
Attempted to combine an Olivia deck with a midrange BR deck and this is what i got so far.

Sideboard is still undecided atm because im not quite sure is good in the standard format (hence why im posting on here)

Also, not sure if i need the chromatic lantern or the gilded lotus in here more, i know the lantern helps fix mana but the lotus provides all that raw mana

All in all im just curious if anyone thinks this is even viable (and if not how to fix it) before i go spending and trading for a deck that wont really work lol

I want to get this ready for FNM and start getting into the competitive scene since all ive done are just drafts and two-headed giant so any and all comments are appreciated!!!


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This week went alot better!!! Went 4-1 only losing to Naya because of my own arrogance and stupidity, keeping a no land hand when i had all one cost cards that were black.......but i digress i managed to stay ahead of other red aggro decks and i played a bant exile control deck where it was just o-ring, fiend hunter, detention sphere and anything else that exiles that i had to face....... I went 2-0 in all of my winning matches

Much more satisfied how this deck is going, Olivia was actually slowing this down so she made for sideboard. I was thinking of adding Stonewright but then i think the deck would have to go pure red to make it the most effective........

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Date added 12 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

24 - 4 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 8 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.00
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