I played this deck for 4 rounds of FNM on Fiday and 5 rounds of Game Day on Saturday. I also managed to borrow 2 Cavern of Souls from a friend of mine so that helped the mana base quite a bit. I finished 4-5 overall with some mixed results, but very strong game 1s winning 6 out of 9 game 1s.
Round 1
Heartless summoning
Round 2
W/U Delver + Geist of St T
Round 3
Mull to 5 game 1
Mull to 6 game 2
From what I have seen I generally have a good matchup with Zombies because of lifelink and my own blood artists, so I was disappointed that these werent really games. Mulling against a turn 1 gravecrawler and a turn 3 messenger both games is no good.
Round 4
Blue Green Infect
Saturday Game Day
Round 1
Esper Super Friends
Round 2
Esper Solar Flare control
Round 3
Goblins + Burn
Mull to 6 both games
This deck belongs to a friend of mine so I have seen it a lot but just didnt seem to get it going after a slow start.
Round 4
R/B Zombies
Round 5
Naya Humans
The only change I made to the deck was for Saturday I cut one of the Bloodline Keepers in favor of Olivia, but I found that Bloodline Keeper won me a lot of games because of its ability to grind games to a halt and then get big enough that I could kill someone in one shot.
Some of the new thoughts about this deck. Duress was generally underwhelming as I ran into more midrange decks than I had anticipated and ran into a lot of Restoration Angels. I think Sign in Blood Might be helpful to draw cards as life isnt generally a problem with this deck. Im also starting to think about reassesing the combonation of Child of Night and Blood Artist. I dont know if 4 of each is the right number. Comments would be much appreciated.