Brago, The Resourceful

Commander / EDH Johnithanial


Preturbed says... #1

Archaeomancer would be a good fit here, as would Snapcaster Mage. Sower of Temptation would be fun, as you would be able to switch up the target every turn.

December 15, 2014 1:23 p.m.

Johnithanial says... #2

Sower of Temptation is interesting, I'm going to see how useful Treachery is and see if I'd like to have more abilities that gain control of other people's creatures. clearly it is really powerful to take someone else's commander but from my experience that makes them much more upset than if i were to just kill it :P as for the other two, I only run 6 instants and no sorceries so I don't think they are worth the spot in this version of the deck

December 15, 2014 3:48 p.m.

KCisSICKnasty says... #3

Your deck seems very solid! Only things I can think to add are Altar of the Brood, Jace's Mindseeker, and if you wanna really be an ass, Bribery is fantastic with Archaeomancer. Also great on its own. lol +1 from me!

November 30, 2015 9:44 p.m.

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