BR Zombies

Modern* talon18038


Eskimole says... #1

This looks fine. However, you want to just get rid of the Gilded Lotus and the Chromatic Lantern . Replace them with another Gravecrawler and card:Geralf's Messenger. The only major problem I can see with this deck is having Griselbrand stuck in your hand. I would cut him from the list.

Also, you definitely want to get another 3 Blood Crypt s if you can, and increase the number of lands to 24.


November 23, 2012 10:18 a.m.

MTGNoobs says... #2

So there is plenty of room to fix this.add 1 blood artist, 1 geralf's messenger, 1 gravecrawler, and 1 olivia voldaren. pull out griselbrand, thundermaw hellkite, gilded lotus, and chromatic lantern....also i dont know if liliana has a place here. i like her but I think you would be better off adding some ash zealots....ive won games from ash zealots alone. and then of course id replace the devils play for bonfire of the damned....but thats gonna cost ya...

November 23, 2012 10:20 a.m.

talon18038 says... #3

But wouldnt ash zealots hurt the aristocrat portion of the deck more than help it? I could see it being sideboard but not too sure about main decking it......

Looks like the Lotus and Lantern need to go, so perhaps go with more burn IE. Pillar of Flame?????? Oh and decided to take Liliana out, after playtesting this, she was pretty useless in here, sad as i am to say that.

Something i was thinking of adding in here, especially for those damn token decks, would be Mizzium Mortars

November 24, 2012 12:20 a.m.

Paragon Fury says... #4

I'd say:

Liliana doesn't do much, and Griselbrand is WAAY too expensive....and pretty much requires you to have out Chromatic Lantern or Gilded Lotus to play - and doesn't even really play into a win con here.
November 24, 2012 12:37 a.m.

talon18038 says... #5

One thing i want to know before i go out and play against others, what does a deck like mine have in terms of advantage/disadvantage and how best to sideboard build for those disadvantage times? (obviously if i knew the answers i wouldnt be asking for help :P)

Thank you for the comments; Eskimole, MTGNoobs and Paragon Fury

November 26, 2012 1:10 a.m.

Eskimole says... #6

Traditionaly, you have an advantage over control and combo. You are able to be aggressive enough that you kill your opponent before they have a chance to stabilize. Your deck should be able to beat decks like U/W Flash and Bant Control. However, Bant Control is so good right now that it is able to get over Aggro and beat it, due to cards like Thragtusk .

The weakness of your deck is Control, especially Bant Control. Board sweepers like Supreme Verdict aren't good for you, and you should learn to play around them and bait them out. card:Sphinx's Revelation is also insane, letting the opponent recover life AND get card advantage. To beat them, you have to just keep landing threats every turn that they have to deal with, so that they can't play cards like this, and you eventually crush them. That's why a more effective top-end to Aggro decks is really important right now, as these huge things, like Thundermaw Hellkite mitigate the life gain from Thragtusk and card:Sphinx's Revelation, and keep you in the game.

For the Sideboard, you want to put in cards that are good against different matchups. For example, against control, you want to put in cards that help you in the long-game, and that also have an immediate impact on the board. I would highly recommend moving your 2 Underworld Connections to the sideboard, as well as adding 2 Zealous Conscripts and 2 Appetite for Brains . Against Aggro, you just want to be faster than them, and kill them before they can kill you. Try 3 Bonfire of the Damned , and 3 Pillar of Flame . Then you have deck-specific cards that are really against that one deck. For example, Reanimator is huge. Therefore, you put 2 Cremate in your Sideboard.

November 26, 2012 3:09 a.m.

theonyc says... #7

+2 Slaughter Games sb, my friend plays 4 and says he loves it, its his fav card in standard

November 27, 2012 1:33 a.m.

deckmonster99 says... #8

trying to run all those mountains with geralfs messanger probably will not work for starters. so u might need to chose between the dragon and the zombies. u also need to find better cards than murder and underworld connections there not good cards. your deck just is not that fast either, u have haste on the high end. but first two turns u have hardly any plays. i would suggest running the 2/2 zombie that comes in tapped for 1 mana and maybe rakdos cackler as well. it would be really nice to add green to this deck for rancor also. u dont have trample or speed. so basically u can be blocked by a 1/1 token all game and u dont have the ability to do much damage outside your dragon. your falkenrath aristocrates with suffer also by the lack of speed. u dont have enough creatures to sack to keep it alive making it not that great of a play as well. dreadbore is needed everyone uses planswalkers now days. excess removal, would like to see rakdos's return in there, it's a great card. just the way i see it. ive played alot of magic latly and have seen succesfull decks like this. but they us green, and i think thats what u are missing.

December 1, 2012 10:40 a.m.

deckmonster99 says... #9

by the way u need to drop the mountins and all the red control and your only red should be played from duel lands so u can play your zombies dude. maybe keep some burn but very limited. or the deck wont play right ever.

December 1, 2012 10:48 a.m.

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