

19 - 10 Rares

18 - 5 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.79
Tokens Dinosaur 3/3 G w/ Trample
Folders My Decks, Standard Decks, Standard, Dino, decks budget, Standard
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