Burn and steal your opponent's creatures to your advantage.
I'm a casual player and I'm fascinated with the sets in the current standard. And deep down on my nerves, I have this desire to create a budget alternative for the top tier "Mardu Vehicles" for some fun and profit during the game. Thus, I have created this homebrew R/B Aggro-Control Deck idea for FNM.
The God Hazoret wants to know if you're worthy enough. The inclusion of card:Hazoret and the Archfiend of Ifnir makes way to an alternative burn when you draw lands on the mid or late game, and using this to slowly kill your opponent's creatures with the Archfiend of Ifnir's -1/-1 ability when you discard or cycle.
The presence of Gonti, Lord of Luxury and Kari Zev's Expertise makes it a perfect mixed of control. You steal your opponents cards to your advantage, leaving them wonder what happened.
The Soul-Scar Mage is a great card to overcome the indestructibility of the Gods and creatures alike.
Got the idea? If you have suggestions, let me tell in the comments below.
Please UPVOTE if you like it! It would be much appreciated if you have suggestions too.The deck is still in the process of playtesting.
Note: You could transform it to Jund. You will just adjust your manabase and add cards to synchronize the mechanics. You could also make use of the white spells or if you're a fan of Gideon then transform it to Mardu.