
Modern* parasitian


adamthetiger says... #1

hey im trying to build the deck now. do you have any suggestions? im deciding between splashing red or keeping it b/g. looting and Lightning Axe make the biggest case to splash, as well as side board Ancient Grudge. what's been good for you? what hasnt worked at all?

July 1, 2015 3:46 p.m.

parasitian says... #2

Hello adamthetiger, I'm going to write a lot so I apologize in advance.

I'm a big fan of red for the sideboard cards but mainly Faithless Looting. Looting makes a bad hand much better, gets bloodghasts and Vengevines in the yard, and allows you to dredge a TON if you draw to dredge creatures with it.

Lightning Axe is not a bad card but ultimately I've cut it because I just don't think it is good enough.

I've been testing every possible card and honestly I still don't know how I want to build my list.

For example, I've tested Dakmor Salvage to get Bloodghasts back in a pinch but coming into play tapped and taking a slot has caused me to cut it (although one day I may add it again)

Another cool idea is having Haakon, Stromgald Scourge and Nameless Inversion in the deck. Haakon is pretty good because it can be cast from the yard to trigger Vengevine but it also helps get gravecrawlers back. Nameless Inversion is every creature type so it is a knight and you can cast it any number of times from the graveyard which allows you to kill a bunch of creatures. I really like this interaction and I might add it back in but it's hard to get both and have the mana to use nameless multiple times.

I've been testing Lightning Berserker because it's a one drop creature (you need a lot of one drops so you can get a T2 or T3 Vengevine easier, you go faithless looting T1 and then cast two one drops on T2 or a one drop and two drop on T3) and you can cast it with its dash cost so you can keep casting it to trigger vengevine (this is very helpful because sometimes it can be hard to get two creatures once you've already triggered Vengevine and you want to do it again) I'm not sure how good the berserker is but for now it is fine.

Some lists run less than four bloodghasts (a lot don't run any) so that is a consideration you should keep in mind. Some lists run Murderous Cut as a removal spell that you can cast for cheap so consider that as well. Another interesting creature is Vengeful Pharaoh because it kills creatures for free just by getting it in the graveyard and it is a zombie for gravecrawler. Drawing it can be very bad but you can dredge so you don't have to.

Some people are testing Flamekin Harbinger because it tutor for Vengevine, Shriekmaw, and Fulminator Mage. I'm not sure how good it is since I haven't personally tested it.

The cards you must run no matter what are four Vengevine, four Gravecrawler, four Lotleth Troll, four Faithless Looting, and some number of Gurmag Angler, Satyr Wayfinder, + Abrupt Decay. Everything else is pretty much up to you.

Hope this helps.

July 7, 2015 6:56 p.m.

adamthetiger says... #3

wow thank you so much

July 9, 2015 5:41 p.m.

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