
Instant (7)

Creature (4)

Sorcery (4)


Budget B/R tribal pirate deck.

The main goal of the deck is to smack face with synergistic pirate creatures, the main payoffs being Dire Fleet Neckbreaker. This will allow pump your pirates and if your lucky enough to play on curve along with other pirates by turn 4 allows a big swing for damage.

Although this does lack haste creatures more typical in more competitive aggro decks it does try to make up for it with evasive creatures such as Fathom Fleet Captain + Kari Zev, Skyship Raider , this will allow you to get damage in. This deck though can be played or pivoted to a more midrange with adjusts see the side/maybe board.

Daring Buccaneer extra cost of revealing another card in your hand is negligible, you should though try to reveal a pirate that you are planning to play after to reduce the amount of useful information revealed.

Removal consists of Lightning Strike + Vraska's Contempt . Vraska's Contempt mainly for planeswalkers and things that cannot be killed by Lightning Strike. Lightning Strike also doubles up as burn of course.

You have cards such as Forerunner of the Coalition + Ruin Raider in order to touter key pieces and also keep your hand full. The low average CMC of this deck will be beneficial to not dying to your own Ruin Raider so thats why there are no CMC 5+ cards.

As a creature heavy deck, you are susceptible to board wipes so adding Duress can allow you to get rid of your opponent's turn 3 or 4 stabilizing board wipes if you are playing behind curve.

Captain Lannery Storm has haste and can help mana fix. Fathom Fleet Captain is evasive and allows you to create more pirates if your opening hand lacks them. Kari Zev's Expertise allows you to take control of your opponents blocker and turn it back on them, also value with >2 cmc and this deck has a lot of >2 cmc cards.


Fiery Cannonade board clear without clearing your board Go Blank graveyard hate Kitesail Freebooter against control cause it is duress on a stick Abrade more removal and artificat hate.

Maybeboard: Upgrades from budget and also possible ways to make the deck more midrange rather than aggro Blightstep Pathway + Blood Crypt to upgrade lang base Fatal Push upgrade removal Thoughtseize upgrade from duress as better hand attack March of the Drowned + Vraska's Contempt + Pithing Needle to make this more midrange


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97% Casual


Date added 5 years
Last updated 2 years
Key combos

This deck is Pioneer legal.

Rarity (main - side)

19 - 0 Rares

15 - 11 Uncommons

8 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.45
Tokens Pirate 2/2 B, Ragavan, Treasure
Folders To Try, budget Pioneer
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