B/R Vamps

Modern evil_monkey


Moonreader1 says... #1

I would suggest replacing 1 and taking out the 2 SangromancerMTG Card: Sangromancer for Tragic SlipMTG Card: Tragic Slip, Geth's VerdictMTG Card: Geth's Verdict or some other kill/burn spell.

April 15, 2012 7:17 p.m.

evil_monkey says... #2

Thanks for the suggestions. I've updated the deck to the cards I actually have, but I agree with taking out the s. I am weary of making the Bloodlord of VaasgothMTG Card: Bloodlord of Vaasgoths a two of but I will keep it in mind as I do more playtesting. As you can see I have added the Tragic SlipMTG Card: Tragic Slips. Thanks for that suggestion, I love them!

May 8, 2012 7:03 p.m.

IDEAL says... #3

I'd take out 2x Bloodcrazed NeonateMTG Card: Bloodcrazed Neonates, maybe thow in some Grim AfflictionMTG Card: Grim Afflictions or more Volt ChargeMTG Card: Volt Charges.

May 9, 2012 8:22 p.m.

evil_monkey says... #4

Thank you IDEAL, I was thinking about more Volt ChargeMTG Card: Volt Charges but was unsure about what to replace. As per your suggestion I think I'm will start playtesting Grim AfflictionMTG Card: Grim Affliction and Volt ChargeMTG Card: Volt Charge is that spot and I'll let you guys know how it works in the next update. Thank you!

May 9, 2012 8:33 p.m.

AyeDavanita10 says... #5

this deck looks pretty solid dude!well thought, +1 from mei might even take your base ideia and work around it when i buy my new deck i it's ok :p

September 30, 2012 1:41 p.m.

AyeDavanita10 says... #6

you don't really need it, but you could add Blood Crypt

September 30, 2012 1:48 p.m.

AyeDavanita10 says... #7

also i think Dreadbore should be in the main deck,it always come handy

September 30, 2012 1:50 p.m.

AyeDavanita10 says... #8

sorry for 3 posts,but i keep remembering stuff :phave you thought about Bloodline Keeper  Flip ?

September 30, 2012 1:53 p.m.

evil_monkey says... #9

Thanks man, I appreciate it. I think I may run Blood Crypt as a 2 of or 3 of just to increase my mana versatility, but I really don't want to push it when it comes to life loss as I will probably be attacking all out every turn leaving me little in the way of blockers. As for Dreadbore , I love the idea, but unless I run up against planeswalker heavy decks, Tragic Slip does just as good a job IMO. However, I would like to playtesting that idea, as I'm feeling like I'm a little short on removal almost every game. Bloodline Keeper  Flip is great, and I really want to run him, but I'm afraid of how he would impact the tempo of the deck as he doesn't boost himself and remove threats like Olivia Voldaren or protect himself like Falkenrath Aristocrat . However, with a Stromkirk Captain on the BF, he pumps out 3/3 First Strike, Fliers onto the BF and if he flips (which controlling 5 vampires has been a feat for me so far) he will do the same, except they will all be 5/5 p/t. All in all, I think he definetley deserves to at least be play tested, and if he performs well, Olivia Voldaren will probably take a seat on the bench in his stead. Thanks for the comments, they really give me House moments where I can explore the possibilities of a card and Dx my deck lol. Oh, and not to be a dweeb, but I don't think you actually up voted :p.

Feel free to use the idea lol I would be honored lol. Also, I'm thinking I need Cavern of Souls for this deck, but I'm unsure, as the counter spell cards in standard are about to get a lot weaker and I don't really know if it will dilute the mana in the deck. Maybe a 2 or 3 of. Thoughts?

October 1, 2012 11:46 a.m.

AyeDavanita10 says... #10

it's possible i didn't, cause when i clicked it my net was a bit unstableCavern of Souls seem cool, but they way i see it, your creatures have a very low CMC and very few need colourless mana. but still, can't hurt if you try :p

October 1, 2012 1:02 p.m.

ozzynomicon says... #11

look into my version of this deck. ur running the aggro version and im ruinning the control version

October 1, 2012 7:31 p.m.

ozzynomicon says... #12

sorry bout the multiple posts too lol.

i ran against delver 2 weeks ago with this deck. i updated land and removal packages but otherwise quite well gaianst even delver

October 1, 2012 7:32 p.m.

evil_monkey says... #13

Thanks for the comment ozzynomicon. I left you a comment on your deck. I've been leaning towards making this deck more controlling, as the all out creature strategy is just not fast enough.

October 2, 2012 10:55 a.m.

AyeDavanita10 says... #14

October 2, 2012 2:59 p.m.

AyeDavanita10 says... #15

sorry fot the double post :palso Killing Wave ?

