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Brago, rightful king of England

Commander / EDH*


This is my take on Brago stax. Honestly I wouldn't have ever built a Brago deck in the first place if I had known it would be stax, or if I hadn't pulled one at my school's free draft night.

But since I have and over time also arms raced with it to play with the more competitive crowd I've come to really enjoy the play style.

Answers and speed bumps are super efficient in magic, almost to the degree of combo. Playing a game of magic where the pulse of the game is really multiple turns per play and every land tap matters may not be fun like a video game is, but it's certainly enjoyable and skill testing in it's own right. (That being said, as a red mage at heart, smashing through a control player faster than they can develop is the best.)

This deck looks to slow the game down significantly with taxes and other denial or restrictions to make time. The deck can break every single restriction it sets in it's own favor to outpace all the other players. It can also combo out for infinite mill or infinite 1/1 flyers or infinite mana and draw into Teferi, than Lab Maniac (winning on the stack off of a Brago trigger.)

The changes to the mulligan rule hurt this deck very badly. Because having symmetric lock cards in the opening hand (stasis, orb, etc) are dead draws the deck became much less consistent. My solution isn't to purely boost land count, but also increase the proportion of lands, draw etb effects and focus my stax a narrower target to retain some consistency while still making cuts.

Just a note about a certain combo that I've chosen to remove. Deadeye Navigator + Palinchron severely under preforms in this deck. Yes it's infinite mana and stupid resilient, but there's no X draw spell to abuse. All of the draw is off ETB triggers, which work fine with deadeye and infinite mana. But it's much easier to get Brago, King Eternal + Strionic Resonator +mana rocks, or untap lands. One of the reasons why is you will be playing cards that slow down your own mana (not nearly as much as everyone else) and that can make 6/7 drops extremely hard to play. Palincron might not even have 7 untap targets when you first get it out, but treachery or faeries likely will. In addition faeries are cheap, never a dead draw and often are the card that breaks your winter orb.

On a similar note, Teferi looks very appealing to drop for the restrictions and flash ability. It's usually a bad idea. It's in the deck to make the lab maniac win very hard to beat at instant speed. It's probably a terrible idea to play the guy unless you're sure that he won't get stolen or killed and reanimated or as an emergency blocker. You have good ways to regain control of stolen creatures, but against Teferi in someone else's control, you probably don't get the chance.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 5 years
Key combos

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

28 - 0 Rares

29 - 0 Uncommons

16 - 0 Commons

Cards 101
Avg. CMC 2.82
Tokens Emblem Venser, the Sojourner, Frog Lizard 3/3 G, Manifest 2/2 C, Thopter 1/1 C
Folders History of the king
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