
My naya deck revised. Most of the description is on the 1.0 on why many green, gruul and selesnaya cards do not make the cut.


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Alright here is a breakdown card for card on why they are in the deck:

Mainboard: Elvish Mystic :

best mana ramp for a 1/1 in standard. it is a must to have a 4 of in ANY green deck that is creature based. If you do without him, your just going to be kicking yourself, you can turn 2 most turn3 mana costs in the deck like a Turn 2 Domri Rade or Courser of Kruphix.

Sylvan Caryatid:

Best 2 drop mana ramp in standard. It is hexproof so any targeting kill cards and burns don't destroy it. It's an 0/3 for 2, its a defender, but its hexproof, very ideal, playable and not overpowered. Only things people waste on it to get rid of it are any cards like Dissolve to counter it or Devour Flesh to make the controller sacrifice it or, Anger of the Gods to kill it. Those are all cards around the same mana cost that will kill it. Of course an overloaded Mizzium Mortars still kills it, and an overloaded Cyclonic Rift still takes out out of the game, but those are after the controller already gets value out of the card. Overall a must to have 3 in a two color deck, and a must to have 4 in a 3 color deck. Great for mana fixings.

Fleecemane Lion:

Great 3/3 for a w and G. Its big enough on Turn 2 to hold back aggro decks, but also get aggressive against mid ranged decks and control decks. Amazing against any for of control if you get it monstrous. My main this of why I put 3 mainboard is that it is an amazing threat that control immediately has to deal with. It pushes control decks to want to have to play Supreme Verdict turn 4 or as quickly as they can to want to kill it usually because they cannot counter it turn 2. Yes there is Essence Scatter and Syncopate. However, Syncopate doesn't always work especially if you have 3 mana to use turn 2. If you are on the play, they are fucked! Once you make control decks in the position where they are wanting to play Supreme Verdict well that next turn you are in control of what you want to play and that means probably a Stormbreath Dragon or Xenagos, the Reveler , something, anything. Then, now you have control of the game against a control deck and u basically have won. There are very few things that get rid of it after it becomes monstrous Devour Flesh and Celestial Flare as far as i know these are the only 2 that kills it. an overloaded Cyclonic Rift gets it off the board.

Mizzium Mortars:

Just a great turn two killer. As far as I know just kills everything in standard turn 2. An overloaded Mizzium Mortars takes out everything in most gruul and selesnaya decks. the only cards it doesn't kill that most greenish decks would play with would be Polukranos, World Eater, Reaper of the Wilds, Arbor Colossus, Deadbridge Goliath, Nemesis of Mortals. Very few cards, but it can race Pack Rat which i see a lot less people playing ever since Bile Blight came out with BNG. Overall great 2-4 of depending on how many colors and what other options you have.

Boros Reckoner:

I at first played a 4 of this card mainboard then cut it down to 3, but if you are playing just white or red or R/W it is a 4 of for sure. If you are splashing just for him, he is a 2-3 of but an amazing card. He isn't good enough for modern, just shy of the mark, but he is an all-star in standard and in limited whoa he is the devil. He is great defensive especially with the ability to give him first stike for a R or W, disgusting. No big creature that doesn't fly wants to attack into him. Offensively he is great, he combo's well with Ghor-Clan Rampager followed up with a second main phase of the fight ability off Domri Rade, you don't want to have to block it either. Straight up kill or cancel spells get around him, but that's not all decks. Against any sort of aggro decks, you want him on your side. He goes great with Boros Charmfoil making him able to take damage but indestructible. Overall totally worth its value, and most times unless they play Hero's Downfall Doom Blade or any Dissolve to cancel it right away, you always see value out of this card.

Domri Rade:

Great 3 drop planeswalker, one of my favorites. All of his abilities are amazing for a 3 drop planeswalker for a creature deck in the colors of R/G splash anything. If you have a lot of creatures in the deck, around 50% of the time you should be drawing an extra card, which is huge. The ability to make your creatures fight an opponents is huge too. If they let you get off the emblem, they might as well scoop because even though it is not a win condition by itself, you play any creature that doesn't get countered and you have basically won. Overall one of the best planeswalkers IMO for cost and value.

Courser of Kruphix:

Great 2/4 for 3. Since it is double green it still syncs well with devotion for the god. it helps slow down aggro decks with its nice 4 toughness. You can play lands off the top of your deck, that is very much like drawing an extra card, and digging through your deck faster. Combos well with Domri Rade if you have both out you can basically get through your deck and win games if your opponent lets you have both out. Gains you life, which can be huge being green, most green cards don't gain you life and splashing white still usually doesn't gain you life. a must 4 of if you have 4 Domri Rade. Overall this card should go for a lot more than it is going for.

Loxodon Smiter

A great 4/4 for 3 mana. Easily could play it turn 2 and threaten any deck. gets killed by Mizzium Mortars but is fierce and super threatening against control decks. If someone Thoughtseize 's you and all you have is land and this guy, you stick your tongue and laugh especially if they are on the pay and first turn it to you. a 4/4 out on your side before you even start, that's fun! Overall just a great super threatening card turn 2 or 3. Great against aggro, and I originally had 3, but I already have a lot of 3 drops.

I will do the 4 drops and sideboard tomorrow.


Revision 1 See all

(10 years ago)

+2 Boros Charmfoil side
-3 Boros Reckoner main
+2 Chained to the Rocks main
-3 Fleecemane Lion main
-2 Flesh / Blood main
+3 Forest main
+4 Mana Confluence main
+2 Mountain main
-2 Plummet side
+4 Polukranos, World Eater main
+2 Sacred Foundryfoil main
+2 Selesnya Charm main
-4 Temple Gardenfoil main
-2 Temple of Abandon main
-2 Temple of Plenty main
-2 Temple of Triumph main
-1 Xenagos, God of Revels main
Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

19 - 1 Mythic Rares

22 - 8 Rares

6 - 6 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.00
Tokens Emblem Domri Rade, Knight 2/2 W w/ Vigilance, Satyr 2/2 GR
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