October 2, 2012 3:24 p.m.

evil_monkey says... #16

Ha I would love to run the Bonfires but, unfortunately, they are a little out of my price range. I am actually running Killing Wave in my actual deck right now for playtesting, but so far it's been a dead draw for me unless my opponent is just overwhelming me with creatures. Otherwise, it's just as harmful to my side of the field. But I still like it for closing a game out as long as I have a Blood Artist out. I think I will continue playtesting it as a one of to reduce the amount of times it becomes a dead draw.

October 2, 2012 5:36 p.m.

AyeDavanita10 says... #17

far enough :p

October 2, 2012 5:45 p.m.

MtGBowman says... #18


Minus:-1 Slip-2 Brimstone's-2 Olivia's-4 Vigilante's-4 Sign in Blood

Add:+2 Arisrocats+3-4 Rakdos Cackler or Vexing Devils+3-4 Ash Zealots+3 Searing Spear


4xcard:Grafdigger's Cage3xSever the Bloodline 2xBlasphemous Act 3-4xRakdos Charm 2-3xDreadbore

These are just suggestions, i playtested it a few times, and saw a lot of inconsistencies and compared it to my set up, mine ran much faster. IMO, you should think of investing into some Cavern of Souls they will help tremendously. Possibly some Blood Crypt

If you do not like my suggestions, sorry for wasting yer time.

October 2, 2012 10:53 p.m.

evil_monkey says... #19

MtGBowman, suggestions are never a waste of my time. I haven't actually considered most of the RtR cards yet, so seeing some these options available to me is really opening my eyes. It's pretty obvious that I'm a little too stuck in the whole Vampire Tribal thing so seeing the cackler and Vexing Devil is really opening my eyes to a more aggressive strategy centered around my vampires but not totally relying on them. I was already planning on removing Somberwald Vigilante and it seems like Ash Zealot with be a very tidy replacement for him, considering she is still human an therefore a target for sac'ing to Falkenrath Aristocrat . Vexing Devil seems like the strong choice to increase my 1-drop creatures. I'm not really sure about taking out Sign in Blood completely, but I have considered reducing the count. The two card draw has saved in several games before, but having 4 of them has killed me before as well. Searing Spear will help reduce my removal curve and I think you are right to suggest that over Brimstone Volley . Cavern of Souls and Blood Crypt will both help me tremendously and I think my future mana base will look like this:

4 Dragonskull Summit 3 Blood Crypt 3 Cavern of Souls 8 Mountain and 6 Swamp .

I will be doing some playtesting and post an update soon. Thanks so much for all the great suggestions.

October 3, 2012 10:53 a.m.

Thrandir says... #20

I personally am a huge fan of Necropolis Regent just in case you need to push mid game and they are out sizing you, she puts an opponent of the defensive, really, really fast. other than that, i agree with land base change and i'd drop the vigilante's even if you add in a 2 drop like Ash Zealot (double red kinda concerns me tho) albeit, i personally don't run a single human in my r/b vampires, I rely more on killing my opponent's creatures, if you want to see how i put it together, here's a link deck:in-death-power. also, if you could manage to get your hands on one or two Bonfire of the Damned they make the deck so much more of a powerhouse, if you can trade for them, or can afford them that is. well, that's it for my ideas, good start overall!

October 4, 2012 8:46 a.m.

evil_monkey says... #21

Thanks Thrandir. I really like the idea of Necropolis Regent I'm just not sure where I would make room for her :/. The double red of Ash Zealot is also concerning me, but with the shock lands and summits, I should be able to manage decently early, but I am thinking about relegating her to sideboard duty. As for the Bonfire of the Damned s... We can always hope lol.

I like your deck by the way. Seems solid to me.

October 4, 2012 5:04 p.m.

Thrandir says... #22

Thanks! but i'd say drop a vigilante for her, the regent is worth it, even as a singleton

October 5, 2012 5:54 a.m.

evil_monkey says... #23

Ok, so the most recent edits are as follows:

-4 Somberwald Vigilante +3 Vexing Devil +1 Necropolis Regent

and the mana base has been changed to its current rendition.

Any more suggestions, comments, or +1's are welcome!

October 5, 2012 9:07 p.m.

Try running Killing Wave in here. Using that with Blood Artist is always fun :)

October 21, 2012 12:22 a.m.

evil_monkey says... #25

I like Killing Wave and it has won me games, but it has also been dead in my hand a lot too. I'll probably do some more testing, because it's good late if Blood Artist is already out, and I have enough creatures to just sac for lethal. Thanks for the comment bro.

Btw, tried to message you on cockatrice earlier, but I guess you were away lol.

October 22, 2012 4:08 a.m.

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